
Moon Dust

Meet Alex she is a cold hearted Street racer from a broken home. She started racing to cope with the pain of her broken home. She didn't expect to become the all time champion of street racing. No one messes with her because the people that do are never seen again. Oh and she's a werewolf. Now meet Raven or that what he goes by. Not many people know his real name but the people that do would die if thay called him by his real name. He is just as cold hearted as Alex maybe more. He has trust issues sence he cot his girlfriend cheating on him with the head warrior. Let's not forget he's the beta of red stone pack. Warning this book contains * Verbal abuse * physical abuse IF YOU ARE IN A SIMILAR SITUATION PLEASE GET HELP THESE THING ARE NOT OK

Red_Raven_2886 · Fantasy
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27 Chs

chapter 22~ Pack Meeting

Alex pov

We had got home from the raising grounds around 3:00. It was very interesting day like always I won the race. But I have to get ready for the pack meeting that is supposed to be held around 6:00 or 7:00.

As I head up to my room I think of the events of the today. I had won the race of course and second place had gone to the one and only Lily Prescott. Another fun thing is Ava met Raven for the first time. Speaking of Ava she also found her mate which just so happens to be the one and only Lily Prescott.

When I get to my room I open the secret door that's in my closet to the secret hallway. As I walk down to the hall I stopped at the stairs and I  go to the kitchen. When I enter the kitchen I see Isaac cooking mac and cheese like usual.

Do you always eat mac and cheese for breakfast lunch and dinner? I ask Isaac. He just nods his head not paying me much mind. Just as I'm about to take a seat Raven walks in the door. He walks over to the seat right next to the when I'm standing by and take the seat.

So you got a few hours before the pack meeting. Since the pack meeting will also be your introduction ceremony as well as Timmy's. You'll need to dress in the pack colors. The pack colors insist of navy blue and gold. I tell Raven, I know it's kind of odd since we're the black wolf pack and our pack color is not black.

Just a heads up do not be alarmed that you're the only one wearing those colors from the pack. People that's already in the pack will either wear white or light blue. It's our way of showing people who's already in the pack and who is going to be joining. I tell Raven.

Isaac is finally done making his mac and cheese it brings each of us a bowl. Show me and Timmy will be the only ones wearing navy blue or gold? Raven asks I just nod before stuffing my face with mac and cheese.

Yes and me and rest of the pack will either be wearing white or light blue. I tell him and he just nods. All right I better go get ready so I'm ready for the ceremony. Everyone should know about the pack beating by now. I tell the boys. Also Isaac will you please let the pack know about the clothing requirement. I tell Isaac he just nods and gets right onto it.


When I get back to my room I go into my walk-in closet to find the outfit for the ceremony and pack meeting. White t-shirt that kind of look like a comic book with some dark blue jean pants. I also put my hair down in a wavy kind of look. I also put in some hoop earrings that say girl.

Once I had finished getting dressed I head down to the office to get the paperwork for the meeting. After I got the paperwork I head to the auditorium that's built inside the pack house.

Once I get to the auditorium I walk up to the stage and wait for everybody to settle down. Once everybody settles down I start to speak. Welcome back wolf pack to the first pack meeting since I have become Alpha. Today we've got some exciting things to talk about. I State as I stare at all the wolves.

Today we will be introducing my mate and your new beta and young boy in desperate need of a home. But first let's get to the meeting part before we get to the fun part. As you all know I had demoted my brother Isaac to an Omega before we I found out some crucial information. I stay and will let the wolves soak in the information.

After a minute I continue speaking. My father had illegally been using Wolf's mind on my brother Isaac. What that said please do not hold any of his actions for the last few years against him. Now next things first from here on out all omega's will no longer be slaves. They are now to have their own free will without a master. I stay a few disapproving a growls come from the elderly people who are close to my dad.

Anyone who goes against this new law will be put into the pack dungeon for life. None of that settled let's move on to the next topic of the day I am proud to announce we are a new allies with redstone pack who's Alpha happens to be my long lost brother Ace. I pause for a minute for them to soak in the information I had just given them about my other brother.

When I finally see realization flash through their eyes I continue speaking. As I said earlier we will be introducing a young boy he is in need of a home. Anyone interested in adopting the young boy please talk to Isaac he will get you set up to see if you are a good fit for the boy.

I am also proud to announce that there hasn't been any rogue attacks for a month. That does not mean patrols will be put on hold but it is does mean it has been the longest we've gone without a attack in years. I say whole bunch of applause from excited wolves.

I am also excited to announce that the wolf council has picked our pack for the annual summer ball this year. Therefore I will need the whole pack's help to keep the pack and it's best condition. I will also need the omegas as long as anyone who is willing to help in the kitchen to prepare the food. Anyone who is willing to garden and trim the bushes and mow the lawns. Anyone who's willing to help decorate and help with the heavy lifting. There will be sign up sheets on the door to my pack House office. I state.

We will know the theme of The Summer Ball in a week when the council calls. And that is when we will start decorating but for now we will work on the small things like the gardening and the pack maintenance.

And with that that is everything I have for today's pack meeting the omegas have worked hard for the pack meal and they will be dancing and celebrating after the introduction ceremony. I stayed proudly as the whole crowd roars with applause and excitement.

I raise my hand to get everybody to quiet down as I just her for Hope to bring up Timmy and Raven. Each one of them is holding a single red rose carefully so they don't prick their finger on the thorns.

They walk up and stand behind me waiting for me to introduce them. Once the whole pack is quiet down I start to speak. Let's start off with the youngest and the bravest one to be here today. Welcome Timmy. I say as the pack roars with excitement. Timmy walks up in his nice navy blue suit that Ava had bought him.

I get on my knees so I'm at Timmy's level. I quietly tell Timmy what is going to happen before I stand up and address the pack. Each Alpha has their own introduction ceremony but each ceremony has to evolve at least a drop of blood so they can be brought into the pack. I came up with mine I hope was only two.

Hope I didn't playing with roses and had picked her finger with a thorn even though I was an Omega for some reason a ceremony came into my head when that happened and it's just stuck with me.

The boys will prick his finger on a single red rose thorn and that drop a blood will land on the petals of the Rose he will then hand The Rose to me as the alpha as a way to show his submission.

I turn back to Timmy and nod my head to let him know that he can start. Timmy slowly picks his finger on the red rose thorn before dropping his blood onto the pedals of the Rose. He then got his on his knees and handed me the rose. I take the rose before gesturing for him to stand up.

Okay to me repeat after me. I pledge my loyalty to black wolf pack to protect and run alongside my fellow pack mates. I say Timmy repeats before getting on his knees from the pressure of the pack link hitting him. When all the pressure is relieved off his shoulder he stands up and hope guides him back to where Raven stands.

The pack claps and chairs for the little boy. I raised my hand to quiet them before calling Raven over. Since Raven is the beta his ceremony would be a little different. We go through the same steps of the Rose. I just reform to stand up and start to speak.

Raven rain please repeat after me. I Raven rain pledge to protect the pack alongside my Alpha as beta as long as I have the power to. Raven repeats after me and there is a huge wave of power that makes everybody but anyone that is an alpha about submission. As the beta power settles down everybody stands back up and cheers for their new beta.

Once everything is settled down I turned towards the crowd and speak. We welcome them with open arms into the pack now let's celebrate enjoy the food and festivities everybody.

After the night was spent eating dancing and celebrating the new pack members