
Modern Family: Reborn

A loner who wants nothing more than to escape his dull, monotonous life is given another chance to live, along with a few bonuses because who wouldn't want to make their life easier? Only the Mc family characters' belong to me the rest belong to Modern Family.

hazza_67 · TV
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10 Chs

Handling Business... Literally

(Mitchel Pov) 

"Hey Cam"- I call out to my boyfriend whilst putting on a tie.

"What is it dear" Cam enters the room and asks.

"I'm going to be Home late tonight because I've got an interview at a new law firm. Are you doing anything today?"- I reply.

"Apart form making some Beignets and vising Claire and Phil for lunch nothing much" Cam says but I could literally see the excitement in his eyes when he talks about making something.

"Well have fun tonight, hopefully this new law firm will be better than the old one" I exclaim. 

"Oh honey if you deserve a good job. Just make sure to not wear that tie you need to make a good first impression right?" cam says and then struts off. I gasp and then realise that I do need to have a better tie but I can't admit that.


(Scene Change) (Mc Pov) 

Ahh the fresh feeling of coffee in my veins is one I can never get used too. 

{Sir may I remind you that you have to visit your branch company today at 2pm today}

"Really? Work on a Saturday? Alright fine I'll get ready I might as well go there early to stop for some lunch somewhere." 

Then I get changed into a nice 3 piece suit and then get ready to leave.


(scene change) (Mc pov) 

I sit in the front of my car which has the shape of a Royals Royce right now as I eat McDonalds burger and chips for my lunch 

After scoffing down my meal I enter the building as then go to the waiting hall where the lawyers from all over Los Angeles have come over for a chance at a high paying job, although theres only 3 here right now and I recognise one of them. 

I keep a straight face and go to my office then prepare for the interviews.

"Michael bring up the files of the 3 people here and send them in in alphabetical order"

{yes sir}

From then on the interview with the 2 went normal with me asking them about their histories, fields of expertise, tested their mental and emotion capacities and other questions expected at an interview. 

"Please call in Mitchel Pritchett please" I say with a smirk wondering how this meeting would go. 

"Hello Mr Pritchett how are you doing today " I say with a smile.


(Scene Change) (Mitchell Pritchett Pov) 

I was especially nervous today as this job could potentially be a turning point in my career and it has much better hours and pay compared to my other job. Thats why I arrived an hr and half early to create a good impression and hopefully calm myself down during that time.

As I'm waiting though a Person comes walking by in a 3 piece suit which I know is absurdly expensive, probably more than my current salary and Just by the way it frames his body you know he's very fit even more so than the hunky fireman.

Luckily I'm in a committed relationship and is planning on adopting a baby so I don't think any further.

After 10 minutes of him walking in the people who arrived early start to get their names called alphabetically and now I'm sat waiting for mine.

The people who I saw come out of that room though look as though as they've been through hell and now its my turn.

I then hear a voice coming through the intercom calling.

{Mr Pritchett please}

Alright lets do this. I enter the room and I see Person who walked by earlier and I think so he's the interviewer huh.

"Hello Mr Pritchett how are you doing today " he says to me and his voice is almost hypnotic like an authority figure and his charming smile makes me a bit nervous. But remembering why I'm doing this, I confidently say 

"Thank you for interviewing me sir" 

"Ahh yes I haven't introduced myself, My name is Atlas San Venna the CEO of Venna Industries" the man says and then I realise who he is. But I have to keep myself composed so I take a deep breath and say 

"It's a pleasure to meet someone as Famous as you Mr Veena but if I may ask Why are here, the last I heard you were in England"

He seems to accept my Demeanour and question an says "Well I moved here as England just brought back sad memories and set up my company here to expand further. As for why I'm here it is because I'm setting up something called the Veena Green Initiative which will help better the environment with new technologies, policies, resource management and preserve the ecosystem."

It was an understatement to say I was shocked and intrigued as well but I refrained from asking anu personal question and said with a smile.

"Thats wonderful it'd be incredible if I were to be apart of that program so thank you for considering me" 

He smiles and then gets a bit more serious then begins the interview and near the end he says he has to ask some personal questions.

