
Morin The Magus

Humanity has regressed, the once dragon among dragons has become nothing more than a pest that got kicked by the federation it itself created. Enter Morin, a reincarnated individual that comes with a simple system and a quick mind. Don't get it wrong as he isn't THE chosen one, he is just one among many. Fate has finally started its engine, fueled by the past, the karmic cycle shall rotate once again as the fallen dragon opened its eyes once more. Oh foolish prey, beware of humanity's light! BEWARE OF THE GOLDEN ERA!!!

Dramaniako · Fantasie
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13 Chs

Who Are You Again?


Morin entered the classroom once again, his six students were already waiting for him.

"Good morning"

"Morning", Agnik saluted him casually.

"Hm", Thantos nodded.

"Good morning sir", Norn smiled.

""Good morning teacher!"", the girls said simultaneously.

Morin nodded at them all, he then walked to his desk and sat on his chair.

"Today we will learn about a few things, the first is about application of your superpower outside of fighting, Norn! Can you give me an example of what your power can be used for?"

Norn thought for a while before answering the question.

"With my power I can help in stopping machines from overheating and… make ice cones?", he ended his answer with uncertainty.

"Hahaha! That's a good answer, you not only see its uses on the technological side but also on the business side, next is… Agnik!"

"I can become a construction worker, a metalworkers, and a model"

"Hah, keep dreaming man", Thantos snickered.

"You!", Agnik glared at Thantos.

"Good examples, now Thantos!"

"Hahaha! With my power I can be anything!", he declared smugly.

"Except being someone with a chick"

"You wanna fight?!"

"Come here bitch!"

Agnik and Thantos then started throwing insults at each other, Morin decided to ignore them and continued.

"Alright, now Viola!"

"Alright~! My power can be used in the medical world!"

"Good! Bella!"

"I can be an athlete"

"Alright, finally Rina!"

"Yes! I can become a security guard or… a space explorer!"

Morin clapped his hand and smiled.

"Those are very good examples, the reason that I ask this question is so that you guys can think of creative ways to use your superpowers!"

Everyone nodded at the explanation.

"We need to remember that superpowers are not just for fighting, in the current era the use of superpowers to help in our daily life is very essential, according to the recent data it is estimated that without superpowers our economy will be weakened by the minimum of 78%!"

"Isn't this dangerous? What if we suddenly lose the ability to use superpowers?", Thantos asked.

"Is it even possible to lose superpowers?", Viola sneered.

"It is possible, according to research our superpowers is closely related to genetic, we don't know yet if there is a specific gene that controlled what superpowers we get, but it didn't close the possibility of other race with super advanced technology to maybe find this possible gene and designed a way to destroy it, or maybe we would suddenly get a pandemic which attacked people with superpowers? Who knows right?"

The smarter part of the class started to ponder about what they would do if those scenarios happened.

"Alright, now let's continue with the lesson!"

Morin used his smartwatch to project a video in front of the class.

In the video there is a man wearing a tight white spandex suit in the middle of the forest.

The man then squatted before jumping, his jump breaking the area of 15 meters around him and creating a shockwave that uprooted trees 50 meters around him.

He then straightened his arm and legs as he accelerated, he flew through the sky while doing zig zag maneuvers until he reached the outside of the planet.

Even after that he didn't stop, he flew faster and faster as he headed toward the planet's moon.

The students thought that he would do something to change direction or he would hit the moon.

Instead of those scenarios, what happened is that the man punched the space in front of him so fast that his hand movements seemed static.

When a final punch is launched by the man something happens, the space in front of him breaks, creating a rift big enough for him.

The man then entered and the rift slowly closed behind him.

The class thought that that's the end of him, but a few seconds later another rift appeared on the other side of the moon and the man flew out of it.

Everyone cheered in awe as the man continued his flight.

They don't know how but the man kept accelerating, it took him a few minutes to reach the next planet but only a few seconds for the planet after that.

He keeps accelerating until they can only see blur, after exiting the star system everything becomes black.

The students thought that the video had reached its end, but just as Norn was about to raise his hand something happened in the video.

An explosion occurred in the darkness of space, a shower of light brightened the screen as the students finally caught a glimpse of the situation.

The man had hit a giant dead planet, their collision resulted in the planet being split in half.

