
Miracle Boy

Adam, who is the head of the all the Supremes and they all use to lived out from this world, a place known as Iceland. He was kindhearted and a gentleman but his younger brother Columbus hates him because he wanted to become the head and for that he took the help of Oman, who hates Supremes. He help him and makes him as the new head of the Supremes. A fight occurred in that place in which Adam and his wife Eve lost their son and Columbus put both of them behind the bars with their loyal people and other Supremes. He was controlling that place and forgets everything what he did. Columbus hade made a new rules which creates problems in different sections of the world and especially in blue planet. No one was able to work properly due to his rules and one day he got shocked when he found that the son of his elder brother is still alive. He wanted to kill him because he knew that he had many unimaginable powers and if he controlled all his powers then he will come in that place and becomes the head of the Supremes. For killing him, he send his people but they failed. That boy was growing up on the lap of nature and went to a strange journey where he learn how to us his powers and meet his teacher who will guides him how to use his powers. In this strange journey, he meets different people but he faced many obstacles in his journey but he pass through all the obstacles. He teaches him and after that he came back to his parents where he meet some people and they tell him about his reality and about his mother and father. he came back to that place where he born to save his mother and father from his uncle and in this fight many people use to help him and they saved Adam and Eve

Kangaroo01 · Fantasy
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51 Chs

Chapter-10: A fairy.

Chapter-10: A fairy.

Doctor was checking him and all the villagers were looking at him because they had seen him for the first time in that situation. Doctor checked his pulse, he opened his eyes to check him but everything was normal. He was scratching his head because he was not able to understand anything. But no one knows about Hero, he was physically present there but his soul was called by an unknown person who came to his dream recently.

Hero was standing in front of him. He knew that he used to look like him but why did he come to his dream again. He uses his power to stop him but he isn't able to use his powers.

"Hero… I am here to warn you about all your supernatural powers. Your power is increasing so, better you learn how to control it. Go back."

After saying this, he opened his eyes and he found his head on his mother's lap and the doctor was standing in front of him. Everyone gets happy to see him fine but Isabella seems to be happier to see him happy. All the villagers go back to their house but Angel was looking at him and Alice dragged her to the house because she wanted to ask a question with him but Alice knew that Isabella would not let her talk with him.

Henry was sitting quietly on his chair because Hero rejected his offer and now he had to answer the authorities. He asked Alice to talk to him but Alice knew that he would not accept the offer but she assured him that she was going to talk to him very soon.

Soldiers were standing in front of their king with the General. Whole palace was filled with many people and there was a long red carpet lying on the floor and there was a chair on the top. He was very arrogant and he shouted at his soldiers when he heard that he refused to come along with them. General explains to him how he uses their spears against them.

"Hmm. If that boy is really that much powerfull then, he would like to meet him personally."

One of the men stood from the group and he told the king that there is a man named Henry who used to live in that village, they had appointed him to do that work. The king smiled at him because now he had to come to the place. Meanwhile, some soldiers came and they told the king that those four witches attacked a family of a stone table village.

The king crushed his teeth because he wasn't able to handle that problem. When he was small, from that time he used to listen about the story of those four witches and now, attacks on those witches have increased.

At night, before Mary went to her bed, she went out to check on her son and she saw that Hero was sitting straight on his bed. Both the eyes were closed, both the legs were folded. She was surprised to see that because she had never seen her son like this. She was about to step forward to ask him but Joseph stopped her and he took her inside the house. Both were talking about him but suddenly they heard a sound. When they looked in that direction, there was a female, who was standing on a cloud. She was wearing white dress, open hair with a crown on her head and wings on her back.

"Mary, Joseph… How are you both?"

… Both were surprised to see her because they had met her before and after so long a time, she came back again.

"I know that your son fell down and it was all because of his supernatural powers. His powers are increasing and you Mary, try to teach him."

Mary does not understand anything because how can she teach him about his powers? She knew all his powers but it was very tough for her to teach him. She wants to ask her about teaching but that fairy disappeared.

While sleeping, both were thinking about teaching. While thinking, Mary fell asleep and she had a dream. In that dream, she saw her son was holding a sword in his hand and he was sitting on the chair. All the people bowed their heads in respect. Suddenly, she opened her eyes and saw her husband was standing in front of her with a surprised face expression.

"Mary… what happened?"

"Nothing. Where is the Hero?"

"Why don't you go down and see."

She came down and saw, Hero was trying to give life to a dead plant. His leaves were dried and Hero was saying only two words.

"Get up."

… His mother stands behind him and asks him, what is he doing? He told her about his dream and Mary was surprised to hear that. She told him that before he uses his power, he should know about his power. "Concentrate on your powers."

She put her hands on his shoulder so that he could believe on her and he again looked at that dead plant.

"Get up." Said by Hero with full confidence.

Suddenly, that planet starts getting his life back and Mary was happy to see that because Hero was doing that work which no one can do.

That planet stands straight, its leaves start getting their color and one flower appears on the stamp but suddenly a blast occurs and that plant scatters in all directions. Joseph was standing behind them and looking at everything.

"Good try son but you need a little bit more control on your powers."

A message came from the authorities for Henry. Now, Henry had no choice because they had sent a message and in that message they had told him that if he failed then authority would snatched their house from him and all that money which they have. Henry got in trouble, now he had one thing left to do and that is to fall on the legs of Mary because she is the only one who can help him. He went to her house with all his family members and talked about their problems. That time Hero was standing behind his father and mother. He saw fear on their faces and his daughter Angel had some lines on her head. To understand, he started to read her mind. In her mind she was praying for help.

"Aunt Mary, in this village there is no one whom you haven't helped. You helped us also and now, help them also." Said by Alice.

Joseph was about to say something but Isabella interrupted him. She was there because Hero called her to his house.

"Father… I thought you needed her help."

Joseph was happy from inside but he was angry from outside because he hates his son's behaviour of reading the minds of others. Joseph requests Isabella to tell her father that Hero wants to meet the king and he wants to buy that house from her father. She refuses because she knows that her father will not be going to do that but Hero requests her and she agrees. Hero told Henry that he was going to meet the king very soon.

… Everyone had a smile on their faces because he is going to meet the king and Henry realized his mistake when Alice told him to give sweets to Hero, when he got the job.

"Thank you." Said by Angel in a very low voice.

Hero is the only one who can hear low voice. Mary was looking at Angel. She likes her smile and beautiful face and she was dreaming about her and Hero read her mind.

"Stop it mother, it won't happen."

Suddenly, she realized that her son read her mind also. She shouted at him but he ran away from the house.

Sun was setting down and the color of the sky started getting changed. In the stone table village, families were sleeping in their house but four witches were roaming around the village. Picture of those people who were lost but no one knows that they had been killed by those four witches.

Those four witches were flying and roaming around to find their prey and they got their prey. There was a father with his daughter, who were closing their shop and going upstairs to sleep. They both were sleeping but they felt something, they felt like someone was watching them. When they opened their eyes, they were shocked because they saw three females who were staring at both of them and smiling because very soon they were going to kill both of them. Fourth female was roaming around in their shop and found gold and silver coins which had the mark of their king.

"Hmm. Humans need this to buy something from the market."

She was wearing black dress and found a poster in which 7 days were written. She holds that paper in her hand.

Suddenly, that man and his daughter screamed and they both got silent. … All the three females came down; they had some blood marks on their faces.

"Let's go."

She throws that paper and all four of them roaming around the sky and went back to their black forest.