
Minecraft:The Good Fanfiction

A world forever locked in war,a tyrannical force yet to be defeated,and romance yet to bloom. it'll all happen here.

Studio_10XT · Videospiele
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36 Chs

"Chiseling the Details"

Thankfully,the resulting trip was very brief,as the Trio turns up just outside of the gate. 'Remember Grayson,the rules here don't change. STAY. HIDDEN.' Alex signs.

Grayson nods as he pulls his hood on.

They walked into a much more crowded environment,the building's within were very close together,forcing the city and its residents to share a noisy,advertising ridden street.

Grayson quietly tugs on Alex's shirt,"Are you sure this is a good idea..? I feel like I'm being oggled like some kind of dessert...."

"Even with a decent disguise,you stand out like a sore thumb. We're good,but hiding you is a wee bit more difficult. Just stay close,okay?" Kupa assures,taking Grayson's hand into her own to ease his nerves.

And while there were onlookers,they seemed to go right back onto minding their own business.

They approach a building with not many visitors. It was called "The Hammer and Chisel".

"I hope that's an odd name for a tattoo shop." Grayson said as they entered,to hear the hard sounds of a hammer meeting a chisel. "Blaire! We have a special visitor!" Kupa calls out.

A burly female passes them,with some kind of rune on her shoulder..

Her brilliant red eyes stared Grayson down as she left.

As he turns back to the group,he was beheld as to just who Blaire was. She distinctly resembled your common villager,with green eyes,pale skin and brown hair. But her outfit wasn't the common witch's attire,it was a sterile white,which was surprisingly uncommon normally..

"Oh my....OHHH MYY~~" Blaire purrs as she quickly begins to look over Grayson. Her hands passed over his body,possibly checking for wounds...

"No scars...no end runes...But he's so damn healthy...where did you find this specimen?" Blaire asked,having Grayson lift his arms as she measured his mass with a tape measure.

"Believe it or not,Blaire,he kinda found us,but stirred the entire beehive that is Terra-Incubus." Kupa explains.

"Is this true,young man?" Blaire asked.

"Mhm. We were hoping to get some enchantments for my body. I'm not exactly a fighter,but we need to rip Gladya off of her throne before she tears the world apart looking for me."

"As if she hasn't already started.." Kupa mutters.

"I can definitely help you,and since you came in with friends,I suppose I can do it for free. But this is your only one." Blaire said as she steps away.

Grayson nods warmly.

"Good. Hold still." She said.

Suddenly,Grayson was stonified,stiffer than a pole.

"Could you two help him to the table?" Blaire asked,as she headed back into the operations room. Before too long Grayson was brought in by Alex and Kupa,huffing and puffing softly as they carried the male to the bed,and set him down. "Ya know,this would've been easier if you did that in here." Kupa complains.

"I know,but someone has to labor him into place." Blaire said as she grabs a hammer and chisel. "Have you discussed with Grayson what enchantments he might want?" Blaire asked.

"He needs a Fighter's enchantment,sword style." Kupa said.

"Ah,the mark of Steve the One? You know that's illegal the second you set foot outside of Magai,right?"

"We don't have much choice. Gladya is hunting the poor boy,and I refuse to let our only chance at balance be dashed by some crazy bitch with end corruption." Kupa growls.

"Point taken.." Blaire said,as she began to etch the rune into the statue before her. Hours of carefully toiling away to make sure every aspect of the run was correct..

Over time,it took shape of a 3 dimensional cube,with a strange language following the edges. As time progressed more,the etchings went to his arm. "Alex,this is dangerous you know...what if Gladys appears?" Blaire asked.

"Then we flee again until Grayson assimilates his new skill. This is the gamble of all gambles. We cannot afford to leave him defenseless." Kupa explains.

"Speaking of which,his etchings are done. Take him to the recovery ward." Blaire said as she releases the spell.

Grayson did not bleed,but as the stone gave way,the etchings turn to scar tissue. Alex gently lifts Grayson,settling him on a bed in the recovery ward...

(Meanwhile....On the Unconscious Plain)

Grayson groans softly,leaning up in a void of darkness. "Who are you?" A voice asked. It was low and gruff,like that of a male.

"I-im Grayson."

"I am Steve Minor. I'll be riding along for your little journey." The voice said,turning to a man with brown hair,pale skin,and deep blue eyes. The being flew around him,"Which means another man has been chosen to resist Gladya. It seems you are also a fighter,very familiar with the planes of dream."

"I guess so. What happened anyway?" Grayson questioned.

"You WERE under some kind of spell,but it was the same spell that summoned me. Only one other person has this enchantment,and she was born with it." Steve gently purrs. Whenever Grayson tried to look in Steve's direction,the seemingly incorporeal being moved out of sight as the edges of his vision caught view.

"So how do I learn?" Grayson asked.

"You don't. I possess you in your gravest time of need. Only half of my skill will transfer over. You are now only a vessel for my skills and intellect to flow through. Think Shushu."

"H-how do you...? Ya know what fuck it Ill just roll with it. I dont know how you know and I don't really care either." Grayson said,a touch confused on how the being knew the show they'd referred to.

Another whisper joins,and then a tall,matte black skinned woman came into view,her eyes were closed at first,slowly opening to reveal the all too familiar and menacing glow of end corruption.

"So YOURE the oddball male running around causing such a huge panic. Dare I say..Youre cute..~" She spoke.

Steve immediately appears in her vision.

"You WILL NOT touch a fucking thread of this man's soul." He states.

"Oh? And who's going to stop me? The last man that tried was better off as a battery!" She laughs.

Steve growls softly,"Hopefully him. Get your panties in a twist,bitch we're coming for you." He assures.

The seemingly pleasant demeanor sloughed off of the woman in trade for a hostile expression. Steve,though now attached to Grayson,was swept away by an unseen force,and the woman stepped forward,grabbing Grayson by the neck and bringing him close.

Her gaze was penetrative,seeming to stare into the inky depths of Grayson's soul and mind.

"There you are. Trying to hide under that whore's wing are you? It won't save you. Run while you can,Grayson. I WILL find you and YOU WILL succumb to my whims as any other man before has."

Grayson spits in her face,"Good luck with that. Hope you brought something better than an army."

Out of rage the female throws him,and he falls over a ledge and into an abyss..