
Modern Family: Reborn

A loner who wants nothing more than to escape his dull, monotonous life is given another chance to live, along with a few bonuses because who wouldn't want to make their life easier? Only the Mc family characters' belong to me the rest belong to Modern Family.

hazza_67 · TV
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10 Chs

Meeting the Neighbours

(Mc's Pov)

Have you ever woke up and thought 'I want a roast dinner' but then you get to the kitchen and think 'I'm an idiot' then you just make some toast. 

Well thats what I did Last night and now I'm up at 7 watching the news when the door bell rings. 

'hmm who is that'- me

"Michael pull the gate camera" I say as I go on to put on a kimono as I'm only in my underwear right now then walk to the door and it was projected a screen of 3 people there who I recognised as Jay, Gloria and Manny with some food?

"Michael tell them they can come through" 

I then open the door to and see them face to face and I got to say again, I'll never get use to seeing the real versions of people. 

"Hello there, what can I do for you?" I say with a smile 


(change scene) (3rd Pov)

gloria-"Come on Jay It's what we did in Colombia, we gave our neighbours meal when they moved in."

jay-"Gloria I don't know about where you came from but I have never greeted a neighbour unless they start to annoy the crap out of us" 

Gloria-"Please Jay we about to get married in a few months its time we start move on from the past to brighter future and we can start with introducing our selves to the new neighbour"

Jay "but honey-"

Manny "-Come on Jay its not like anything bad could happen and it would make mom happy" 

Jay sighs and then after a few seconds of thinking he says 

"Fine do what you want but I don't want to-"

"Thank you Jay be ready for 9 thats when we go" gloria kisses him on his cheeks and goes upstairs.

Manny- "you can't win against mom Jay" and shrugs his shoulders and continues eating and reading the newspaper.


(Change Scene) (Mc's Pov)

"Thank you for the Dish Mrs I shall enjoy for my dinner tonight" i say smiling

"No problem but call me Gloria" she replies

"Oh I haven't introduced myself have I? My name is Atlas San Venna and I'm from London and is studying abroad" both Jay and Gloria don't react to my name but Manny does probably because as I remember from the show he reads newspapers a lot.

"Ahh yes this is my son Manny and this is my Grumpy son too be husband Jay" Gloria introduces 

"Nice to meet you kid" as he shakes my hand but clearly surprised at the strength of my grip and calloused hand but then he eyes my body for a second and doesn't seem as surprised and little respect is shown in his eyes.

But then Manny comes out of his stupor and says "W-wait a minute aren't you that billionaire genius but w-w-what are doing here? and aren't you 12? and how do you look so ripped?..."

He keeps on firing questions but then realises what he's doing as says " sorry I got a bit exited there, but can you tell me?" 

Jay and gloria are obviously a bit shook up and don't know what to say but i leave them in their shock and just talk to Manny and say 

"Well I'm here because I wanted to set up my business in America and yes I'm 12 just taller and with a good diet and working out is how I got this body" 

"Woah that makes sense but if your studying abroad how come I haven't heard that you were in the newspaper" he asks

"Ahh well I change my last name when I go to school and I wear glasses in public installed with technology that disrupts face tracking software and no pictures can be taken of me because my Ai monitors the internet and removes them. also the glasses work for superman to hide his identity and I thought why not me?" I finish with a laugh.

"Thats Smart I- wait you got AI no way can it take over the world?" Manny asks a little worried.

"Haha don't worry that only happens in movies in reality robots don't even care enough to take over the planet as it only directives is to serve me and thats it" I calm him down and explain.

"W-wait a minute your a billionaire 12 year old. ¿Qué diablos está pasando, estoy muerta o alucinando? (What the hell is going on, am I dead or hallucinating?)" she says with a panic.

I reply with a smirk saying "No estás alucinando gloria, no te preocupes y trátame como normal ¿vale? (you're not hallucinating gloria don't worry about it and treat me like normal ok?)"

Gloria then somehow changes her attitude once she realises I can talk Spanish and then happily says "Oh, entonces puedes hablar español, eso es un alivio. Lo único con lo que puedo hablar es con Manny y le gusta hablar en inglés para encajar. Deberíamos invitarte a ti y a tu familia a cenar alguna vez. (Oh so you can speak spanish that's a relief. All i can speak with is Manny and he likes to speak in English to fit in. We should invite you and your family to dinner sometime.)"

Hearing that my smile my smile freezes a bit which Manny notices why and tries to steer the conversation in a different direction. 

"i]Is it true that you've learnt many languages then how many do you speak " Manny asks 

"You wouldn't believe me if I told you" I say with a smirk and whisper in his ear "over 40". His eyes widen in disbelief and it is true as Batman really did learn over 40 languages. 

over the next few minutes I converse with Manny and Gloria and then they have to go so I give them my personal number card and they leave with a still stunned Jay who doesn't end up saying anything just deep in thought. 


(Change scene) (Manny Pov) 

I can't help but still be in shock about meeting one of the richest people on earth but he was a good person so it kind of eases up my mind knowing him in person. 

"Ayy I can't believe it jay, we met a billionaire and he's a kid, I can't wait to have his family over for dinner though I wonder what they're like" 

Yehh I got to correct his while I can. I then go to explain to her about him and his history and inform her of a short fan page on him that shortens up his life and explains it. It's an understatement saying she was upset. 

"Ahhhh Jay what do I do? How do I make it up to him? Is he mad at me?" she hurriedly says upset.

Jay calms her down by hugging her and then saying "Don't worry gloria he's a strong kid something as simple as words won't break him or make him hate you just act normal and message him to have dinner with us next weekend alright. but promise me this no more meeting new neighbours ok?" 

Gloria calms down and smiles whilst kissing jays cheek she says "no promises dear but alright".

  Manny sighs and thinks 'crisis averted'


(change Scene) (Atlas Pov) 

Gloria can sure cook. I think as I devour what she delivered over earlier. That luck I wished for turned out great, I've already met 2 of the three families. I wonder if I'll meet Cameron or Mitchell in the next few weeks? I don't think ill be able to handle all of Cameron's positive energy but I survived Gloria so who knows? 

Lets message Alex about this.


(Scene Change) (Alex pov) 

"Guys your not going to believe this" I say at the dinner table and says. 

Claire- "What sweetie?" 

"Apparently Grandpa, Gloria and Manny just met Atlas for a neighbour introduction and now apparently he's going to go to dinner with them next weekend" I say 

" Wow who knew Gloria could get my dad to great a neighbour" Claire says surprised. 

"I mean Gloria could get anyone to do anything" Phil says with a goofy smile, then realises what he said and changes the subject by asking if still has plans for a lightsabre fight while trying to ignore Claire's gaze. After confirming the dates for the lightsabre fights which I may secretly want to join, the conversation moves to Claire saying

" You know your uncle Mitchell is apparently applying for a new job at new law firm that recently opened up"