
Morin The Magus

Humanity has regressed, the once dragon among dragons has become nothing more than a pest that got kicked by the federation it itself created. Enter Morin, a reincarnated individual that comes with a simple system and a quick mind. Don't get it wrong as he isn't THE chosen one, he is just one among many. Fate has finally started its engine, fueled by the past, the karmic cycle shall rotate once again as the fallen dragon opened its eyes once more. Oh foolish prey, beware of humanity's light! BEWARE OF THE GOLDEN ERA!!!

Dramaniako · Fantasie
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13 Chs

Fighting Ability Test


A stone quickly hit the bird before it could chirp another word.

"Stupid bird", Morin grumbled.

Currently he is doing his daily exercise to make himself forget what happened in yesterday's lesson.

Morin has always prided himself in his knowledge and wisdom, sadly it seems that the universe is forcing balance upon him as out of everything that he brings to this life his carelessness just happened to be one of it.

After finishing his exercise Morin quickly takes a cold bath, he prefers it over the hot bath because he could feel his stress leaving him as the water falls on his body.

He then wore his clothes and checked his email, he had used an A.I to sort everything according to their importance and deleted the useless one.

"Hm, it should be today… Aha! Here it is"

Morin opened one of the emails and read it with excitement.


Dear Mr. Sol

The board of directors of the Tesla Foundation at its 147th yearly meeting has reached a conclusion.

After a series of consideration we have decided to award you the Nikola Award, the awarding ceremony will be performed on 13th of July this year.

The location of the ceremony is on the 17th floor of the Eltraz Hotel, please also prepare a presentation for the academic exchange that will happen after the ceremony.

Yours sincerely,

Collin D Raul

Executive Secretary


"Hm, it's in half a year huh? It's plenty of time to prepare, I hope I didn't forget about it"

Morin closed his email and began to type on his keyboard.

"Let's see, yesterday I finished calculating the Bryon conjecture, wait it's Bryon theorem now, now I just need to fuse it with the other theorem to finish my theorem"

He picked his smartpen and closed the keyboard, then he started writing line and line of calculation on the holographic screen.

His hand writes faster and faster as he progresses through the calculation.

Days went by, on the third day Morin obtained a spark of inspiration and his writing speed became untraceable to the naked eyes.

4 days, that's the amount of time Morin spent writing his calculation non stop, if it isn't because of his superhuman physique he would have fainted due to exhaustion.


The smartpen wrote the last line of calculation, Morin smiled delightfully as he checked the calculation once more.

Not finding any errors he quietly falls on the sofa and sleeps.


Morin entered the classroom once again, there were already the previous 6 students waiting for him on their desks.

"Good morning"

""Good morning teacher!""

Morin walked to his desk and put a small machine he brought on the table.

"Today I'm going to test your fighting ability, this right here is a holographic constructor that will help me"

Everyone looked at it with interest, it's their first time having a hologram helping them in fighting.

Morin then turned the device on, then suddenly many particles of light appeared in the air before condensing into the form of an old butler.

"Nidas online, what can I help you with sir?", the holographic butler kneeled at Morin.

"Today you will help me assess their fighting ability", Morin pointed at the students.

"With pleasure sir"

Then Morin opened the note of his smartwatch before calling the students.

"Alright, who wants to g-"

Agnik immediately lifted his hand.

"After I defeat this old man I will defeat you!", he declared.

"Hm, please go to the stage first", Morin nodded.

As Agnik was walking to the stage the other looked at him with different emotions.

Norn looks worried, Thantos is scanning the hologram and machine, while the girls are busy among themselves.

"Giving me a new superpower is your worst decision, this will be easy peasy"

The butler, Nidas answered with a smile as he waited for Morin's countdown.

"Alright, three! Two! One! Fight!"

Agnik opened with a quick dash followed by a left hook, which Nidas countered with a swift dodge to his right.

A tripping motion followed Agnik's attack which Nidas evaded with a backward jump.

At this moment Agnik is starting to get irritated, he quickly chained hooks, jabs, and an uppercut to no avail as Nidas evaded them all like a walk in the park.

Finally Agnik unleashed his ultimate move, his superpowers.

Claws manifested on his hands as he started to claw at Nidas at faster and faster rate, cornering him to the wall.

As the room for his movements got smaller and smaller, Nidas abruptly stopped in his tracks.

Taking this as an opportunity, Agnik clawed at Nidas, hoping to finally defeat Nidas.

Unfortunately that didn't happen as Nidas just crouched and kicked Agnik cleanly on his stomach, sending him flying to the back of the classroom.

"Cough! Cough! God dammit!"

Agnik tried to stand up but he was having a hard time breathing as the kick knocked air out of his lungs.

He slowly walked back to the stage to fight again but Morin had finished his evaluation.

Morin displayed the result in front of the class.


