
Chapter 535 Flame Lion's canyon

Ying Gui also realized that Zou Qiang's words were actually correct, instantly causing the easy-going expression to disappear from his face, as it was quickly replaced with a serious one.

Of course, as a rank 1 Spirit realm cultivator and someone who didn't even know a single martial skill, there was no way that Ying Gui could do anything but rely on the strength of his guards, as well as the young man who had come to support him from the Holy sect.

Turning his head to look at Shun Long, he noticed that the look on his face was serious as well, but thankfully he didn't seem afraid like his guards, causing Ying Gui to relax a bit as well.

At the same time, Zou Qiang turned around, and ignoring both Shun Long and Ying Gui, he looked at his subordinates that were still in defensive positions to protect the carriages and said in a serious voice