

Money, the coveted dream,

Global obsession, it would seem.

Leaving humanity behind,

Affection lost, hearts entwined.

Countless struggles, lives laid waste,

Death's dark shadow, an endless race.

Yet, poverty claims its own toll,

A vicious cycle, the poor soul.

Money, the root of all evil, they say,

But wisdom teaches us to use it another way.

In harmony and unity, it can play,

A tool for good, come what may.

Employment blooms, the unemployed thrive,

Shelter for the poor, a place to survive.

Education's doors, once closed, now open wide,

The illiterate learns, a brighter future inside.

Money, a double-edged sword, indeed,

Used wisely, it can plant a seed.

But chased with haste, it can destroy,

A wise man's words, we must employ.