
Chapter 524 Dao Tower (3)

The room behind the door was filled with nothing but darkness, without a piece of furniture or anything else in sight.

After a moment of deliberation, Shun Long took a step forward and entered inside a moment later.

However, the moment that he stepped foot inside the room, Shun Long heard another loud rumbling sound coming from behind him, as the heavy door of the room automatically closed by itself, blocking off what little light tried to enter the room from the outside. 

Inside the darkness that had now almost completely filled the room, Shun Long wasn't even able to see his own fingers.

There was only a very dim light coming from the door itself, which Shun Long assumed was thanks to his 5.000 middle-grade spirit stones.

Of course, even if he couldn't see anything using his eyes, he knew that he could still use his soul sense to sense his surroundings.