
Moonlight Enchantment

Welcome to the Fantastical Kingdom of ChandShikhar, Where Moonlight Protects, Inspires and looks after all the people under its care. The Magic that weaves together the lives of everyone in the land that worships the moon and its light. The Sacred Magic locked away and forgotten to keep out evil will catalyze the blending of two very different personalities and make them realize the meaning of love. Darpan, an introverted traditional Indian boy, who loves art and people. He's very satisfied with his daily life , be it helping his Mom with household chores, correcting the finance records of his father, teaching little sister Chaya or trying to quell the fire of neverending rage between Amina and Aryan. He doesn't want or need change in this happy little nest of his. Then why in the world is he struggling to not let the beautiful stranger Vihaan in his little world. What are these excruciating and painful surges of emotions that he feels? He can feel his world spin at an incredible speed. Vihaan, a man of many mysteries and a charming smile. A wandering spirit that is captivated by the human definition of beauty and skill called ' Darpan'. The way the boy laughed at his jokes, scowled at him, or reprimanded him- everything he did was just imprinted in his mind. Why was he so obsessed with a guy? He thought all he needed was the completion of his goal as an ideally- driven man then what is this thing that keeps him awake at night wanting a specific someone's affection? This is the tale of the two bright boys walking different paths who don't know that their destination is one. Join them in discovering that something more powerful than Moon Magic exists. Let's find out together how they saw the reflection of dawn in each other. ------------------------------- " You love me?" " I don't. I worship you." -------------------------------- A.N - This story is a work of fiction based on Hindu and Islamic history references, mythology and Culture. Not based on true events and does not describe reality in India or any Hindu or Islamic state. Made for entertainment purposes and does not wish to educate on matters of religious politics or Hindu/ Islamic Culture as a whole. warning: This is a boy love story , if you are uncomfortable please leave and don't read. It's rated-18 in some chapters. I will mark them as such so please skip them if you are uncomfortable . Also the art does not belong to me. I don't have credits but I just edited it.

Peachpen_writes · LGBT+
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20 Chs

Chapter 13 -Eyes on you

Darpan and Aryan glanced at each other before Aryan slowly nodded, still hesitant and cautious of this stranger.

Shashi just smiled in response and rushed to Ashmit's side to take over some of his load. Ashmit who had trouble walking with three bags plastered to his front was more than happy for the generous action of the man. After taking 2 bags from Ashmit, Shashi flinged it over his shoulder and suddenly stopped in front of Darpan.

"Can I?" Shashi asked stretching out his hand towards the brown bag hanging by Darpan's waist.

Even though he didn't touch it , Darpan immediately reacted by clutching the bag harder and pushing it behind his back. An awkward silence passed between them before Darpan spoke up.

" I'm sorry. It isn't like that. It's just that- that I ... it's really important to me. So I ... can't risk misplacing it. I hope you understand. " Darpan peered at him with hope that he wouldn't question him further on it. Just the thought of anyone finding out what he possessed was terrifying in itself.

" No No, not at all. I was just asking anyways. Do you need me to carry anything else for you?"

Shashi replied smiling sweetly . His face and demeanor resembled that of a puppy even though his position and strength were far opposite to that. Darpan couldn't help but smile back .

" No. It's fine! You're already doing so much for us."

Darpan politely refused any more help from him. He was already carrying three heavy bags and darpan could not possibly ask for more from a person who barely even knew them. All Darpan knew was this kind gentleman had quite probably given up his own work to help them so much. He was a good royal servant.

" So .... Do you have somewhere to go? Like your relatives house or an inn?"

Shashi asked as they got past the market crowd and were in the city streets with more space.

" Oh. We don't really have any relatives here. We just came here to buy stuff for an event back in our town. So we would probably only stay here for a day or two. "

Darpan clarified as they walked through the now broader streets. He swore he felt so fresh with air rushing in into his lungs. The space back there was so much more suffocating but maybe he hadn't realised that earlier because of the situation they were in.

" Alright. So I take it that you don't have any place to stay here rather than an inn or a motel . Right?? In that case, why don't I show you a good inn?. I promise you'll have a wonderful stay there. What do you say, young man?"

Shashi turned towards Aryan who just shrugged in response and looked away.

" Ohh. That'll be great. Tell me, do they have any rasgullas*? I have been craving them since I came here. "

Ashmit chimed at the mention of a good service. What service could be greater than feeding people,huh?

Shashi chatted along with Ashmit and Darpan whilst Aryan grumbled in the back for how nosy the strange man was.

They continued walking for a while before stopping in front of what looked like no less than a mansion.

