
Forever and ever

In our engagement were all forty people invited. The house of Julio had become a luxury, the way I imagined. I stop at the entrance, watching the scenery, where I saw Carlos for the first time. It was really amazing how in a few months they changed our lives. It doesn't take long and Carlos comes up smiling at me. He comes towards me and kisses my hand.

—You look beautiful. - praises admiring the beautiful lace pink-tea dress that I chose for the evening.

—Thank you. - kissing your lips.

—It's time for dinner. - my mother says, interrupting.

We sit at the table, side by side, when he gets up, giving another kiss in my hand and holding it.

— Thank you all for coming to the happiest night of my life. - says Carlos. Then he puts the beautiful diamond ring on my finger, surprising me. I had no idea that he had bought an engagement ring for me. He turns to everyone and goes on. - I must admit that I never thought I would be together with her, but she was very insistent. She said she would marry me in our first kiss. - he touches my chin and faces me saying. - I mean, it was worth this insistence of yours, because I fell in love with you Dalia and still am. Thank you for showing me that you were, are, and will always be the right person to be with me… forever and ever.

I've never cried so much in my entire life that I couldn't control myself. My crying was so big that I had to pull myself together in the bathroom. But one thing I was sure of: Carlos is the man I belong to.


— That dress is not white! -says my father for the fifth wedding dress I chose. It had the pink tone and lace.

I take a deep breath and go back to the fitting room, irritated. I know you must be wondering: But wouldn't decide the wedding dress be the role of the mother? Yes, but my mother traveled with my sister and we agreed that it would be better if my father went with me, which was a bad idea. That's because I did not want to marry in white, because I was no longer a virgin. But my father didn't think so. For him, it was either white or nothing. After that fifth, I got tired and put on my flowery dress. I came out of the fitting room willing to tell my father some pleasant truths… and that's what I said:

—All right. - I start pointing my finger at him, under everyone's curious eye. —The dress will be white, but I decide the model.

Mine just shook his head, amazed at my attitude. Never in all those years had I raised my voice to him. Eye looking for my consultant, who soon appears. I walk with her back to the macaws. Of all the dresses in the store, what I loved was a corset hopefully fall all embroidered in stones. In addition to a generous tail. As soon as my father saw me wearing the dress, he stood up, horrified.

—You wouldn't be crazy to wear that dress inside a church. - exclaims my father.— Half of your breasts are coming out of it.

—I warned you. - I remind my father. The saleswoman is smiling at me. — That's my dress. You can fix it for me.


It was a week before our wedding when people started asking us about our bachelor party. We agreed that we would do it together, giving a party in our new apartment, only for close friends. Our only demand for friends is to bring only the drinks that the rest were with us.

It was a very fun night, especially with the worldly stories of Julio. After he seduced everyone, I invited him to meet the rest of my apartment. As soon as we arrived in the room, I showed how full of gifts it was.

— Wow, Dalia. - Exhorts Julio , amazed. He throws himself on my bed and says. — And when will they debut the bed?

— Ahhh, if that bed spoke... - I joke, throwing myself next to him.

—You don't think you're jumping the gun ?- Julius asks me, surprising me. Of all of them, he was the one who supported me the most, and now he asks me this question. — Don't get me wrong, I know this must all be a dream, but even the best dream can become a nightmare.

— I am not rushing. - I answer by getting up from bed. — He is the man I have chosen for me. And stop trying to get those doubts in my head.

And so I close the matter for good. Nothing and no one would disturb my happiness.


Our religious wedding was going to happen on the weekend, but we got married in civil on a beautiful sunny Thursday, only with the presence of my parents. As soon as we got married, my parents invited us to lunch. I couldn't get enough of looking at Carlos, who is now my husband.

— Although they were married in the eyes of men, they were not married in the eyes of God.- says my father, inconvenient. — So no going home again, being alone.

But he could not imagine that a day later, Carlos would be sick, being forced to stay at my parents' house so that I could take care of him. My husband had a high fever and vomited all day. Deep down, I think it was just the nervousness of marriage. I take care of him all day, worried, because now that he's so close to our dream, he gets sick. Did they put a curse on our relationship?

