
Minecraft:The Good Fanfiction

A world forever locked in war,a tyrannical force yet to be defeated,and romance yet to bloom. it'll all happen here.

Studio_10XT · Videospiele
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36 Chs

The Warning

Grayson quickly searched the house,bringing a groggy Kupa down from bed to present Alex-

Alex waves to Kupa,who smiled warmly at first,then awoke-

'Wait! Before we get started with the reunion i have news! There is a new war running around,and whatever it is,it's causing Gladya to recall all of her soldiers. Its been called The War of the End.' Alex signed.

"Well there goes that plot." Grayson sighs softly.

"What?" Kupa asked

"Nothing important.." Grayson quickly said.

'....Anyway,now that we are together again in a better spot..I guess we need a game plan.' Alex signs.

"We had one,but seeing as Gladya has withdrawn her forces,we've been handed the biggest card in the game. The question is,what are they planning?" Kupa pondered softly.

"Well,wherever they're planning i don't want to wait long enough to find out." Grayson said.

"I vote we gather the people we can and prepare for the worst." Kupa said,raising her hand.

"That's not out of the question,but what about the Portal home? It's unlikely that Titan will leave to follow the forces." Grayson asked,looking to Alex.

'For now it's safe to assume that the Titan has the duty of keeping you here. And until we figure out how to get rid of it,you're basically stuck here until further notice.'

Alex's stomach rumbled lowly.

'On a side note,is breakfast prepared?'

"I hardly even got out of bed when you came knocking. Lemme get started on that while you and Kupa catch up some." Grayson said,as he headed to the kitchen to prepare breakfast.

As he disappeared around the corner,Kupa quickly lept onto Alex to give a surprisingly tight hug-

"How'd you even escape that prison?! I thought anyone that goes in never comes out!" Kupa asked in joy,her hug getting rib crushingly tight-

As soon as Alex was released she began to explain;

'Long and short,I took a trip through the Deep Dark,even ran into a Warden..'

"A Warden?! Woooah youve gotta be pulling my chain! Nobody has survived one before!" Kupa said,getting adorable stars in her eyes,earning a charmed smile from Alex.

'Ohh its nothing too exciting I promise. Right now I just want to get some food in my stomach and rest my poor,aching muscles..'

"Alrighty then! Ill go see if Grayson has finished making breakfast." Kupa said,as she began heading into the kitchen.

She pokes her head in,to find Grayson hard at work grilling up some porkchops. She slowly and carefully sneaks up behind the male.

She suddenly hugs him from behind,causing a slight flinch. "Hey Kupa. Mind the grease splatter,please." Grayson said as he flips one of the porkchops.

"Alex is getting peckish,how long before breakfast is ready?" Kupa asked as her hands roamed over Grayson some.

"I'd say it'll be ready in about 10 minutes. After that I feel like we have a looong day ahead." Grayson said as be flipped the other 2 porkchops.

"Go fetch Alex and set the table,sweet?" Grayson requested. "In trade for a kiss maybe.~" Kupa purrs.

Grayson rolls his eyes and turns to face Kupa,he bends over some and plants a kiss on her lips,"Better?"

"Better. See you at the breakfast table,Sweet.~" Kupa purrs with a warm smile. As she heads off,Grayson checked the porkchops for how well done they were,and allowed them to cook a little more just in case before plating the food.

With Breakfast served,Grayson Alex,and Kupa sat down together to celebrate a small reunion before they got to work.

'By the way,nice house. Very cozy. Did ya build it yourself?" Alex asked,as she cut into her porkchop.

"I restored and furnished it,honestly. It was trickier keeping the Monsters out." Grayson said as he leaned forward.

'Gotta love the nightly visitors,huh?' Alex asked.

"It gets boring around here without other company." Kupa adds jokingly,simply taking a bite out of her porkchop.

"So,Alex,If you don't mind me asking,how large is the resistance against Gladya?" Grayson asked,as he cut another slice of porkchop.

'Sizeable,if you count the small pockets of people who believe you're a savior,and not a destroyer. We don't exactly know one another,but the complex system of tunnels scattered through the territory makes it easy to stay under the radar. With Gladya having recalled her troops the Resistance can basically move into the power vacuum. We're hitting the fight of all fights,and the public is ready to respond. All we need is a leader.' Alex signs.

"Im already lookin' at quite a handsome leader already." Kupa purrs softly,leaning forward some.

"Me? A leader? Psshh..I couldn't lead myself out of a paper bag,much less lead a resistance to war." Grayson chuckles,getting slightly flustered at the added flirt.

'Kupa IS correct however. The public needs a face that's not female for once. If you cant tell the monotony has become quite..ehh..difficult to overcome. And with that,their trust has waned in the face of their original tyrannical leader.' Alex signs.

"So really I could just step into the spotlight to sway the fight-ready public. My question is will it be stable enough to stay together? I can figure the Half-monster and Human populations don't get along terribly well,and while a common enemy and goal are present,we need that last bit of social adhesive to make sure this could be long term." Grayson explains.

"Uhh,could we cut back on the fancy talk a little bit? I kinda got lost at something about adhesive.." Kupa said with a slight chuckle to her voice.

"We need something that can keep the public held together. Like glue." Grayson simplified.


'That,Grayson is up to the public to figure out. And judging by your willingness just to chatter political theory,I take it you could get started soon?' Alex signed questioningly.

"Very soon indeed."

'As soon as we want to start,let's at least make sure youve got the finesse to talk a crowd into following you first. We dont want to hit a wall in opportune times like this.'

"Well,I can get to talking right now,then." Grayson said as he picked up his dirty plate,as well as the others to return them to the kitchen.

And as the tides prepared for war,the child of Grayson the Last had already grown some. A young sprout had poked up from the soil in it's pot.

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