
Decisions and a visitor

"Nathan Cross you get you ass here this instant." 'How can May be so hot even while she's yelling at me.' Her beautiful curves more than doing it for me and the tight jeans seem painted on, making me want to grab her ass, 'Purely to check if it is paint, yup. No perverted lust in this brain.' "Are you even listening to me?" She asks, leaning over and snapping her fingers, making me think of that scene with Aunt Cass in Big Hero Six. 'God, she was a MILF too,'

"What is it with aunts and being seriously hot?"

"Umm what was that?"

Looking up I can see her staring at me like I had a racoon for a head, "What was what? Sorry, I was kind of distracted."

With a slight smile, a little flattered, she leans back. "I'm sure. Though be careful about letting your inner thoughts come out of your mouth, other women might not appreciate it." My face aghast, I look away, slightly embarrassed, as while everything I thought and said was true, she was like a second mom, and the Oedipus complex could suck it.

".....Yeah, sorry."

"So how was your time with MJ and your other English partner?" 'Somehow she has a supernatural ability to find juicy gossip, it's not super useful, but she's definitely got one.'

"Good I guess, bit warm though, and getting called out by Clint was annoying."

The smirk on her face all knowing, "And why would you care about being interrupted unless you were doing something really fun? Did you and MJ finally get together? Sharing your love as you study, locked in a hot room, sweat dripping as you hold one another?"

"May! Stop, this isn't a tv drama, and our relationship is purely physical, just friends with needs, in a room with another classmate. So unless you think MJ or the other girl would be interested in sharing me like one of your creepy throuple reality shows, nothing happened."

She looked directly into my eyes, holding my gaze as I shifted awkwardly, her gaze penetrating into my very being and drawing out my secrets. "You had sex didn't you?!" Slapping my arm repeatedly. "Oh please tell me you wore protection, I love Michelle to bits, but I can't be a grandmother yet. Wait, what did you mean share?" A moment passes before recognition strikes her again, "A threesome?! You're 15, keep your dick in your pants mister."

Holding her in a hug, I comfort her, "Yes I had a threesome, well kinda, Clint interrupted just after the foreplay with MJ but after Betty crashed. And yes, I used protection, just like you taught us. Holding her this close, recalling yesterday's events, I felt my body react, poking against her and my body briefly smelling of chocolate caramel, my lust transferred through my touch for an instant before I seperate, throwing myself to the other side of the room. "Shit, May stay still and breathe. You've been hit by pheromones but they will calm down quickly, as you were barely exposed." The glazed look in her eyes passed after a few minutes, but the smell of her arousal was so heady I almost lost control again. Eeping out an apology I race to my room, far too aroused for these jeans, stripping down and jumping into an icy shower. Using training as an excuse I head to Avenger's Tower, planning to sweat out the still burning lust, as my pheromones radiate from me, having seemingly become more potent, as I had been suppressing them for so long. 'Note to self, leak a small miasma constantly in order to prevent accidental outbursts that could result in really hot incest.'

Loosening my pheromones slightly, I get changed into the training clothes allocated for me and I head for the gym equipment. Drinking some caffeine stimulants and allowing my regeneration to slow, I enjoy the rush, sliding under the weights and pressing up, lowering it to my chest and repeating, enjoying the distraction as the smell of caramel chocolate seeps through my skin. Hearing footsteps I continue, trying to focus on the headphones I'm blasting music through. 'Noise cancelling my ass.' Racking the weights as I finish the set, the 1.2 tonnes looks ridiculous as it sits, looking like any regular bar, but the red plates are 500 kg, and the bar is 200 itself. Sitting up to see a smiling Wanda I'm a little confused.

"Since when do you use the gym? It's hard enough getting you to practise with your magic."

"Its not magic, its energy."

Rubbing the sweat from my face I grunt out a reply, "Yeah, energy from another dimension, just like the sorcerers in Nepal use. Though theirs comes from somewhere else." She stares at me, first in disbelief, but after watching me and seeing no dishonesty or humour in my gaze, she shifts to shock.

"Magic is real?"

"Did you think Loki used holograms, or that Thor's hammer had invisible rocket boosters, of course, magic exists. Now can you move, I need to use that machine."

"How do you know so much? Your file shows that you have had a normal childhood, safe and localised, yet you speak with maturity and know the secrets of the world around you. Don't think I missed your slip with the Black Panther, you knew something no one should have before another energy source affected him briefly."

"Ah, so I do have Bast to thank for his acceptance. If I ever meet her I'll have to thank her."

"Proving my point again Nathan, most would have been confused, not pointed responsibility to a goddess. All that knowledge, locked in the body of a boy. You are incredible," she said, her voice husky as I struggled to control the pheromones that had been raging since she walked in wearing yoga pants and a singlet. Whether she was unaffected by the pheromones remains to be seen, but I still felt safer with her further away.