" Alright, here we are! This is the inn I was talking about. The Parijatak Pushp Saray* !"

Shashi announced as the three boys looked dumbfounded.

" Yo! Royal man, isn't this a .... Mansion?Where did you take us?"

Aryan inquired . He already didn't like this jerk and now he takes them to a mansion instead of an inn? Was he trying to insult them and shove the richness into their faces?

" Shashi-ji, you said it's a good inn. I think you forgot we are commoners. It doesn't look like a Saray despite its name. Oh! Wait- theyust serve more than just rasgullas then! Oh the delicacies- I can smell them! C'mon, let's get inside."

Ashmit urged as soon as he sniffed the faintest whiff of the dishes being made in the Rasoi*

Shashi was about to open his mouth when he glanced at Darpan who was in shock and awe. His jaw hanging low almost touching the ground. As soon as he felt Shashi's eyes on him, he quickly straightened himself up , calmly wiping the corners of his mouth in case he accidentally drooled.

" Shashi-ji. This.... isn't possibly a Saray, right? It looks like its a home to a rich millionaire. So big, so white and ... Beautiful." Darpan whispered looking upwards at the flawless building made of spotless white marble. It looked like it belonged in a fairytale.

Shashi just chuckled lightly at the reactions of the boys before setting down the luggage he'd been holding. He turned around to face the trio graciously, fixing his already perfect attire and hairdo as he spoke in a monotone voice.

" Namaste. This is your tour guide Shashi. Today I present to you the most famous inn in Chandranagar - The Parijatak Pushp Saray, Also known as the Chandranagar Samuday Bhavan( Community Mansion)."

He stopped to stare at the very clueless faces in front of him before continuing.

" This place caters to the tourists and travellers that visit here and provides a comfortable and simple stay. The entire inn is run by the widows of the soldiers of our nation who belonged to Chandranagar. The fund is covered entirely by the government in form of investment, salary and costs of all necessities. It was built approximately 6 years ago by the Late Majesty - our ruler. And yes if you still are wondering - it is in-fact a white marble mansion. That's all."

He finished with a bow toward his hypothetical clients.

"Waah! This is actually an Inn? Oh, they must serve royal dishes here, right? I wonder if the food isf the rich is tastier than us commoners. "

Ashmit ranted about the pleasent aroma of the high quality meals prepared there when his stomach suddenly grumbled.

" Oh ! My tummy wants to know too!" He exclaimed.

Darpan quickly was taken over by worry.

" But Shashi ji- won't this kind of service be... expensive? I think I heard a bit about this and I don't think it serves commoners. It looks to me more like a fancy motel for the rich and noble tourists."

He expressed his worry about the cost of say at this place. Of all things it does, it definitely doesn't seem cost effective.

" Oh,no. Who says that? It serves anyone who is able to pay the entry fees. It's only 50 Rupayya anyways." Shashi said it as a matter of fact that someone should have known.

Darpan visibly gulped and immediately stopped Shashi from picking up the bags and continuing inside. As soon as Darpan grabbed his arm, Shashi looked at Darpan, with an emotion he couldn't quite decipher but he had more important things to sort out now.

" It's 50 Rupayya per person? Shashi ji- I don't know if you heard our conversation back there but in terms of money we have literally no money. It's all for the stuff we should be buying. I don't think it would be great to waste it on a fancy inn. I hope you-"

Darpan was cut off by Shashi suddenly placing a finger on Darpan's lips .

" It's absolutely free for you guys though. Who said you were going to pay the entry fees? Mind you- you are going to be referred by a member of the Imperial Army. And might I remind you that I am the guarding officer of this city? "

" What... What does that mean?" Darpan meekly asked as soon as Shashi's fingers were lifted from his lips.

" That means you're getting in for free! I'm paying!"

Shashi exclaimed, grinning as if he just told the greates news in history to them.

Darpan was quite shook. He took back what he said about Shashi being a good loyal servant.

" But! That's not right , how can we enter without paying the -uhh!" Darpan was once again cut off by Ashmit and Aryan who pulled him to the side.

" Bhaiyya! Are you crazy!??" Aryan whispered. " We get to live in a mansion, for two days, for absolutely no fee! Why would you say that?" Darpan felt like he could see the fire of needs burning in his brother's eyes.

" Yes! Just think about all the lovely food we'll get to eat! The wine- oh the wine too! This is our chance, it's all free . We really got lucky Bhai! Don't refuse, please!"

Ashmit pleaded again.