When looking at the planet everyone realized that it isn't just a dead planet, it's a dead planet that has been turned into a spaceship!

The planet spaceship exploded as it fell apart and the man finally stopped in his tracks.

Everyone finally catches the man's face, his black hair and beard flowing in space, his face full of scars showing that he is a seasoned warrior, and on his body… there is not a single scar.

The students are stunted, the video has left a deep impression in their mind.

Finally the silence was broken when Agnik started to clap.

The others followed him and clapped their hands, the claps became louder and louder and continued for a full minute.

Morin smiled in satisfaction, he then looked at the students.

"Now, who could tell me what his power is?"

Everyone raised their hands simultaneously which made Morin very happy.

"Alright, let's get to it one by one, Norn!"

Norn stood up from his seat and started to explain his answer.

"I think it's super strength! The impact of his jump and his collision with the planet spaceship indicated that a huge force is involved, and he also didn't suffer any damage which is in line with the concept of super strength that also enhances durability!"

"Logical, next Viola!"

"Alright~! I think it's invincibility! Only power that strong could cause what we just watched!"

"Alright, now Agnik!"

"It's obviously armament! That suit must be his superpower which gives him the ability to destroy space and planets!"

"Good, come on Bella!"

"Maybe something stupid like incarnation? Maybe he could use the power of character in a story?"

"Creative, how about you Thantos?"

"Hm, I think it's a higher level of super speed, I noticed his legs vibrating before jumping which I assume as his legs hitting the ground multiple times in a short amount of times, and I think that those punches are so fast that they break space"

"Another logical answer! Now finally, Rina!"

"Perhaps it's something illogical like infinite strength?"

"Nice answer! If this is a test I would give you guys a B for creativity! Sadly none of you are right"

"Then what is it, are you gonna say that he is powerless?", Agnik asked.


Everyone stared at Morin with confusion and shock.

"How the hell is that man powerless?!", Agnik shouted.

Morin just smiled and turned his sight at Thantos who is mumbling.

"I understand! He isn't human!", Thantos shouted in realization.

"Huh? Then why did he look very similar to us?", Agnik asked at Thantos who just shrugged.

"Hahaha! It's close Thantos, the man in the video is a normal man from the era of old humanity millions of years ago! He didn't have superpower as that is the normal power of humans at the time, this video is one of the very few surviving video from the old humanity"

Everyone looked in awe at Morin, they never thought he would use such a precious thing to teach them.

Well everyone except Thantos who still didn't quite get the common sense of this world.

"But how did you have it teacher?", Viola asked.

"This is just a copy, I helped the people that found it to decode and repackaged the video so it can be played by the current device, they didn't care about this one because it's just a copy", he shrugged.

Seeing Morin shrug, everyone except Thantos had a headache.

'Why did you treat the finding of a historic artifact so casually?!', Everyone thought in their mind.

Morin then looked at his smartwatch and found that his teaching time was about to end.

"Alright, the reason that I showed you guys this recording is to make you understand that there are other stronger, more special races out there"

Everyone nodded in understanding, they knew that humanity has fallen but now they understand how far that fall is.

"I hope you guys can be careful out there, always be cautious and never let your guard down, that's all I can say for today, my time is running out"

Morin grabbed all of his stuff and walked to the exit.

"See you tomorrow!"

"See ya", Agnik saluted casually.

"See you tomorrow Sir!", Norn waved.

"See you", Thantos said while grabbing his own stuff.

""See you tomorrow!"", the girls said simultaneously before laughing together.


Morin closed the classroom door and walked away.

Just as he was about to exit the school through the school gate he noticed a male teacher leaning on a wall near the gate.

"We meet again, my rival"

The male teacher tried to act cool.

Morin went silent for a while as he tried to find the man in his memory to no avail.

"Uh, who are you again?"

"Gah! I'm your rival Heizen! Heizen Track!"

After hearing the name a memory surfaced in Morin's mind.

"Ah! You are that man beside professor Luck! You change so much I can't recognize you"

"Ahahaha! I, Clove have followed a strict routine these past few years! I have lost a bunch of weight and become even more handsome! Ahahaha!"

"Alright… anyway goodbye Clove!"

Morin quickly entered his car and stepped on the pedal as hard as he could.


Clove tried to stop Morin but his car was too fast, it took only a few seconds for Morin to become a dot in the sky.