
Moon Born

In 2068, a space expedition using advanced portal technology to travel to different world's led to the emergence of unknown beings and creatures that wiped out half the world's population, this event was known as the Dark Age.  This portal leaked a new found energy called 'New energy'. The energy caused genetic changes in humans, enabling them to control kinetic energy, known as Kinetic Energy Control (KEC). The people who had these abilities were trained to become weapons, forged for combat to protect the world against the unknown entities. At last, in 2078, humanity claimed victory, defeating the evil entities and closing the portal. Yet, the monsters still lurk the earth, creating havoc at will. In the year 2095, Akira Nakamura, a high school student with a tragic past, is repeatedly bullied for his lack of KEC abilities, Akira is continuously reminded of how different he is from his peers. However, he remains dedicated to attaining KEC skills and becoming a member of the Kin Corps to defend humanity from the looming evil, and to retain what was once lost. ***************** POWER SYSTEM NOTICE: The power system will be explained more in-depth throughout the series but it's pretty easy to understand. ************* 4-5 chapters every Saturday We are pretty new to writing, so our plot ideas, world building, character development and how be input things aren't the greatest, but with your help we will continue to grow, so please be patient with us. This novel is a weak2strong one, since the beginning the Mc was always weak, throughout the progression of the novel the main character (s) will show immense character development. [Please use your power stones to support us.] [Tags]: | Magic | Supernatural | Action | Blood+ | Gore+ | Betrayal | Revenge | Academy | R18 | Weak To Strong Mc | male Lead | male protagonist | Antihero | Mature | Genius Mc | Fantasy | Dark | NOTICE!: Please give us feedback whether [VIA] email or through comments on the app. Please follow our twitter: @VidaBajaManga OR Venmo us: @Vida-Baja ALL RIGHTS ARE RESERVED. No permission is given for any part of this book to be reproduced, transmitted in any form or means; electronic or mechanical, stored in a retrieval system, photocopied, recorded, scanned, or otherwise. Any of these actions require the proper written permission of the author.

VidaBajaManga · Fantasie
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9 Chs

Day & Night

The weakest, talentless, worthless: These titles followed me throughout my whole upbringing.

There hasn't been a day where I've had a peace of mind. I've been alone my whole life, an outsider an outcast, there was always no room for people like me in this world. I was born without abilities, those who are born powerless like me have no chance in this world.

I get lost in thought as I stare mindlessly out of the school window. "Akira Nakamura!" Someone shouts my name suddenly, I look over to my left at the classroom corridors, it was my bully Sato Hiroshima. My face grew pale as he inched towards me, "What's up buddy?! You didn't think I'd forget did you?"

I had a confused look on my face, Sato continues on rambling, "Happy birthday kid!" He said as he reached for his back pocket. "I have a gift for you, open your hands," Sato demanded, I knew it was one of his tricks again but I complied, "To many more!" Sato yelled as he suddenly pulls out a razor and without warning...


"ARGHHHHHAA!!" I yelped in pain.

The pain was excruciating, Sato smirked as I screamed in agony. He pulls the razor out of my hand, "Did you like your gift? There's many more where that came from, meet me on the rooftop after class or else," He walks away and then adds, "Oh! and again, Happy birthday Akira." I lay flat on my desk holding my hand, blood leaked continuously, my peers just watched me. No one could do anything anyway, Sato's brother was a big shot.

Sato's brother, 'Yuichi Hiroshima': He is considered one of the best kinetic energy users in japan. He's second to the Chairman of the Kin Corps. Yuichi is Class 1 Rank 'S' nobody can touch him not even the God's themselves. He was born with the Kinetic Energy type to manipulate. He's also a playboy, girls from all around flock at the look of him, and Sato too they basically look identical, blue eyes, jet black hair and a face of a model.

If anyone were to do anything to his brother consider yourself dead. The school, the senators not even the board can touch Sato, there's no point in fighting it.