"Wanda, I really, really need you to move further back. Maybe you could come train a little later when I'm gone." My face red from being forced into this situation, and rearranging myself downstairs to limit the outline of my bulge, fully aware she had already realised, did not help with the embarrassment. Closing my eyes and trying to calm myself, thinking of ocean waves and fields of grass, calming myself. My attempt at meditation was interrupted however as I felt a hand under my chin, tilting up to look at the crazy witch. 'In my past life I'd have done anything to be in this situation, but losing control over my own thoughts due to a second-rate ability I consumed is driving me nuts.' Looking into her glazed eyes I see my own, the ghoul eye active as I stood up, now looking down at her as I lean in, lips grazing for the briefest moment before our passion takes hold, hands pulling at each other roughly and tongues so active I was breathing heavier now than during the exercise.

*Cough Cough*

A cough from Stark, who was leaning against the doorframe with a vicious smile snaps my attention back, giving me the chance to slip back to normal, my pheromones settled a little as the shock of getting caught hits my brain. Both looking at each other briefly, Wanda and I share a small smile, then I leave to follow Tony.

"Got a thing for crazy huh? The witch and her monster together in love."

"My pheromones affect me too, and I bottled them up for so long they have been surging all day. I think she understands that, and besides. Isn't she with Vision?" Seeing him nod, I continue, "See so she's with the sexbot and I'm desperately trying not to influence every woman around me into becoming a bitch in heat."

Laughing quite loudly, Tony explains, "Vision is NOT a sexbot. While I wanted to put one on there, Bruce thought it crude to give him a dick without the ability to have kids, so the Ken doll is mainly an emotional support from what I can tell. Though I'll give you the same advice a random person at a party once gave me. "Feel free to stick your dick in crazy so long as you gave her a fake name, number and address. Oh and someone wanted to meet you, they're in meeting room B."

Before I even enter the room I can smell the tea, "Hello Ancient One, or would you prefer Yao?" I say, a soft smile on my face as I brew a pot of coffee.

"I'd prefer Ancient One if you wouldn't mind. I haven't used Yao in a rather long while." Shrugging as I grab the last of my snack boxes from the fridge, sitting down in front of the most powerful sorcerer on Earth.

"It's a little funny, I was just mentioning your group to Wanda, who misunderstood her abilities. Now you show up. Do you have the same thing Voldemort did, you know alerting him to the location of anyone who spoke his name?"

Smiling into her tea she shakes her head. "I do not, fortunately, I think that would prove rather annoying in most situations. I'm curious as to why an outworlder is here, and although I have let you tinker with the timeline-"

"It was already tinkered," I stop her. My existence in this world, the X-men being not only here, in this universe but at the wrong time. And worse, they fell apart, leaving a ragtag group of underground freedom fighters. We are both surprised by this. So if you're looking to blame someone, go point it somewhere else."

"You're rather quick to assume the worst aren't you Mr Cross?" Looking down at my cup I shrug, unsure how I'm meant to answer the clearly rhetorical question. "You're understanding of the world, does it permit you to learn of the future?"

A soft sigh escapes me, "Yes, beyond your death, to the second and third invasions of the Mad Titan. I know of your stupid rocks and the devastation they will bring, should I let fate continue on it's path. Families ruined, thousands upon thousands dead, with many more to follow due to homelessness and grief, time's shift wearing down humanity as a whole, whether we win or lose in the 4th and final war."

"So much pain and suffering mere moments after I leave this Earth."

"Actually, that's probably why. After both you and Odin perish, and Asgard burns, there is no one strong enough to cause him fear, and as a result, half of the universe is temporarily wiped from existence, the Mad Titan too stupid to simply improve efficiency or increase resources."

"You know far more than I expected, and to be honest, I'd never have assumed you would share some of it with me, though I assume that was your attempt to bribe me in some way." The smile on my face returning with a mischievous urgency, before I ask a question of the Ancient One.

"Can you regenerate body parts yourself, because I'm wildly curious as to whether I could gain your immortality, or perhaps your connection to magic?" Responding by simply removing her left arm, isolating the pain receptors and cutting it with eldritch energy, I take it, apologising for the scene and consume the arm, and while I feel energised like I'd had 10 doses of a caffeine stimulant, there was nothing more, and instinctively I knew nothing would come of it, magic not being a biological trait, but a learned one.

"Damn, opening portals would have been pretty cool, maybe I'll just go eat one of the mutants with a similar ability. Oh right, I fully derailed the conversation, what can I do for you?"

With a warm gaze she reaches out and holds my hand, not in a romantic way, but almost maternal. "I wanted to see if there was a way to remove your need to consume human flesh, but it seems becoming whatever you are-"

"A ghoul."

"-has bound you to your role, and now with a fitting name Leviathan, you will be forced to consume the wicked, a threat and deterrent to all who would act with malice on the innocent." 'Bit melodramatic, but she looks genuinely saddened that she couldn't help.' Rising from her chair, her new arm replacing the stump, she promises, "You are welcome to visit at any time you like Mr Cross, and thank you for the information. You have given me much to think about."

"I am fucking exhausted." I wish I could say that I went home and got a decent rest, but I'd be lying, as too many thoughts are running through my brain. The conversation I'd just had reminded me of Sentinel services and Trask's operation, luckily not to the extreme, apocalyptic levels of the comics, but still, with their experimentation of children, imprisonment and abuse of mutants, often adolescents who cannot control it and having been funded by HYDRA...they need to go.