"It says here on your form you and your partner are considering having a baby so I'd like so inform you of our child support program which qualifies your family for free healthcare till high school graduation, more flexible work hours and several scholarship programs if they have good grades and no criminal history" 

It's no wonder people want to work here its like heaven now I have to hold down my tears.

"Yes me and my boyfriend are looking to adopt" now this is a key moment which will let me judge him as a person because that sentence causes all types of homophobes to react in the same way. But to my surprise he just leans back in his chair, smiles and says

"I see thats wonderful news and I congratulate you and I must say you'll probably make a great parent" he says with a smile and I can see he is a kind person 

"Unfortunately..." this word breaks my heart "...the world is not too understanding of same sex marriages as its not legal in this state, so you might not be able to join the child support program but... " hearing this I gain a little hope when he smirks and says "I managed to install a legal work around which allows you to join the program if you have an inspector come to see if your household is good and healthy for an upbringing an I personally check them so i know they won't fail you because your gay"

Hearing that I start to tear up a little and my heart is so relieved and he continues to say 

"Don't worry about it I support all employees regardless of who they identify as or who they love just as long as you work hard and strive for a better future. You probably want to go home now and cool off and I will notify you within a week as you already are qualified enough for the regular position but we'll see on the leadership position so wait by the phone ok?" 

He then stands up and goes to shake my hand but I hug him involuntary and say 

"Thank you" 

And I go to apologise after realising what I've done but he shrugs it off and say 

"Don't worry I won't fire you for hugging me just make sure of the time and place and especially with food this suit was expensive" he says with a laugh 

but then asks me a question 

"Are perhaps related to a Jay Pritchett?" hearing that send shivers down my spine and I reply with a strained smile saying 

"Yes he's my father, Why do you ask" 

He notices my nervousness and just says with a relaxing tone

"Don't be nervous I'm just his neighbour and his fiancé brought him and her son over to my house to bring a house warming meal and I recognised you both have the same last name. He looked like he didn't want to be there though" he says with a smirk and relax knowing that he was just curious and I just reply

"Yeh he doesn't do the whole emotions thing it hard enough to get him to interact with other family members let alone strangers other than his golfing buddies" 

Hearing this he laughs quietly but then his mood goes down a bit and says to me 

"You must have it rough but as someone with no family left let me tell you this. At least you have a father and you can learn from his mistakes to be great and your father is at least trying to accept you for who you are, because some don't share that same luxury" he finishes with a sigh as if he's remembering something then pats me on the shoulder and says "It was nice taking to you Mitchel I'll invite you and your boyfriend to dinner sometime, I've got to interview 20 more people today and I'm already wanting to go home" he laughs and hand me a card with his personal info on then goes back into his office. 


(Scene change) (Mitchel Pov) 

I sit on the couch with a Atlas's card in my hand thinking about the earlier interview and I can't help but think he was only 12 years old. 

"Hey Honey I'm home" Cam walks in and sees me on the couch thinking intensely and he say worriedly. 

"Is everything alright did you not get the job you look distressed"

"No no I was good enough for the regular position they said they'd call me in a week to confirm if I got the manager position."

"Thats great news" he hugs me and says. I then go on the explain everything that happened in the interview and he says 

"Thats perfect I can't believe you get all those benefits and Atlas is so supportive this is perfect for our future together. But why so glum?" 

I then recount what happened at the end of the interview about the stuff with my dad and he says 

"So your upset because you don't like your father knowing your boss that a kid gave you advice" cam asks 

"A bit of both really" i admit 

"Do you know anything about what happened to Atlas when he was young?"-Cam

"Not particular all I know he's a self made billionaire kid who's extremely smart" I say 

Cam then goes on to explain everything he knows about the kid and I understand why he said that. To him I must seen like a kid who complains a parent works late to an orphan. 

"Its alright Mitchell he won't be upset as he clearly gave you his personal information and you'll get the job because your qualified as Atlas clearly has no  father relationship with your father but a brief meeting" Cam comforts me and says.

Hearing him I relax and decide to invite him to brunch with us at some point.

"Thanks Cam I feel better now" and kiss him on the cheek