
Monsterverse: Mosura Dies Alot

To destroy the Godzilla multiverse, Kieran bore a heavy task on his shoulders. Rebirthed in the Monsterverse, and as Mothra? This was going to be a challenge. --- A/N: I don't know why I'm writing so much Godzilla fanfiction and not finishing them, but I'm doing it. If there are criticisms, please share, I wish to improve.

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Chapter 1

Death is something.

It happens around us. It can be a learning experience, as one can witness it from afar, or the death can choose to be personal, taking a loved one from you.

Either way, it is with each and every one of us, and like a snake slithering, hidden just under the grass, it can jump out at any moment.

For Kieran, it was tragic.

Even now, as he left his mangled corpse in the burning car, Kieran felt fulfilled. Maybe not sad or guilty, but fulfilled.

He moved forward.

No matter how long or how bizarre it was, he felt nothing. No inhale from his lungs. Not the movement of his legs, nor the joints of his fingers. Kieran didn't hear a heartbeat.

Was this death?

As he moved through the void, Kieran witnessed his life flash in front of him. His life, his family, friends, and himself.

Not a pang of guilt.

Kieran knew he died. He knew there was no way he could see them again, even if he tried. All around him was nothing.

Yet, there was something.

"Human life is such a tragedy, isn't it, Kieran Smith?"

The voice, if he could call it that, echoed everywhere. Kieran had no way to tell the gender of this supposed person. Not only that, they knew his name.

"I possess no being, little one, for I am beyond your comprehension,"

An emotion crossed the middle of Kieran's body, just poking enough space into the fulfilment.



He felt his mouth open, yet Kieran heard nothing.

A low chuckle came through, rattling the black void.

"God? I am no god," It answered slowly, "I am one who thinks,"


"Out of all the gods and powerful beings you humans have created, all had these tiny things called morals. There's the line. Both ends of it are good and evil. Each god, as interpreted, had an alignment, whether it seems like it or not,

"I have no morals. I do not concern what is right or wrong. I never do good, nor do bad, for I not need such a view."

It paused.

"In short," The voice continued, "I think, therefore I am,"

Kieran had his mind blown.

"My apologies," He spoke respectfully, "but, I have many questions if you don't mind,"

"I'm sure you do," It chuckled, "however, I cannot provide such sustenance,"

"However," The voice continued, creating a rope of hope, "there is a way I can tell you,"

Anybody would hold numerous questions right now, but Kieran's goal landed on this option.

"Your task..." It said, "...is to destroy the Godzilla multiverse,"

Now there were more questions. Were there other multiverses? If so, are there more beings? If that's the case, why did it choose him?

"It may seem impossible, but all is impossible until it is done,"

"Forgive me for asking," Kieran was astounded, "but, why? Why me?"

"I'll shed every answer once you complete this feat," It replied, "what's more, you will be sent in as the species Titanus Mosura,"

Kieran thought for a moment.

Not too long ago, he passed away. As this blob of energy, Kieran traversed an endless void and met a being with nobody. Now, it wants him to do something of immense power.

He let a question fly.

"I'm grateful for this opportunity, yet, what happens if I decline this task?" Kieran asked, making sure not to come off as disrespectful.

The voice exhaled.

"No pressure," It answered, "I'll send you on your voyage,"

"To where?" He tried to answer, but realized a moment later that it wouldn't answer, "I understand,"

"Titanus Mosura, in comparison to other specimens of this universe, is not powerful," It spoke, "so, I'll infuse an amp to aid you in your conquest if you so choose,"

Knowing that he won't get answers, Kieran played along. He never knew his Godzilla knowledge would be useful.

"You said the Godzilla multiverse?"

"Quite so," It replied, "It will be...intriguing watching you scramble through a world made up by your own species,"

"Is there... any way you'd like me to do this?"

"Do what you may, and in any way you can,"

Kieran stared into the dark void, inhaling.

"I may have died young, and everything I could do, I did, and everything I couldn't do, I tried," He said, "but, I'm extremely grateful for this second chance at life. I'll try my best."

Perhaps he didn't realise sooner.

"Hmm," The voice replied, "I wonder how a human brain will react in a monster's body,"

Kieran felt a grip against his chest.

"Will...you remove some of my memories?" He asked, worried by the thought, "Will I be a blank slate?"

"Never," It answered, "not even now,"

This he could understand. Really, who would believe a giant moth that talks of a higher being controlling their actions?


"Titanus Mosura?" Kieran repeated, "I'll...turn into that?"


"That's wonderful," He said, not thinking it through, "I'll do it,"

"Hmm," The voice paused, "life has no meaning without purpose, and purpose is born on the path of struggle, so expect...unconventional means once reincarnated,"

"I understand,"

If he were to refuse, Kieran didn't know what would become of him. Perhaps he would be reborn and forget everything or maybe he'd go to the afterlife? Was there even an afterlife?

No amount of satisfaction would satiate his human brain if the answers of the beyond were at stake.

"I have promised to withhold all information until you're done," The voice spoke, "yet, I shall say thy amp,"

Kieran nodded. He didn't know if he did. It felt like it.

"It lies within your new body for it is a phenomenon humans do not possess,"

"It is?..."

"Reincarnation," It answered carefully, "hush now, I have set the portal for your...transport,"

For a moment, Kieran's mind flickered with the answer of reincarnation.


He wanted to ask questions, but it was hopeless. Kieran would have no reply.

"Wonderful," He said, doing what he thought was bowing, "I shall do what you have tasked with me,"

The voice chuckled.

"Hardship is temporary, but Mosura is eternal," Kieran's mind grew dizzy, "we shall meet again..."

In a moment of instantaneousness, the voice faded, the feeling of fulfilment disappeared, and Kieran could move.

Inside the egg.


A/N: Sorry for the short chapter, I'll make them longer in the future.

Notify me of any errors.

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