
Miracle Boy

Adam, who is the head of the all the Supremes and they all use to lived out from this world, a place known as Iceland. He was kindhearted and a gentleman but his younger brother Columbus hates him because he wanted to become the head and for that he took the help of Oman, who hates Supremes. He help him and makes him as the new head of the Supremes. A fight occurred in that place in which Adam and his wife Eve lost their son and Columbus put both of them behind the bars with their loyal people and other Supremes. He was controlling that place and forgets everything what he did. Columbus hade made a new rules which creates problems in different sections of the world and especially in blue planet. No one was able to work properly due to his rules and one day he got shocked when he found that the son of his elder brother is still alive. He wanted to kill him because he knew that he had many unimaginable powers and if he controlled all his powers then he will come in that place and becomes the head of the Supremes. For killing him, he send his people but they failed. That boy was growing up on the lap of nature and went to a strange journey where he learn how to us his powers and meet his teacher who will guides him how to use his powers. In this strange journey, he meets different people but he faced many obstacles in his journey but he pass through all the obstacles. He teaches him and after that he came back to his parents where he meet some people and they tell him about his reality and about his mother and father. he came back to that place where he born to save his mother and father from his uncle and in this fight many people use to help him and they saved Adam and Eve

Kangaroo01 · Fantasie
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51 Chs

Chapter-11: Challenge.  

Chapter-11: Challenge.

Hero used to practice every day to control his powers but he had to go to the palace to meet the king OZ. Her mother and father asked him that they will also come along with him but he refused because he wanted to talk to him by himself. His mother and father both were surprised because they were thinking that he was going to create some problem and this time, Henry was in the middle and he had to think about him also.

Hero was walking towards the mountains. He crossed the mountains and took that road which they normally use to take to reach the Big Market. When he was crossing the market, he saw the board and found that the pictures had been increased. He was looking at the board.

… Market was full of crowds and he stopped one man who used to pull a cart. That cart has two wheels and a roof of cloth. He asked him to drop him outside the palace because he had been called by the king. He smiled at him and accepted. Hero sits on the cart and that man holds both the sticks with his hand and starts pulling.

While pulling the cart, that man had a smile on his face. Hero asked the reason about his smile, and that man said his name from his mouth. He was wondering to hear his name from an unknown man.

"You know me?" Said by Hero with surprise.

… "Our whole village knows your name; I used to live in a stone table village."

He was wondering that other village people also knew about him.

"Sir… everyone know about your story… about the flood, storm and freezing the bulls."

After some hours, he reached outside the gate of the palace. He stepped down and he gave one silver coin to him. That man took that coin and requested him to visit his village also.

Hero told one soldier to send a message and tell them that Hero is standing outside their palace.

… General came out of the palace and asked him to follow him. While going towards the palace, he saw a beautifull garden full of flowers and many people were taking care of the garden. All those people had dirty clothes on their body and they never used to go inside the palace. He knew all those people from their clothes. They all belonged to the backward area.

Finally, he stood in front of a king in a big hall. Many chairs were placed and on each chair there was a man wearing costly cloth and the king was wearing red heavy cloth and had a crown on his head. On his right hand, a huge circular ring was floating. That ring was made up of fire and he was staring at him.

"I knew that you would come here and accept my offer."

He gave a sign to the General and he grabbed his hand but suddenly, the General felt a shock when he touched his hand and stepped back. All the people who were sitting on the chair, they all stood up due to shock because they didn't see anything like that. The king was also watching this and he was surprised but did not show anyone.

He shouted at him and asked the reason why he was doing this.

"I am not here to accept your offer."

… Everyone was shocked because it was the first time they had seen someone decline his offer. Even the king was also shocked, he thought that he was her to accept his offer but he was wrong.

"How dare you!!"

"King, if you want me then you have to accept my challenge."

He started laughing at him because he was challenged by a small boy whose age is just 14 years. He starts making fun of him, while laughing he asks him about the challenge.

"After seven days, a chariot race is going to happen. The king, if you are able to beat me in that race then I will accept your offer."

The king was wondering about his word and surprised also because the way he was speaking was impressive. He had no fear in his eyes. People who were there, they requested him not to accept the challenge because they heard about him and they knew that from many times, he used to keep winning the race. But the king was in his pride. He knew that if he did not accept the challenge then people would think bad about him and if he accepted and then he defeated him then he would be his loyal servant, guard etc. In his pride, he accepted his challenge and all the people were shocked because they knew that very soon their king was going to lose.

When he was walking out from the palace, people who were working on the garden waved their hands towards him. … He also waved his hand.

Next morning, everyone knew about what he had done in the palace and the whole village started talking about him.

When Mary used to go out that time her friends used to ask him about his son and somehow, she changed the topic and ran away from them. She asked her son about that challenge and he replied that he had no choice. … She told Joseph to say something to his son but he was in shock.

At night, all the three witches went out and the black dress witch was alone inside the mansion and she still had that paper on her hand. She was sitting inside her tub which was full of water. For a minute, she closed her eyes and she saw a dream when they were killing one priest when he was passing the black forest.

That priest was dying and four of them were standing in front of him. While dying he told everyone in his shivering voice that one day they will face one boy and when he enters this forest, their powers and chair will shake.

While dreaming, all three witches came back with information. They entered the room where she was taking a bath.


With that sound, she woke up and turned her head towards them.

"Why are you all shouting?"

They told her that the king had been challenged by the boy. When she heard that she was shocked. She stands in her bathtub and wears her clothes. She knew that she also had many powers but she kept remembering all the words said by that priest. With a huge sound, she flew out from the mansion and the rest three were following her. Three of them followed Hena and she found a man who was pulling a cart. In anger she grabs her and drinks all his blood and his flesh eaten by rest females.

… She was very angry and roaming around in one place. With anger she shouted. It was a screaming sound and all the people got scared with that sound.

The villages around that place, they all got scared. Hero came out from the house and looked around to know the origin of the sound. Hena went to the stone table village side again and saw a poster on the wall. In that poster, it was written that the king was going to participate in a chariot race. That night, they all were flying around the villages and they had killed many people and went back to the black forest.

Hena was sitting on her chair and thinking about the boy.

"Where did he live?"

They told her that they had seen his chariot going inside the buffalo village.

"Buffalo village."

Next day, Hero was in the field with his goats and sheeps. He was sitting over a stone and looking around. Alice, Angel, Jack, Daniel were sitting around and talking about the challenge. They were thinking that he had made a wrong decision but Hero was not listening to them because he was looking towards the black forest. He used his vision power to see around him. While looking inside that forest, everything was black in color and he was going further but Isabella shocked him from behind.


He looked behind and she was smiling. She was there to tell him about the horses and a new chariot for the race.

… He grabs one stone in his hand and throws that stone towards the black forest.

"Hey, four of you take all the sheeps and goats back to the house."

He walked along with her and she took her to the house and showed him her new chariot and horses. Her father was sitting on the side and he doesn't like him because in the whole village his father and mother are the only people who can beat him in money and he does not like that. He just wants to stay on the top of everyone but due to his father, he isn't able to do that.

Hero was looking at the chariot and it was really good. Four wheels and sitting place for the owner and driver. Strong ropes to hold the horses and that chariot was really light weight.

"Hello uncle."


In that word, there were no feelings and he had one smile on his face. His eyes were staring at him only.