— I'm… sorry… a lot. – asks Carlos, with a lot of effort. His fever is very high, must be delirious.

—It's not your fault.–I say, trying to reassure you.

—I love you, Dalia. - says Carlos, feverish.

—I love you, Carlos. - I respond promptly.

The other day I woke up worried, feared that Carlos had worsened. I got up and went straight to his room, that is empty. Then I head to the dining room table, where my parents, and he were drinking coffee. If someone told me, I would not believe that Carlos was sitting there as if nothing had happened. I sit next to him, admiring his incredible improvement.

— Today is the big day. - remembers my mother, smiling.

—Yes. - Carlos interacts, excited. —I'll go home and finish setting things up.

— I go to the SPA with my mother and sister. - I say.

—See you tonight? - Jokes Carlos.

—No doubt. - I answer, giving a light kiss on his lips.

I spent the day at the SPA trying to relax, but I was very nervous and, at the same time, happy. I had finally achieved what I wanted most: to marry the man I had chosen.

I settled in at the SPA, under the emotional gaze of my mother and the proud of my sister. We arrived half an hour beyond the expected delay. Inside the car, I pray that I don't cry too much and enjoy that day. My father touches my hand, making me open my eyes.

—It's time. - warns my father, smiling.


Despite my fear, I entered the church smiling, and no tear dared to come down my face. My father handed me to Carlos, and my smile opened even more. I'm feeling like the happiest person on the planet. The pastor starts the ceremony, but I can't even pay attention, just admiring how beautiful Carlos looks that night. He smiles at me several times and then comes the time of the vows, being initiated by Carlos, who says:

—I am committed to helping you to love life, to always embrace it with tenderness and to have the patience that love demands. I promise to speak when the words are needed and share the silence when they are not. I promise to disagree in agreeing on the cake. And live in the warmth of your heart. I promise to call home the space between your arms and kiss you every morning. Even if you are away from me, I will make you happy and want you to be happy. I promise you my eternal love. - ends by putting the ring on my finger.

After he says those beautiful words, it's my turn. I spent a lot of time thinking about what to say, and those words were the ones that got closer than I wanted:

— When I met you, I was sure I had to go after what I wanted. I left my fears and faced everything and everyone just to be with you. I have overcome obstacles, cities and countries, but my love has only increased, every day more and every day differently. I loved you when you smiled; I loved you when you showed me how to live better. I loved you at the first look.- The ring is on your finger.

—By the power granted to me, I declare your husband and wife. You may kiss the bride.

Carlos pulls me into his arms and gives me a kiss so intense that it seemed to really want to make us one. Everyone clapped, and we started walking under that rain of rice.

The wedding party was at my parents' friends' restaurant. We danced our first waltz as a couple, we listened to the toasts of our indiscreet friends, photos and more photos. We cut the cake and everything was perfect until we looked at Carlos' pale face.

—Are you okay? - I ask, worried about the cold sweat coming from her forehead.

—I'm not feeling well. - says Carlos, practically running to the bathroom.

I still try to stay a little longer at the party, but I'm tired of taking pictures and seeing him like that. So I ask Julio and my friend Mercedes, who are practically swallowing each other, to take us to the hotel.


Our suite was beautiful, with red rose petals everywhere and an enormous heart in the bed. Carlos enters, practically dying. I was already convinced that I was not going to have a wedding night when Carlos hugged me:

—I'm fine, my love. Do not worry, I just need to take a medicine and finally alone.

— All right. - I answer, smiling.

I give him the medicine and go towards the bathroom to take a shower. Before I step in, my necessaire and take the big surprise of the night.

I take the tiara out of my hair and release them. Then I remove all the makeup and take a wonderful shower. When I go out, I wear the white lace lingerie with the sock specially chosen for that night. I look in the mirror and I'm perfect.

I leave the bathroom and do not turn on the bedroom light ,leaving only my shadow to report my presence. I lean back on the portal and ask provocatively:

— It took me too long, my love?

The only answer I get is my husband's snoring is still in his tuxedo, sleeping in our bed.