
The beginning of "Forever"

My wish is to wake you. I spent ten long months waiting for that moment when it would be all his, and I don't think it's fair that he makes me go without my wedding night. I sit next to him and touch his forehead. He's feverish, and it makes me give up on my plans. I put Carlos in bed and cover him, go back to the bathroom and take off the lingerie. I lie next to him, turning off the lights. As soon as I get ready in bed, the fatigue takes over me and I end up sleeping.

In the middle of the night, I feel someone touching my breasts, which makes me jump into bed, since I'm used to sleeping alone all my life and had forgotten that I was now married. Carlos pulls me back and, smiling, tells me:

— Shhhhh... I'm just feeling my wife. I want to see and feel everything I've been denied all these long months.

He lays me down on the bed and turns on the lamp, admiring me as if it was the first time he had seen me naked. Carlos rips off his clothes, almost desperate, and lies down again, begins to kiss me and touch my whole body, making me shiver. He smiles and says, caressing my lips:

— So beautiful... I believe we don't need foreplay. We've done it for a lifetime. – He spreads my legs, lying between them. In a quick and intense movement, he penetrates me, closing his eyes to find me aroused: — You... are so hot...

The rhythm is frenetic from the beginning. We look like two rabbits with an insatiable thirst for pleasure. Between groans and touches, we kiss in love. I watch her expression of pleasure every time she crawls all over me. My hands bring him closer to my body. I bite his shoulder; I scratch his back, making him accelerate the pace even more. The rhythm is so intense that I groan, scream and beg for more, being answered promptly. It does not take long and our climax reaches the point that Carlos trembles to the maximum and collapse in my arms. Hug my husband, panting, we have the perfect fit.

Carlos gets up and looks at me in a sly way, making me look confused. He lifts me off the bed, turns me on all fours, caresses my back and pulls my hip close to him and shoves himself inside me once more, making me groan in surprise:

—But already...? - I ask, amazed at the vigor of my husband. He pulls my hair, making me approach him and kisses me intensely.

— I want to enjoy at the ... maximum... Now ... you ... are ... my ... wife. - Carlos answers, holding me by the hip and penetrating me without the slightest pity. Then he orders: — Lift this ass for me.

I do what he says promptly. Carlos holds my hair in his hand and pulls as it penetrates deeper. Pick up the pace as you hit my ass, merciless. Hold me by the shoulder and lift me from the bed. My husband pulls my head against his and kisses me as his hands explore me impatiently. It doesn't take long, and he finds my clitoris stimulating him and increasing my excitement. Now he penetrated me and stimulated me simultaneously. I wanted to scream with pleasure, but Carlos totally took my mouth. My hard-on is so much that I start moving my own hip towards his, frantically. I feel him stiffening more and more until he punches me hard and makes me cum immediately. My legs tremble as Carlos kisses my sweaty shoulders. We lie in bed exhausted, hugged amid our sweat. I kiss the closed eyes of Carlos, who keeps me glued to him with his arms around me.

— I love you. - I say even without knowing if he is awake. I caress his arm, slowly rising to his shoulders, then down his chest... I can't believe he's in there with me.

—I also love you.- replies Carlos, opening his greenish eyes. We spent a good time in silence, staring at us. He touches my lips, admiring. — You are beautiful, Dalia... I love you... I feel that I love you forever.

I hold my breath in front of that statement. I spent the last few months running after him, and now he's there, man, like I never thought it would be... I also feel like I love him forever.

— We need to take a shower. - says Carlos, waking me up from my thoughts. He stands up and gives me a hand to get up too.

We walked hand in hand to the bathroom. He turns on the cold shower and pulls me into the box, making me scream at the contact of the icy water in my body. Carlos laughs at my grimace and then approaches me, giving a kiss as he takes the closed soap behind me.

— I will treat you as you deserve, my love. - says Carlos, touching my body with the sponge-bath and lathering slowly.

He massages my neck with the sponge, running his arms between mine, hugging me. I kiss her shoulders as my husband soaps my back up my ass. He pulls me away and starts lathering my breasts, my belly, and then stops smiling. Then I look down and find the reason: he came back. Carlos pulls my body close to his and kisses me as he takes me under the shower again. When he sees that I am without any foam, he lifts me in his arms and leans me against the wall, then he entangles my legs in his waist. He thrusts it with all his will, trapping me between the wall and his body. He stares at me and kisses me as I hold on his shoulders. The water helps even more in our horny. This time everything was slower, enjoying every moment... Carlos sticks me to the wall and kisses me as he shakes when he reaches the climax. Upon realizing that I was very close, he descends between my thighs and sucks my clitoris until I can no longer stand and moan with pleasure, almost falling over him.

— You are delicious, Dalia Penedo Salazar.- says Carlos, remembering my new married name.

He turns off the shower and leaves the bathroom to get the towel. Come back, dry my whole body and carry me back to bed, where in a few minutes we sleep with a spoon.


Sunlight invades the room, making me wake up. For a few moments, I still think that everything was just a dream, until I found the serene face of Carlos next to me. I smile and turn to the nightstand, taking a fright to see that the clock marked eight in the morning. We had less than an hour to get to the airport and go to our honeymoon. I shake Carlos' arm that does not move, desperate.

— Wake up, Carlos, we're late!- shout shaking him that opens his eyes slowly, sleepily. I get up from the bed and run towards the bathroom to get ready. From there I keep rushing Carlos. - Fast love, we do not have much time... I can't believe you're in bed!- I scream to see Carlos still sleeping. I jump on the bed and start shaking him even more, making him wake up: — Come on, Carlos!

I run and pick up the clothes I left separately for the trip while Carlos gets ready in the bathroom. In twenty minutes, we are already in the taxi heading towards the airport. I look at the view of Barcelona, nervous. Then Carlos holds my hand, caressing gently.

— Everything will be all right. - guarantees my husband, calm. He smiles and asks: — What is our first stop?