
The Angel and The Blue Phoenix

Luke's POV



A loud noise comes outside, "What's happening" Zane, who also just wake up.

"I think something is happening," Zein said and grab his jacket and opens the door

"I think we should come," I said and both of us follow Zein, when we arrive at the dock, Zein immediately asked what is happening

Carlo pointed in front of us and we look in that direction, and a large Octopus as large as the ship, bigger than a normal one.

"Is that a Poicus?" Zane pointed at the enormous octopus

"A rank A Poicus and it is enchanted" Carlo answered.

"Captain I think it,s gonna attack" a shout coming from the outpost, the Poicus moves its long tentacles and sway it toward us.

"Is the barrier ready yet?" the Captain asked

"It is not yet ready Cap" Carlo answered.

"On it"

Zein raised his hands and started to cast a spell "Earth magoi: Barrier" in a snap the ship is covered with a brown-colored barrier.

"Incoming" the guy in the outpost shouted, a larger group of thorn is headed in our way,

"Zane" his twin brother called, we look at Zane and she started to glow, "Light Form" she cast, "Valkary Armour" as the glow disappear, Zane was wearing an Armor Yellow Armor while holding a Spear Lance.

Zane flew in the sky and stop in the midway and pinpoint she raise her Spear Lance, "Light Magic; Light Spear" after her cast tons of light spear we're created, she pinpoints her lance in the poicus and the light spear flew towards the thorns.

"Amazing" Carlo was amazed, The sky was filled with yellow light dashing in the poicus like a shooting star.

"She is sure a powerful royalty" Captain commented

Her spear and the thorns created a large smoke as they collided.


"Stay alert" Captain orders and all of us become wary of what may happen next.

The poicus spits tons of acid balls were splats in barrier and Zane were just avoiding it since it can't deflect the balls of acids, the acid nearly covered the whole ship, it's a relief that we have a barrier.

"Should we kill the Poicus" I asked, We stopped sailing and the poicus is just near to us, and there is no such movements, and waiting for the next attack of the poicus.

"We have no choice"

"We'll take care of the defenses," Carlo said, and his captain agreed.

"then we will take care of the Poicus" Zein said.

"What's the plan?" I asked, we walk toward the front deck to have better visuals,

"The plan is I need to get above it and ill do the rest," he said

"Then I and Zane will do a diversion," I said, and we both nodded.

"Then I need to fly"


Thirds Persons POV.

Before Zein finishes what he's about to say, Luke was circled by blue petals, a dense magic Aura was limiting from him.

"What kind of magic is that," the captain asked, and look at Zein place, a blue light was radiating from Luke's body.

"Is this his magic" the captain whispers?

Luke flew in the sky along with Zane, His Blue metal blade wings radiating with luminous blue around, and his eye become more crystal blue, it was bright that you can see in the dark. All the people look in the sky, a blue radiating light like a Phoenix and a Yellow light like an Angel. Their light dominates the sky, serving as a beacon.

"We need to create a diversion," Luke said to Zane, who si floating beside him.

"I Can't see any weakness spot" Zein replied.

"I guess we need just to make it busy" and I nodded,

"Light Magic; Light Beam" a concentrated light was created in the tip of her lance until it gets brighter. The tip of her lance releases a yellow beam straight to the poicus, but the gem on its forehead created a dark barrier making the light deflect in the ocean, a lard explosion was made causing big waves.

"My turn" Luke raised her hand and gather blue light, A dense magic aura began to create, even the people in the ship feel dense with the magic. "Blue Magic; pure rage" and he throws the Blue ball to the poicus.

*Bogsh* a loud bang and a large wave were created when the blue ball collided in the barrier, *Crrcckkk* and the barrier of poicus get cracked.

*AAAARRRRRGGGGGHHHH* the poicus screech, All of them became alert because the Poicus has begun to get rampage.

"I guess it didn't like it" and the two of them avoided the attack of the poicus, the Poicus is still on the rampage, making a large wave, Carlo's clone was destroying the wave, while the barrier of the ship was still on.

"Let's split", Zane flew in the right while luke headed to the other side. The Poicus release thorn in a circular direction and both Luke and Zane were deflecting its attacks, and throwing back some of their magic to weaken the shield.

'Do you hear me' a cold voice speak in their minds

'yes we heard you' they replied while switching magic attack to the poicus

'I need you to crack the barrier in the top'

'on it, Zane distract it for me' and Luke flew away from the Poicus and headed above

'okay on it' Zane also flew away, and stare at Poicus.

"Let us get serious" Zane spear lance started to generate Light and create a blinding light. "Spear of Light; Gather; Spear of Twylyth" she casted. Her spear lance float by itself above her, the Light Magic surrounded the Spear lance, and the magic light from like the spear lance.

"Come Forth Spear of Twylyth" and she pointed the poicus. Her spear flew towards the position of the Sea creature and it screech and activated its barrier.

"Now Luke" Zane shouted

A blue beam headed toward the Poicus and hits the barrier, the barrier begins to crack until it was completely shattered.

"Now Zein" Luke shouted.

A Large sword from above of the poicus was directed in its direction. "Sword of Judgement Astrae". The sword plunge to the Poicus making its body shatter into pieces creating a strong wave. Zein immediately teleports to the ship, and both Luke and Zane flew back to the ship. Before the two of them step into the dock both of their magic faded and collapsed on the floor.