
Minecraft:The Good Fanfiction

A world forever locked in war,a tyrannical force yet to be defeated,and romance yet to bloom. it'll all happen here.

Studio_10XT · Video Games
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36 Chs

"The Battle" PT1

After waiting for what felt like hours,a groggy Grayson was brought back down. Black enchantments ran along his sides,his muscle mass had become that of a well trained soldier,his height coming to match Alex.

"I...Think im ready for a fight now..." Grayson said with uncertainty.

"NOT until you rest,child. I'm sure Kupa and Alex can take care of you while you rest. Go on! Make space for him!" Medina said as she ushered Kupa and Alex off the couch,to allow Grayson to rest.

As Grayson settled down,Medina brought Kupa and Alex outside.

"He isn't ready to fight. Not for hours. One of his injuries are extensive and irreparable by mine,or any other magical means. Tell me who he was attacked by." She requested urgently.

"His clone." Kupa said solemnly.

"He was fortunate to have survived the first fight. If he and his clone fight again,he cannot afford to be attacked. Any attack from his clone that lands could kill Grayson at this point,because the magic from his clone has been allowed to spread onto and into his body." Medina advised.

The women were unaware of Grayson evesdropping on the conversation.

"Is there anything you can do to remove it?" Kupa asked in worry.

"Not until his clone is defeated. The way that dark magic works is almost like applying force to a mirror. All attacks reflect. And now that he is capable of a fight,his clone will mimic his combat,until they are desynced somehow. In that time either could win the fight,or they will both die when the last strike has been administered."

"So they're both glass cannons?" Alex asked.

"That's putting it very lightly,but yes." Medina agrees.

"So...What are we going to do,if Grayson is like this?" Alex asked,worry only slightly lacing her tone.

"Protect him. If it means your life over his,so be it. But this could be our last chance to restore balance. We can't afford to lose him. The risk is too great,his enemy too powerful." Medina said,as she turned to the door,'spotting' Grayson,though paying him no mind.

"I dunno about you,Alex. But I'm putting my chips down. For better or for worse,I plan to be at Grayson's side. What about you?" Kupa asked.

Alex hung in silence for a moment..

"Im with you." She said.

"That young man has some good friends." Medina said with a smile.

"We arent just good friends. We're his best friends." Kupa assured.

As the trio returned to the door,Grayson quickly returned to the couch,pretending to doze out. Medina sheds a soft smile,as Kupa and Alex join him in rest,though it slowly fell into a sad look..

Untold to Grayson or the others,was the fact of Medina's foresight.

Alex had a strong future,separate from Grayson and Kupa,though she seems to be in their woodworks still,helping from a distance..

Grayson was still due for a rough road ahead,as the sense of a Wolf had entered the room. His future in particular had much strife,with brief happiness.

Kupa's future was dark..

Sacrifice stood out against Kupa more than Alex. She would indeed be the turning point of the battle,though her heroism may not be seen by her,not for a long time..

Though it felt as though the whole world was behind their cause. There was light,though it was small..

The trio decided to stay overnight,to completely rest themselves before the big fight.

By morning,there was a note stabbed into the door.

It was from Glosys.

"Dear Foe,

In the short time after I have attacked you,it is clear that your power has come to match. I assume you used magic. Bring your army. All of them. We will finish this,my mirror. Meet me in the plains of Miner's End."

"What army? I haven't even gotten Umbris to fight for me." Grayson asked as he looked over the note.

"Who else?" Kupa asked as she settled a hand on his shoulder.

"You really think you can just march into battle without us? You really don't know your guardians." Alex adds with a chuckle.

"Well we have a place..No time. Should we go? Not like I've got an army thousands strong waiting.." Grayson said,heading back in the direction they came the day before.

Alex and Kupa quickly follow.

"One of these days he's gonna fight someone as stubborn as he is.." Kupa mutters.

"Too late,he's already got a head start with a clone..." Alex chuckles.

Kupa shared a small laugh as well.

As to be expected,the return trip was brief,the urgency in the air evident..

Miner's End Plains...

Standing before the blemish of a statue in the background,was Glosys,along with the Endish Generals Kell and Ward.

"I thought you'd run like a coward,but using strength not yours,you must be desperate to leave here the hard way." Glosys purred.

"Well I am desperate to stop this war. But 3 on 3? This I didn't expect."

"Who said you were fighting them?" Glosys purrs,as he moved forward.

Grayson in turn reflected such movement,Alex and Kupa following in a distant gait as well.

Grayson drew his sword as Glosys did,and they crossed blades. "Grayson the Last. You will bow before the Queen Gladya."

"She'll have to talk to a mountain."

With a flash of sparks,the almost matching pair began their clash,and as predicted,the fight was almost a passionate mirror dance of blades,each clash more powerful than the last-

Before the two could clash next,Grayson was intercepted by a flaming arrow,almost breaking his attention to Glosys,though by a hair cutting margin could he get out from under a powerful slash-

Alex was busy keeping Ward at bay,intercepting as many of the spells and potions her opponent sent. Bits of glass were already littering their end of the battlefield.

Kell was watching the fight patiently,drawing another arrow to launch at Grayson,when Kupa lept at her-

Kupa's hopes of a 'surprise' attack were dashed with a side step-

Kell draws a dagger,putting her bow away,keeping the arrow in her off hand. "You're fast for a Greencoat,too bad you're still a touch slow for me." She purrs

Kupa wordlessly continued,making herself slightly bigger,and beginning to push Kell back and away from the main fight.

Glosys and Grayson in their fight have already shredded each other's armor and undershirts,protected from harm by mere rags now. Grayson prepared a charge,and Glosys followed suit,though something was off-

Grayson suddenly threw a bag of ash at Glosys,it hit him in the face,casting a loose cloud and blinding the End King,and making him shout in pain-

One slash

It echoed through the battlefield like thunder-

Such a powerful feeling crossed the senses of everyone and everything,including Gladya.

Glosys did not go down with the first slash,though he had been severely weakened,and had fallen back,still attempting to fight.

Before Grayson could administer the final blow,his blazing sword was intercepted by an obsidian hand-

It was Gladya,donned in full,dark armor..

With a mere squeeze the blade in Gladya's hand was broken,quickly followed by a powerful punch that knocked the wind out of him and punted Grayson a good distance.

Glosys was quickly fading.

Gladya scoops the clone up,and teleports away,forcing her generals to follow suit.

Alex and Kupa quickly ran to Grayson,attending to the male who couldn't seem to get his breath..

"So...How..long do ya..think we have?" Grayson asked between gasps.

"Hours. At least."