I walked home after class, I sat on my bed wrapping my hand in bandages. I don't get why this happens to me, why was I given this fate. If only I had been born with abilities like everyone else..If only..

I flopped back on my bed and fell asleep.

It was the next morning, another day of this hell, I'm tired of it all. I'm ready to kick the bucket it's not like anyone will remember me anyway.

"Goodmorning Akira." My mother says sternly as I walked into the kitchen, she was all dressed up, another trip I'm assuming, her long white hair swayed at her every step and her sharp red eyes pierced me at every gaze. I replied, "Goodmorning." She looked down at my hand, "What happened to your hand Akira?" She said curiously, it's not like she really cares though.

I was hesitant, "Oh. I uh hurt my hand during a school project, no big deal."

"Hm, okay well your lunch is on the table, Im going on a business trip for a few weeks, here's a few thousand yen, call me if anything turns out, I'll see you later."

She walks out of the house and got into a limo. My family hasn't always been wealthy, my dad died a few years back when he was a KECer (Kinetic energy user). When he died we got a lot of inheritance since his job was always risky, killing monsters and all. Ever since my dad died my mother hasn't been the same neither have I.

My dad was always my hero, fighting monsters and bringing peace to this world. My mother didn't like his profession though, she always thought at some point something bad was going to happen and so far she's been right.

I arrive at school the mood is already unsettling, on a bright sunny day like this I shouldn't have such a gut wrenching feeling.

Sato and his gang stood at the front of the classroom doors, I try to sneak past them while they were busy talking, suddenly I was lifted up by my collar.

"Where do you think your going?" I looked up and it was Sato, "Didn't I tell you to meet me on the rooftop yesterday? Now you're getting double what I was giving you." Sato said with a menacing smirk, I shook a little.

He dropped me down on my ass. "You better be there Akira." He said as he walked off laughing with his crew.

I hate that prick he's so strong since he was born with abilities, he's an enhancer. Amplifying his physical attributes with kinetic energy, he just tramples on everything without a care in the world.

I was born powerless with nothing going for myself, soon enough after highschool I'm going to be stuck in an office job while people like him run ramped.

I get up off the ground and walk towards my desk, soon after the bell rings, class was in session. I laid my head down I wasn't in the mood today, until I got called on by the teacher, "Akira!" My head pops up faster than a bullet. "We have a special guest today, you wouldn't want show such discourtesy." I look over to whoever this guest was, she smirked at me as she stood up at the podium.

"Thank you, Mr. Oda," the lady said. She was petite but had a strong demeanor. I noticed she was wearing a Kin Corps uniform; she was the real deal. She clears her throat, "Hey class, I'm here today to talk to you about the Kin Corps, and hopefully we'll get some new applicants after today." Everyone's eyes were locked in; she had everyone's undivided attention.

She turns off the lights. "I'm Matsuda Yuuki, Class 2 Rank 'A'. So today, I want to talk a little about the Kin Corps Academy and what we have to offer. If you join our academy you will have housing on us. We also provide the best training, courses, and meals to all of you. We have multiple training facilities," she says as she turns on a projector showing the facilities. The place is huge. "Don't get shocked yet; there's more. We have high-tech training programs. We provide virtual training, only the best for our students.

Someone raises their hand, "What happens when we graduate?"

Mrs.Matsuda looks over and replied, "Great question, When you graduate from the academy, you will be placed in a platoon of four people, you and your platoon will carry out various missions together, you'll also have an annual salary which can increase dependant on your -class- which varies 1-5, 1 being the highest.

The lights turns on, "Any other questions? If not come up here and grab an application if you're interested."

It's finally the end of the day, I'm sitting on the rooftop watching the sunset, it's a peaceful moment, at least for now. I'm lost in thought as I stare at the sunset, "I need to make a decision, I need to make a change." I take out the pamphlet that Mrs. Matsuda gave me, "Kin Corps Academy." It's an opportunity to join the most elite group of individuals, they offer housing, training, and a salary. But the thought of joining an organization that might become a target for me, someone like me who's powerless, is it worth it?