
Minecraft:The Good Fanfiction

A world forever locked in war,a tyrannical force yet to be defeated,and romance yet to bloom. it'll all happen here.

Studio_10XT · Video Games
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36 Chs

"Shopping 2"

Grayson yelps,drawing his sword and pointing it at the enderwoman,who didn't bear much reaction to his aggression. "Are you done?" She asked.

Grayson shifts closer to Kupa,"W-what do you want?" He asked.

"I want to help you. Surely you remember our run-in." She asked,all the while she was attempting to make direct eye contact with Grayson,whom in turn avoided her gaze.

"I-I do...But weren't you trying to take my soul...or some shit like that..?" He asked.

"Honey if I wanted your soul,I would have taken it already." She said.

"Who are you,anyway?" Kupa asked,stepping in front of Grayson some in light of her behavior.

"My name is Andr Reeves." She responds with a gentle nod. "And how can you help? It's not like you can teleport me across the street." Grayson said,gesturing to the road just beyond the alleyway.

"Actually,I can. Give me your hand." Andr said as she extends her hand out to him. Grayson looks to Kupa for approval. Hesitantly,she nods,watching the two closely.

Grayson takes her hand. "Are you ready?" Andr asked.

"About as ready as I'll ever be..." He responds.

In the blink of an eye,faster than he could perceive he was suddenly across the road,his hand still locked with Andr's. A wave of sickness washes over,forcing Grayson to his knees to dry heave almost sickly.

"I forgot to warn,teleporting with an Ender is not exactly friendly on the human body.." Andr said as she settles next to Grayson,rubbing his back as he gathered himself. As soon as Kupa was across,she helps the sickened male to his feet. "Thank you,Andr. This means a lot to us." Kupa said,giving a nod of approval.

"It was nothing. Stay safe,okay?" She asked,as she teleports out of sight.

"Well.....that was interesting.." Grayson said,looking to Kupa. "Trust me,that's not the only interesting thing to happen today." She said,as they headed to the shop via the alleyway. Alex was already waiting. "How did you-"

'Its not hard to keep an eye on you two when you're mute. Grayson,you need to care a little more about your appearance,and take more care of magic items like that. Every last one of us are lucky I brought an unenchanted backup.' She said as she tosses the hoodie to Grayson.

'Kupa,next time try a less active game. That sweater wears out over time a lot quicker.'

"Got it." Kupa confirms.

Grayson slips the hoodie on,and hums,"What do we do now?" He asked.

'For now,we wait for the map to be finished,then we hightail it out of here before someone catches wind of your arrival.' Alex signs. A few guards thunder past-

"That didn't take long." Grayson remarks as they hid in the trade shop.

"Ah! Master Alex! The map isn't quite done-"

"We need it now." Kupa interrupts.

A rolled paper was handed to them. It was largely skectched,but showed enough of the world to be used in travel.

Guards thunder in,and Grayson dives behind a crate.

The taller of the guards were donned in heavy silver armor. They were vaguely female,the only indication of such was the shape of the chestplate.

"Trader #09256,You are accused of harboring a man with intent to allow him escape,where is he? Gladya will spare you if you are honest."

"Wh- What male?! I haven't even seen one in 30 years!" The trader exclaimed.

A rough sketch of Grayson was presented,"Keep an eye out for this man. He is very dangerous and can threaten our way of life." The guard demands,slamming the paper down in front of her.

As they leave again,a glare was cast in Grayson's direction,only narrowly spotting him before they left. "You must leave. It's not safe here." The trader said,as Grayson warily leaves his hiding spot.

"Come." The Trader said.

The trio follow the Trader into a storage room.

She pulls a lever,and a panel of the floor drops and moves to one side. "There's an entire network of these emergency tunnels. I'd recommend keeping straight,travel northbound out of the city. There will be a Minecart station that will take you to Magai."

"What about you?" Grayson asked.

"I'll just stall the guards that visit. Do our race a solid,and bring down Gladya. We cannot risk discovery with our newfound resistance."

Grayson looks to the Trader,"Thank you..." He said,giving her a quick hug before joining Kupa and Alex in the tunnel. As it closed and suspended the group in darkness,Grayson pulls out his sword and lights it,casting a pale orange glow onto a narrow hallway.

"Well? You heard the pretty lady. Let's get the fuck out of here." Grayson said,as he took point. Alex and Kupa trailed behind,only occasionally looking back to make sure they weren't followed...

Little did they know they WERE being trailed by a certain Ender,keeping enough distance that the glow of her eyes didn't rat her out..

The hall expands into an underground Minecart system.

Each was labelled with a town.

Grayson stops,looking around,casting his golden eyes in any which direction. "Grayson..?" Kupa asked.

"We're being tailed..." Grayson said.


"That's what I'd like to know." Grayson said as he glared down the hall. An arrow narrowly grazed his cheek,making the male leap into action,"COME ON!!" Grayson said as he prepared a minecart on the Terris Magai line. He gets a head start going,with Kupa and Alex following in Grayson's gait with their own minecarts.

As they took off onto the redstone powered rails,the arrows did not cease until they were just too far gone...

"Wait! Why aren't they giving chase?! Grayson shouts over the noise of the minecart.

"Gladya and her armies cant set foot on Terris Magai soil. The queen there would know in an instant and would wipe Gladya off the planet." Kupa shouts.

A slow down rail caused their minecarts to clash together, as they rode out into a vast cave..

"Woah..." Grayson remarks as they pass through.

"Woah is an understatement."

"GIANT BATS!!" Kupa yelps,as a huge body suddenly swoops overhead. "Don't break out into song!" Grayson yells,watching the massive bat come back around.

"DUCK!!" Grayson warns,and right as the trio did,the bat missed by all of a claw.

"Don't break out into song,huh?" Kupa asked.

"Ha ha. Very funny. Now focus!" Grayson said.

"Uhh! Grayson?" Kupa asked,pointing ahead.

"What now?!" Grayson asked as he looked in the direction she was pointing.

The track seemed to come to a dead end..

"Oh shit-"

The Cart's handbrake wouldn't work on a powered track.

"BRACE FOR FREEFALL!!" Grayson yelps as the trio launched out onto open air,plummeting like turkeys onto a diagonal track that rapidly took them to the surface at an intense speed.

Above ground,a hatch opens,and the group,alongside their minecarts flew out,crashing into one another.

"Ugh...oww..." Grayson groans,with the weight of two women atop his back. "Is anyone hurt..?"

"I sure hope not..." Kupa groans in pain.

Alex was the first to break up the pile,lifting Grayson and Kupa to their feet. As Grayson dusted himself off,he sighs.

He looks over his sword-

"Shit...I think the blade cracked.." He mutters.

'On the upside,from what I can tell of the map,we're closer to Terris Magai than we think.' Alex signs singlehandedly,looking over the map they were given.

A bounty poster smacks Grayson in the face,and as he looks at it,he finds that a monstrous bounty had been set on his head.

They drew his nose wrong-

"What the FUCK?! My nose isn't like that!" Grayson fumes.

"Steamed over your own bounty sketch?" Kupa laughs.

"Lemme see your face when you have a nose shaped like a damn tobacco pipe!" Grayson retaliates.

Kupa paused,before laughing even harder as if Grayson had told the best joke ever.

He sighs in defeat.

'Ah,I wouldn't hold onto that. Surely one day they'll do your face properly.' Alex assures.

"Thanks." Grayson drones sarcastically.