
Monstrous Beauty Of Young Master Li

WARNING (MATURE CONTENT) Imagine you are allowed to love only one person in this life. What will you do if you find out that the love of your life has a hidden wife? Yulan, a lovely mermaid who lived in the deep blue sea. She was the daughter of Queen Ying, who rule down the waters for ages. On a stormy night, when no humans was supposed to be seen closed to the sea. Li Lian a stranger who was lying unconscious on the sea bank. She saved his life and helped him regained his memory, few months later, he left and never returned. Before he leaving, Li Lian promised to come back and marry Yulan, the underworld princess. Yulan waited for many years, but he never showed up. With disappointment and love in her heart, she left the sea water to find her true love. Li lian , Young CEO of the most popular chocolate Company went on a voyage with his friends. On their way, a storm struck and he lost all his friends including the sailors. By the time, li Lian woke up his memory was gone and all he could remembered was a beautiful mermaid, princess Yulan saved his life. She was the most beautiful creature, he had ever set his eyes on. He became attracted to her and fell in love . After, some time, Li Lian regained his memory and left the sea with a promise to come back and marry Yulan. But he kept a deep secret from Her - the fact that he was married….. Ride on with me on this journey, the princess of underworld had embarked…let’s find out if these two lovers we’re met to be together or separately as their world had designed them to be.

Ella_Dominic23 · Fantasie
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186 Chs

Chapter 79

Hi everyone, thank you for all your support. Someone asked about the part of the story where Yulan met Li Lian in the mermaid world. We will continue with it in chapter 100.

Thank you so much


The Author's POV.

He is with that girl again? Chu Hua was angry. She had been stupid to think that Li Lian would come back to her. He made his mind up about the divorce. Her heart squeezed within her chest when she thought of the disgrace she was going to face when the world knows of their separation. 

"Oh...mine. we were worried about our boy while he was busy with his lover, all night" Yan Zi sighed. "Li Mei, please get a glass of juice for me. My throat hurts so much."

"I will" she left.

"Pardon me, aunties. I have to go to work today" Lu Jae excused himself. "See you soon."

"See you soon" they chorused.