[Agnik Pyre]

Awareness: C-

Adaptation: C

Experience: C

Score: C


"Fuck you man! How the hell did the hologram even manage to hit me?! Aren't they just light?! I want a rematch!"

The students ignored Agnik's rant as they are too surprised that the holographic butler could do a real hit.

"This is a new tech, also no rematch, who wants to go next?"

Agnik kept screaming and trying to pick a fight with Morin until Norn dragged him back to his seat.

The test then continued as each student fought Nidas one by one and ended up getting their ass kicked.

The final result of the test is then showed in front of the class.


[Viola Ivy]

Awareness: D+

Adaptation: D-

Experience: E+

Score: D



[Norn Tundra]

Awareness: C

Adaptation: C+

Experience: D-

Score: C



[Thantos Null]

Awareness: C+

Adaptation: B

Experience: C

Score: B-



[Rina Kurt]

Awareness: B-

Adaptation: C-

Experience: D-

Score: C-



[Bella Yurk]

Awareness: C-

Adaptation: C-

Experience: C-

Score: C-


"It's better than my estimation at least"

Everyone started to get ticked off, they thought how could they fight a hologram that fights like a veteran of war?

"You bastard! Fight me!"

Agnik jumped to the stage and rushed at Morin, meanwhile Morin just stared at him.

A hammer suddenly manifested in his hand as he used it to strike Morin.

To answer his attack Morin lifted one of his hands and sent a telekinetic wave at Agnik while muttering something.

This immediately threw Agnik to the back of the class once again, garnering the awe of everyone but Thantos who twitched his eyebrows.

'Is that an anime reference?'

"You… Bastard!... Cough! You have telekinesis!"

Morin shrugged then ignored Agnik as he continued with the lesson.

"All Right, I have gathered enough data, tomorrow we will have real training so prepare yourself!"

Norn raised his hand and Morin let him speak.

"Sir, tomorrow the training field will be used by the sports team, I think we wouldn't be able to use it!"

"Hm, thank you for telling me, alright it's decided that the training will be done in my house tomorrow at noon! I will send the location later"

Everyone nodded except Agnik who is still staring dagger at Morin.

"All right, dismissed"

Everyone exited the classroom, but as Thantos was about to follow Morin called him.

"Thantos, can I speak to you for a bit?"

Thantos nodded and approached Morin.

"Yes sir?"

"Sit first", Morin grabbed a seat from a desk and floated it near Thantos.

Thantos nodded and sat on the chair, he act innocently on the outside but inside he is very wary.

"So, what do you think?"

"Think about what?", Thantos confusedly asked.

"About this new world"

Thantos's eyes widened as he is shocked at the implications of Morin's word.

"You… knew?"

"Well I would be blind if I didn't, sudden change in behavior, sudden change in academic performance, hell you even seem to realize the reference I made!"

"Then, what are you gonna do about it?"

Thantos started to become wary, but Morin's answer relieved him a little bit.

"I want to help you"

"Help me? Are you the same as me?"

"No, I was reincarnated here"

"Reincarnated huh?"

"How is your earth?"

"My earth? I didn't live on earth, I live on Mars"

This time Morin's eyes widened.

"What are the years of your death?"


"Ah, so you are from the future, interesting!"

"What about you?"

"Me? I died in 2071"

"Damn, you are an old man"

Thantos grinned at Morin which earned him a punch on the head.

"That hurts man…"

"Anyway what cheats do you bring here? Mine is a quest system"

"Damn a system?! I just got to bring the A.I brain chip that I invented!"

"Bah, my system is lazy, it have only given me 4 quest since my birth"

"Damn, what is the reward?"

"Just some points for evolution, if you can call it that, what about you?"

"Mine can scan, calculate, and do stuff like controlling my bodily function, even though I didn't remember programming that"

They talk for a while until it's time for the next class, at which Thantos excuses himself.

Morin watched as Thantos exited the classroom, then as the door closed his golden eyes dimmed a little bit.

'His aura is cold on the outside and warm in the inside, like a butterfly encased by its cocoon, there is also that little thing fused with his soul which I will assume to be his A.I, he fit the criteria'

He then opened his note once again, this time opening a secret section.

'Agnik, his aura is like a burning star reflecting his personality, he fit the criteria'

'Norn, his aura is like a flickering flame, with the right amount of help it could be a warm bonfire that keeps the darkness away, he fit the criteria'

'Rina, her aura is like a warm wind, with the other's help she could bring hope to this dark era, she fit the criteria'

'Bella, her aura I can only describe as a fanged flame, her will to protect manifested as a flaming entity that's ready to tear her enemies apart, she fit the criteria'

'Viola… Her aura is in a constant struggle, her flame is fighting for the stability of her soul against the cold darkness that's devouring it, she needs supports before she fit the criteria'

Morin closed the note then started thinking about many things.

He closed his eyes and sighed before taking his stuff and started walking to the exit.

The door closed as only an empty classroom is left.