
Moon Touched Child of the Sea

Born of the Sea. Connected to the Dream. Fear the Old Blood. Fear the mad Titan. Don't expect too much from me I am not a great author. This idea has been in my head for a while, and I figure this will get it out of my system.

HangerBaby · Bücher und Literatur
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21 Chs

Ch. 1

If you're reading this you have somehow gotten hold of my journal which means I'm most likely not there to stop you from reading but I would dissuade you. My name is Adrian Jackson, twin of Percy Jackson, son of Poseidon. I am reincarnated, how original I know. I of course did not find out that I was reincarnated until after miss Dodd's attacked me and my brother and we had to go to camp afterward. The second I crossed the boundary line I gained my memories back which led to me realizing that I was utterly and royally screwed. How screwed you may ask well I am connected to Yharnam and the Dream and that is not good. As far as I can tell before I gained this new life I was granted wishes and I requested to be connected to the dream and Yharnum as well as being Percy's brother. You may think this is a good thing that I have have a route to increase my strength drastically compared to everyone around me but if you know anything about Bloodborne then you know that world is messed up.

My story starts like I said after I crossed the boundary line. My brother and I had just defeated the minotaur and my mother had been taken from us. We managed to cross the line and I immediately fainted from the influx of memories. Have you ever had a migraine? Well it was like that but much worse, so much worse in fact, I didn't wake up for 2 days. Upon my awakening I was told that I was a child of a God and that I would be staying in Hermes cabin until I was claimed. Me having my memories made things so much easier because I had read all of the Percy Jackson books over and over again. I was of course as you'd expect excited, I could not wait to experience the world to meet the people I had so often read about. But then I remembered a crucial factor when I when I sleep I will always go to Yharnam and I cannot wake up until I beat at least one boss. The only good thing that I did know is that I would always wake up when I needed to i.e. Even if I fought for 10 years I would still wake up the next morning.

You might be wondering why I am writing all this down. You say it will give away my secrets if someone gets a hold of this here journal. Well I say the only people who could read this are Gods or people far into the furture... or I am just a fictional character and this is all just a book for you. If you are of the first two then congrats, if you are of the last last then you should know that this is my reality now so I could care less. Now as to why only Gods or people in the future can read this then I must say that is because the arcane is heavily infused into this book. It would take high insight for even a Hunter to read this, obviously over time the arcane will lessen to the point that a random person would be able to read this.

I believe it is time for me to move on though.

1st POV.... (Not gonna be the best to be honest.)

"Adrian! They told me you were awake finally. What happened? We both fought the minotaur and I didn't pass out for two days straight." I heard Percy say as he ran into the room I was in in the big house. I could tell it was the big house as I could see out a window in the room and what I saw was amazing. Grunting as I tried to sit up, I looked at Percy and asked,

"Where are we? What happened? Is mom ok?" I looked truly worried because I was, I had no idea if my presence would change if she had been taken or killed.

"We are at camp Half-Blood, and you were in a mini coma after we fought the minotaur. M... mom was grabbed by him and she turned into golden dust." Percy said as he choked up.

"Then she isn't dead right?" I asked as I finally stood up. "If she was dead she would still be here right? I can remember the minotaur turning into gold dust as well so maybe they went to the same place and we can go find her."

"They won't let us leave unless we have a quest. I have already tried to find clues to where she may be but even if I knew they wouldn't let us go. They say we are weak with no training." Percy grumbled angrily.

I knew they were correct but it still made me upset, but I knew soon enough we would get a quest it was just a matter of time.

"Don't worry Purse, we will get her back I know we will." I said with determination.

Percy perked up at that looking at me he grinned and said, "Hell yeah we will, and I told you not to call me that."

Grinning I said, "Get over it handbag, how bout you show me around."

"Screw you," Percy said with a grin, "Lets go."

As we walked out of the big house Percy brought me overand introduced me to who he called Chiron and Mr. D.

"Mr. Brunner? Is that you?." I asked. I couldn't come off as magically knowing he was Chiron it would be weird after all.

"Yes my boy, that is what I would have you call me at school. But here I am called Chiron." He replied in a soothing voice... like he was talking to a kid, which I am I guess.

"Chiron as in the trainer of heros in Greek mythos?" I asked.

That's when Mr. D jumped in, "We Gods do not take kindly to being called myths boy."

"Mr. D please, how would he know?" Mr. Bru- Chiron said as he came to my defense, it'll take a while before I get used to that. All my memories of him was as Mr. Brunner while I was in school, seeing as I just now got my memories.

"Whatever, just let it be know Mr. Jacklesen." Mr. D replied.

I knew better than to corrected him as he would most definitely never get it correct. So I just responded with a firm "yes sir" and left it at that.

"Percy, why don't you show your brother around. Help him gain his bearings." Chiron suggested.

"I was just bringing him over to introduce him and ask if I could. We will me off." Percy responded. I guess he repects Mr.- Chiron a lot to speak with him like that.

As we walked around he showed me the pavilion where we would eat, the lava rock climbing wall, the lake and forest, and finally the cabins and training arenas.

"This here is our cabin till we are claimed, good packed tightly cabin eleven." Percy said with a frown as he finally brought me in. "I don't understand why dad hasn't claimed us yet. If he is a God he should know we are here."

"I'm sure we will be claimed soon enough man. Maybe he is super busy right now?" I replied with a shrug.

That's when we heard the dinner bell ring. As we both trecked our way to the pavilion and sat down with the rest of cabin 11 Luke Castellan walked over.

"Welcome to the cabin man. Hope you like it even if we are kinda cramped." He said, his soft smile flickering into a frown for just a second.

"I'm sure I will like it just fine, thank you for the warm welcome." I replied. "Though I do have a question. I don't have a sleeping bag or any hygiene products, what am I to do about that?"

"Ah don't worry about that, I'll get the stoll brothers to help you out." Luke responded.

"Thank you."

As soon as the food finally appeared and the drinks we requested was in our goblets, we walked over to the fire to give an offering to the Gods. I of course prayed to my father for her well being and went back to my seat and dug in. I had a long night in front of me and going to bed on an empty stomach didn't sound like a good idea to me.

Correct me where I mess up, It has been a while since I read Percy Jackson. Don't expect regular updates, I only write when I want and that's that. Be nice and so on.

HangerBabycreators' thoughts