
Moon Born

In 2068, a space expedition using advanced portal technology to travel to different world's led to the emergence of unknown beings and creatures that wiped out half the world's population, this event was known as the Dark Age.  This portal leaked a new found energy called 'New energy'. The energy caused genetic changes in humans, enabling them to control kinetic energy, known as Kinetic Energy Control (KEC). The people who had these abilities were trained to become weapons, forged for combat to protect the world against the unknown entities. At last, in 2078, humanity claimed victory, defeating the evil entities and closing the portal. Yet, the monsters still lurk the earth, creating havoc at will. In the year 2095, Akira Nakamura, a high school student with a tragic past, is repeatedly bullied for his lack of KEC abilities, Akira is continuously reminded of how different he is from his peers. However, he remains dedicated to attaining KEC skills and becoming a member of the Kin Corps to defend humanity from the looming evil, and to retain what was once lost. ***************** POWER SYSTEM NOTICE: The power system will be explained more in-depth throughout the series but it's pretty easy to understand. ************* 4-5 chapters every Saturday We are pretty new to writing, so our plot ideas, world building, character development and how be input things aren't the greatest, but with your help we will continue to grow, so please be patient with us. This novel is a weak2strong one, since the beginning the Mc was always weak, throughout the progression of the novel the main character (s) will show immense character development. [Please use your power stones to support us.] [Tags]: | Magic | Supernatural | Action | Blood+ | Gore+ | Betrayal | Revenge | Academy | R18 | Weak To Strong Mc | male Lead | male protagonist | Antihero | Mature | Genius Mc | Fantasy | Dark | NOTICE!: Please give us feedback whether [VIA] email or through comments on the app. Please follow our twitter: @VidaBajaManga OR Venmo us: @Vida-Baja ALL RIGHTS ARE RESERVED. No permission is given for any part of this book to be reproduced, transmitted in any form or means; electronic or mechanical, stored in a retrieval system, photocopied, recorded, scanned, or otherwise. Any of these actions require the proper written permission of the author.

VidaBajaManga · Fantasy
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9 Chs


I sit on my bed staring at the pamphlet for the 'Kin Corps Academy', I don't know what to do, it seems like an amazing opportunity for people who actually possess gifts, but me? I'm just a nobody.

But no! It's time for a change. I can't sit around moping around my whole life thinking about what I don't have. "I'M GONNA JOIN!" I said out loud, the whole block could practically hear me. But where do I actually start?

I slowly look down at my arm, I'm basically a stickman. being scrawny isn't gonna get me far, especially in the Kin Corps. I'm going to need to work out and have some form of training, I need to make up for my lack of power otherwise, I won't be much.

I head over to the supermarket, pick up a few things I could use to bulk up and look over to the supplements section, "Testosterone?" 'Testosterone injections may cause side effects.' I thought to myself, "What type of side effects? I don't wanna know, I'll pass.."

I used some more of the money Mom left me for the remaining few weeks.

I check my pocket, '1000 yen'

Damn. I should be okay for a few weeks with all of the food I got.

I made it home and began to start my training.

First things first, I have to change the things I eat. After I eat something to boost my build, I can start training my physique.

A month passed by quickly. I checked the mirror, compared to my physique a few weeks ago... I see a major difference, lithe build, 4 pack abs, arms leaner packed with more muscle, but it's not enough to join the Corps.

I'm just going to have to work even harder than ever before. I noticed my hair got even longer, my long white hair is down to my back now, I'll just tie it up into a ponytail.

I heard a sudden creak from the front of the house, is mom home?


"AKIRA GET THE HELL OUT HERE NOW!" I heard my mom's voice, so she is here, but why is she so furious?

I walk towards the front and I see my mom, She walks towards me I can feel the rage emitting from her.


"What the hell do you think you're doing Akira?!" She said to me looking for an answer, "Do you realize you've missed weeks of school?!"

Oh shit. I forgot about school. "O-oh. I'm sorry Mom I just haven't been feeling well." I murmured.

"Excuse me! Speak up will you!" She said angrily.

I replied softly, "I just haven't been in the best condition."

She looked dumbfounded, she was about ready to snap. She took a deep breath and started to speak,

"So you've been out of commission for weeks Akira? That's what you're telling me," She turns around in disbelief, "I've been getting calls from your dean and principal all throughout the weeks," She pauses for a moment and then turns back around.

