
Moon Dust

Meet Alex she is a cold hearted Street racer from a broken home. She started racing to cope with the pain of her broken home. She didn't expect to become the all time champion of street racing. No one messes with her because the people that do are never seen again. Oh and she's a werewolf. Now meet Raven or that what he goes by. Not many people know his real name but the people that do would die if thay called him by his real name. He is just as cold hearted as Alex maybe more. He has trust issues sence he cot his girlfriend cheating on him with the head warrior. Let's not forget he's the beta of red stone pack. Warning this book contains * Verbal abuse * physical abuse IF YOU ARE IN A SIMILAR SITUATION PLEASE GET HELP THESE THING ARE NOT OK

Red_Raven_2886 · Fantasie
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chapter 23 ~ secret Surprise

Alex pov

After the big celebration and pack meeting yesterday I had gotten a call from Ace. He had said that there was a random breaking in his office about an amulet that he had found on his pack property a while ago.

I asked him if he could have one of his witches that's in his pack take a look at it and figure out what it is. He said he knew what it was it was a bloodstone amulet. This worried me because everybody knows about the stories of bloodstone amulets.

They are very dangerous when they fall in the wrong hands. The whole pack was getting ready for the summer ball. I really hope this doesn't bring any complications into the plans.

I did receive a letter today. I do not know who it is from but it was an invitation to a ball. I don't know where it came from. All the letter and invitation said was that hope was supposed to come along with me and no one else.

It was strange and kind of creepy too. Invitations is the balls in a few weeks. It's before the summer fall. So later me Ava and Hope are going to the mall to find some outfits to wear to the summer ball. I'll see if I find one for this mystery party as well.

That way I get all the shopping done and get everything I need and we'll have to go back into town. I am a little cautious about this mystery party though. But it would be rude not to show up because I got the invitation.

Right now I am currently in the secret hallway TV room feeling Isaac in with everything. I don't know what Ravens doing I haven't seen him for the few hours. Maybe he's in the kitchen eating or something.

Raven POV

It's been a few weeks since I came back to Alex's pack with her. She pretty much ignores me. I know she's still upset about the fact I ran away when we first met. Plus at that too all that I'll put duty she has.

Yesterday I asked Isaac what she likes to do. He didn't give me much because he had known her since she was little. Because of the whole Wolf's mind I thing. but he did tell me when she was little she is still like picnics.

So I plan on asking her out on our first date. I want it to be a romantic picnic that she will never forget. Hopefully you'll be something to get her to forgive me and to start talking to me.

I decided I was going to have it set up by the lake I found while I was wondering the pack. I also asked hope what her favorite foods were. I really hope this goes well.

I really messed up in the past. I hope this picnic will make it up to her so she'll stop ignoring me. She mentioned to me in the pack meeting. I'm now officially this pack's beta.

I'm brought out of my thoughts by my phone ringing. Hello this is beta Raven how can I help you today. I say into the phone. Hey Raven it's Ace. The person on the other line says.

Hey Ace how are you doing? I asked through the phone. I'm doing good just got off the phone with Alex. Aces says. That's good getting back into the big brother thing. I say. Yeah so how's things between you two going anyway. He asks.

She's pretty much ignoring. I'm now officially this pack's beta. I'm planning a secret date for her so she'll hopefully forgive me though. I tell him. I hope things turn out for the better for you guys. He says

Me too anyways there's a certain reason you called? I asked. Yeah you remember amulet without when we started the pack? He asks. Yeah what about it? I asked. Someone broke into my office leaving a note about it. Ace tells me.

That's not good that ambulance is very powerful one. I say. Yeah I know that's why I called I needed a favor. Ace says. Okay what do you need? I asked. I need you to go research what was on the packgrounds before the pack was. He tells me.

I can do that anything else? I ask. Yes I'm planning a visit I want it to be a surprise. So do you mind setting that up for me please don't tell Alex or anybody. Ace tells me. Yeah I can do that. I tell him.

All right that's all I needed thank you for Raven. We miss you here at the pack. Aly says hi by the way. Ace tells me. Tell her I said hi back. I tell him. I will talk to you later Raven. He says. Yep talk to you later Ace. I say before hanging up the phone.

