

In the depths of human hearts, a dream resides,

Money, the coveted prize, that many can't hide.

It surpasses love and kindness, in this mad pursuit,

Leaving humanity to wither, like a flower without root.

Countless souls are lost, in this endless strife,

Death and suffering, a dire, bitter life.

Yet, poverty's dark shadow, also claims its toll,

A vicious cycle, that takes its role.

But wisdom whispers secrets, of a different way,

Money, a tool, to enhance life's journey, day by day.

In harmony and unity, it can play its part,

Empowering dreams, and healing the heart.

Employment blooms, and hope revives,

Shelter for the poor, a place to thrive.

Education's doors, once closed, now open wide,

A brighter future, for all to abide.

Money, a double-edged sword, we must confess,

Used wisely, it can bless, but haste makes it a curse.

Let's heed the wise words, of a sage's heart,

Use money to uplift, and never to depart.