"That was the only thing you had going for you, graduating and getting a job, what else do you have going for yourself tell me?!"

"Get ready for school, hopefully, we can work something out with your Dea-"


In the blink of an eye, without warning something crashed from the roof of the house and straight into our home.

I was blasted back. A slick liquid splattered around my home and on me. I shot up from the ground, my mind racing, "A shockwave or an impact of sorts? What just happened? Where is my mom? Is she okay?"

I looked down at my hands, I was seeing double. I tried to think but my brain was scattered all over the place. I looked up from my hands and was stunned.

"What is this..."

It resembled a turtle of some sort, with jagged edges and rocky protrusions, armored all over, I can't even make out its size, 50? No.. 100 meters tall?

I couldn't even think properly, where did it come from? Wouldn't we know about something of that size?

"Mom," I whispered silently.

My eyes began to widen, I spoke out loud confused.

"B-blood? What? Is this my blood? No, it can't be I feel nothing wrong besides some minor pain so whos-"

A clump began to form in my throat as the only possible answer appeared in my mind.


No, that can't be true. I was thinking faster than normal and i felt like my heart stopped beating.

"MOM!" I scream out until the oxygen in my lungs disappears. What's going on? This can't be real? I was distraught. My body felt sick and I started to lose balance.

I suddenly blacked out, all of the pain and fear caused me so.

I woke up to lights being blasted in my face. I couldn't see anything aside from the beaming light that shot into both my eyes.

"Where am I?"


A muffled voice began to speak.

I couldn't make out the words, I was still trying to get my focus back.

"HELLO!?" Can you hear me? Can you tell me your name!? Do you know where you are?"

I realized I was in a big tent with what looked like hundreds of injured people.

I let out a gasp of air while trying to gather myself, "A-akira Nakamura."

She looked relieved I could make out an answer, "Okay Akira. Do you have any family members or distant relatives we could contact?"

Oh. That's right, mom...I sit and dwell for a moment before I replied, "no dead." I murmured softly.

She looked confused for a moment before she replied back, "Can you say that again for me Akira?" She asked lightly.

Everyone's dead." I replied as I shift over to my side grabbing tightly onto the hospital bed pillow.

She looked shocked but she left it alone, "Well okay. call for me if you need anything, my name is Keiko." She walks away tending to other patients in need.

I just dwell in my thoughts, 'everything happened so fast. If only I was stronger, if only I had Kinetic Energy abilities.'

But then I remember the pamphlet for the Kin Corps Academy. Maybe this is my chance to become stronger, to become someone who can protect others from monsters like the one that killed my mother. I need to apply and start training.

I ask Keiko for a pen and paper and took the pamphlet out of my pocket and began filling out the application. As I write, I feel a sense of determination building within me, with a mix of a strong grief.

I will become strong. I will join the Kin Corps and protect others.

A week passed by, and I start physical therapy to heal my injuries. During this time, I continue to train and work out to build my strength. When I finally receive notice of my acceptance into the Kin Corps Academy, I felt like it was a dream come true.

There was a notice on the news about the monster than almost wiped half of Japan off the face of the earth. It disappeared. Within a few hours after it caused all of that destruction, It dug a giant whole within the earth and vanished. Even the strongest KECers in Japan couldn't do anything about it, it was just too strong and sturdy huh?

It was later named 'Terrapod' Rank 'World Class' Damn that's the second highest rank.

Will I ever be strong enough to defeat something like that? Heh. Probably not, why am I getting so ahead of myself.

A few weeks later I was discharged, My great aunt took me in until i was ready to go to the Kin Corps next summer.

"Here's your new room Akira, if you ever need anything make sure you ask me." My great aunt said with a smile, she was basically the only family I had left.

I sat on the floor and leaned up against my bed staring up to the ceiling, "My life sucks." Everyone I know is dead or doesn't want anything to do with me.

I clench my fist, my nails dig into my palm making me bleed. "But I can't give up now, I've gotten far, I was finally accepted into something."

I won't fail. I'm going to become the strongest, nothing will be able to stop me.

This isn't just for me. It's for my aunt, my deceased friends, and most importantly my very own mother.