
Moon University

Third Person POV

"Are they awake?" headmistress Anne asked.

"Not yet," Zein replied, looking at them lying in their bed. It's been two days since they arrived at the Moon University, and still Luke and Zane are unconscious. Using too much of their magic power causes them to get fatigued.

"I hope they will wake up soon. Don't worry about the enrollment. Vary will take care of that for now. Look at them," Headmistress Anne walked out of the room and headed to her office.

"Now tell me what happened," the Headmistress said as she arrived in her office. Captain Marlon and Vary were already in her office to talk about the incident as soon as Anne was seated on his chair. Captain Marlon tells every detail of what happened.

"After that, before they fell on the floor, Carlo and Zein caught them. When we recovered, we set sailed and arrived at MU," and he sipped some tea.

"What do you think?" Anne asked while looking at Vary.

"Don't you see any suspicious around you when that happens?" Vary asked.

"Nope, since it's in the middle of the night and our only lights were Zane and Luke," the Captain answered.

"What do you mean light?" Anne asked

"Whether you believe it or not, they serve as a beacon,n a graceful Angel in the dark sky and blue Phoenix was roaming the sky," Captain while mesmerized by the event.

"The two royals are expectedly strong, but the boy is even more unexpectedly strong," the captain smirked; the lady seemed confused about what the captain was talking about.

"Your University is fortunate to have three strong and powerful students. I expect things to be more enjoyable," and the captain stood up.

"Excuse me, Ladies, but I need to check my ship before leaving. "he bid goodbye walked away, and left the room.

Vary and Anne look together, still wondering how that happened. "You think someone does it on purpose?" and she looks at Vary

"Yeah, I think someone wants to infiltrate or attack the university," she replied.

"I'll go check the defense." Vary stood up, walked out, and headed to the defense area of the island. The island shape is like a Crescent Moon. One side is flat like a typical island, while the other side is a cliff in the middle of the island located in the three mountains where the University is built.

Luke's POV

I opened my eyes, and it was a little bit dark. I raise my upper body to better look at the place; I see Zane sleeping on the other side and Zein, also asleep, sitting in the coach. Judging the site, it seems like we are in a clinic.

"You're awake," a cold tone. I look at Zein, who is staring at me.

"Yeah, did I wake you up?" I asked, and he shrugged his head.

"Both of you laid in bed for two days since we arrived at the University."

"Oh, we already arrived at the university," and I lay back in bed again.

"Did Zane regain consciousness?" I ask

"Yeah, this afternoon," and I just nodded.

"The Doctor said that if you wake up, we are good to go since you get fatigued."

"Okay, thank you for looking for us," and I closed my eyes and let my dream take over.


Here, we are in the unit where we will live for the rest of the year.

"Our place is surely big," Zane commented.

And yes, the three of us will live here. It is just that I don't know, we're particular, so let's say we are an elite student. Our unit has a living room, kitchen, dining table, and a Comfort room. It also possesses ten bedrooms; yes, this little unit has ten bedrooms. After we chose our bedroom, we immediately fixed our things by placing them in our cabinet. My bedroom has a suitable bed for me, one study table and chair, one large cabinet, a floor mat, one painting and one headlamp. After I finished unpacking, I left my room and headed to the living room.

"Headmistress Anne told me not to worry about the enrollment since she handles it," Zein spoke

"Could you tell us the university's dos and don'ts? Since you're one of the smartest in three of us," Zane said. She's wearing fitted shorts and a loose shirt.

"There are things that you need to familiarize. On the forest side east of the cliff, it is forbidden for the students of the University. Only the villagers are allowed to go there. The curfew is from 10:00 pm to 4:00 am every weekday. School uniforms should be worn on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. PE uniforms every Combat class, Physical class, and Training session. Standard uniform every Tuesday and Thursday. No use of Magic to harm students and destroy school property. Every Friday at 6:00 pm, we have a mandatory dinner with all of the students and faculty of the university. That's all you need to know," and he closed the book he was reading.

"And yeah, school's gonna start next week Monday," Zane said

"Let's go to the village?" I spoke and gazed at them, and both looked at me. Zane smiled at me, and Zein just stared at me.

"Yeah, that's a nice idea. I'll go change," and Zane headed to his room.

"I'm gonna change too," I excuse myself and walk to my room. After I changed, I left my room and headed to the village. We arrive in the town with many boutiques, bookstores, and random items.

"What do you want to buy here?" Zein asked

"I just want to look around here and buy if I like to buy one," and I smiled.

We roam the village and look for something we want to buy. We enter a shop boutique shop. Zane immediately checks the jewelry section. They have different jewelry, from necklaces, bracelets in the leg, chokers, earrings, ear cuffs, and rings.

"Can I look at this, this, and this?" While pinpointing the jewelry, the lady took it and presented it to us. A silver nylon lace with a shining blue orb has a slight shade of mint green. The other is a ring suitable for pinky fingers; it is thin silver and has some small details engraved. Lastly, a silver ear cuff has a blue lining.

"I'll take this necklace," and Zane grabs it and puts it on his neck, and she looks at her reflection in the small mirror on the side.

"It suits you well, ma'am," the lady praises her.

"Which one will you get?" Zein as,k and he looks at me

"This one," and I grab the ear cuff and put it on my left ear. I check the mirror, and it suits me. I touched my ear and focused on putting in some of my magic.

"It's looking descant well on you," Zein said, grabbing the ring and putting it on his pinky finger on the right.

"How much for of all this?" Zane asks

"It's 5,000 rupees." Zane took out her I.D., our University I.D., which is our debit card. It's where our money is stored. So it will be convenient all the time.

After the Lady made the transaction, we left the establishment and headed to buy some snacks, but the food establishment was full of students, so we went to the Market to purchase cooked food. We bought some meat, veggies, fruit, and also some bread. We return to the University to cook the food we eat.

Zein cooks the food we buy since he's the only one who knows how to cook since I'm not good at cooking and Zane doesn't know how to cook.

"Zein is my cook in the Palace; he's good at cooking; our Mom taught him to cook," and he smiled faintly.

After Zein cooked the food, we started to eat it, and it was so delicious. Every flavor blended into my mouth, the tenderness of the meat. After we ate, Zane washed the dishes, and we did our leisure, Zein and me reading books while Zane was watching a movie.