" Aryan, Ashmit I understand, but weren't you the one who grumbled about how shady Mr. Shashi is? What changed now? "

Darpan asked in a hushed whisper while glancing back to Shashi who just stood there staring at his hand.

Aryan looked down nervously, and said

" I thought the guy was a scammer too. Still don't like him, but Bhaiyya, he is loaded for sure. Don't let Lakshmi * just go away like that from under our grasp okay? It's better to not use any of ours;Just say yes! Please, please?"

His words paired with the innocent look Ashmit and Aryan gave him made him unable to say No.

" Fine! Let me go!" Darpan muttered as went back to where Shashi still stood mindlessly staring at his hand. He let out a deep sigh before calling out to him.

" Shashi ji, I must say that you've done so much but I can't refuse the offer when you insist so much. Thank you so much for that"

Darpan humbly joined his hands but Shashi just clasped them as soon as he got out of whatever trance he was in.

" Oh. Please don't! Don't join your hands in front of me.! I only did what I did as a part of my responsibility towards my job. I failed at avoiding the scammer incident from ever happening. So it's really just a small repayment for the troubles you had. Anyways, let's quickly go in?"

Shashi picked up the bags and gestured the others to follow him inside. Darpan looked back in an attempt to viciously glare at the younger boys but was met with excited , smiling faces; With Ashmit giving him a thumbs up too. He couldn't help but giggle at their childish silliness.

As soon as they got inside, a lady dressed in a white saree greeted them . All the arrangements and payment was handled by Shashi as the three countryside boys just watched in awe. The shimmering golden Jhoomars*, The rich black Silk mats laid out in the other side of the hall for the less wealthy tourists. The seating area with Glossy carved wooden seaters and Silk covered couches. The long shining windows of the hall that brought such generous amount of golden soft sunlight.

It was all so beautiful and lavish.

When they were done, Shashi gestured them to follow him. Darpan really thought that they would get the black mat but was met with surprise when Shashi just grabbed his hand and gestured towards the stairs and the floors. Oh.My .God- was the only reaction Darpan could give at this point. He was brought to a mansion on his first day here and was also getting a room instead of the mat?? This was the craziest lucky day of his life.

After they climbed the stairs and found their rooms, Shashi set down the bags in one of the opened rooms.

" I'm sorry I could only get two rooms. They said no other rooms are available right now. So I hope you will adjust somehow. And - here's everything that you need . You can freshen up and rest for a bit and then come down for lunch. It's almost 2 pm." Shashi smiled as he turned around to leave but Darpan called out for him.

" Shashi-ji! Rooms require a separate fee don't they ? You paid more than just 50 rupayaa per person.This-".

" Nah! Don't worry about that. I already told you. It's all for my duty. Alright?"

" No. I must still thank you properly. At least let us pay half the price that you spent here. You did so much for us despite not even knowing our names. Thank you so much! I can't possibly thank you enough."

Darpan bowed in an attempt to show his utmost sincerity but Shashi stopped him.

" Alright, Alright. It's enough. If you really want to thank me so much then do one thing. Tell me your names. Didn't you say I helped you without knowing your names? Then Mr. Thankful, Please do me the honour of letting me know your name?"

Shashi smiled brightly again looking directly in Darpan's green irises.

" Oh?... Uh.. My name is..Darpan."

He said, quite perplexed by Shashi's request. He could have let him return the money but this? What good would knowing their names do in this situation? He could have asked it casually too.

" I'm Aryan, nice to meet you" Aryan introduced himself from the back while nudging Ashmit.

" Ah! I'm Ashmit. And Thank you!"

He giggled happily after his introduction. Shashi just Smiled warmly and shook hands with Ashmit.

" Now that we've met the necessities, would my dear friends please take a rest and come down for lunch? I hope to see you three there! Till later then!"

Shashi yelled as he was already down his way on the stairs across the corridor.

' Darpan huh? ' He thought of the beautiful man he met today by chance. He had no idea why and what he felt ever since he locked eyes with him but it sure made him smile at the mere thought of this man.

' I have my eyes on you then, Darpan -ji '

He thought as he made his way into the seating lounge, hoping to see a lot more of this new young man.


1.Rasgulla - An Indian dessert( please look it up)

2. Parijatak Pushp- The name of a flower that blooms in the night.

3. Saray- Also known as or similar to o Dharmshaala. Not equivalent but similar to inns or hotels in olden times.

4. Jhoomar- A ceiling decoration, very similar to a chandelier.

5. Lakshmi - The Hindu godess of Wealth and prosperity. In this context they're directly referring to money as Lakshmi.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Peachpen_writescreators' thoughts