After I'm done on the phone with Ace I head towards the TV room. When I enter the TV room I see Alex and Isaac talking. They don't seem to notice my presents yet.

I hate that mate us mad at us. I really hope this plan of yours works. Jay says in my mind. Yeah me too bud. I tell him. Seeing that Isaac and Alex and two into their conversation I walk out of the TV room.

I head towards the office where I have a secret surprise for Alex. After I grab the surprise I go past the staircase at least to the kitchen to the door that needs to her bedroom. I open the door I get straight to work.

Alex pov

Once I've been talking to Isaac and filling in on everything. I say good night and head to my room. When I answer my room I smell the faint smell of Raven. It's faint enough to let me know that he hasn't been in here for a while. I close the door to see your hallway and turn around.

When I turn around I see rose petals all over my bed. There isn't just rose petals on my bed there's also a basket in the middle. Inside the basket was a box of sugar cookies, a few books that was on my Amazon wish list, a small wolf plushie, two bags of mini Reese's peanut butter cups, a gift card for Dunkin' donuts, a gift card for Starbucks and last but not least a single red rose with a note attached to it.

I take the red rose out of the basket. I take the note off the rose and read it.


Dear Alex

I know things have been quite hectic lately. I can never express how sorry I am running that day. But I hope to make it up to you for the rest of my life. I have to thank hope for helping me organize this basket. I hope you enjoy the contents inside. I know I still have a lot I have to get to know about you. But I hope you'll give me a chance to do just that. I'm not really good with romantic words. But I wanted to do something special for you. I was wondering if you don't mind having a picnic with me by the lake at noon tomorrow.

Your mate



I got to give the boy props that's the sweetest letter I have ever read. I feel bad for even ignoring him for the past few weeks. It doesn't help that I'm busy being Alpha. Lace has been whining for our mate for the last week.

The rose petals was quite romantic not to mention the gift. I pick up the basket and put it on my desk. What's on the desk I grab one of the books I was in the basket and start reading it. Book was a retelling of beauty and the beast. Except in this book beauty was the beast.

When I can do a good place to stop I put a bookmark in the new book and put it on my nightstand. I get up and walking to my closet to the door that leads to a secret Hallway. I head to the kitchen to get something to eat before I go to bed.

Just as I entered the kitchen the sent caramel and cinnamon reached my nose. I can help but smile. I walk into the kitchen and see him standing there. He is yet to notice I'm stabbing here. I slowly walk over to him.

When I get to him I wrap my hands around his waist. He jumps a little before turning around. Hey. I say. He looks down at me and smiles. Hi. He replies. I look up at his smile. We just sit in silence in each other's arms for a few minutes.

Not that I complaining but what brought this on? Raven asks. I just smile and kiss his cheek. Thank you for the gifts you don't have to. I tell him. Realization flashes through his eyes. I know but I wanted to. He says smiling.

Were you getting something to eat before bed too? I asked him. Yeah I was just going to warm up some leftover mac and cheese. Isaac is obsessed with that stuff. He says and I just nod. Tell me about it if you could have it for all Meals he would. I say.

Just then the microwave goes off. Raven let's go of me and walks over to the microwave. He takes the mac and cheese out of the microwave grab the spoon and puts it in front of me. What about you? I asked he smiles before replying.

It's okay I can always warm up some more. Anyways it's a custom that the alpha eats first. He says before getting into the fridge and getting the rest of the mac and cheese to warm up.

I just shake my head and take a bite of the mac and cheese. We sit in silence eating mac and cheese for a while. I decided to break the silence. If you would like you can move into my room with me. I tell him feeling kind of bad that he still staying in the TV room.

He looks at me surprised definitely not expecting that. Are you sure Alex I'm fine staying in the TV room for a little while longer. Raven tells me. I'm sure I'm pretty sure that hideaway beds not that comfortable anyway. I tell him what a smile.

Once we finish with our mac and cheese we go our separate ways. I head back to my bedroom. I go through my closet to find a pair of pajamas. Once I got into my pair of a chance I got in to bed. Door to see your hallway opens and have it with the smell of caramel and cinnamon.

Raven shut the door then climbed into bed with me. I'll move my stuff in here tomorrow. Raven says. I just nod.

Good night Raven. I say. Good night Alex. Raven says. With our good night said I slowly drift off to sleep in Ravens arms.