
Minecraft: An Odyssey

Ok, for anyone who is checking this or reading it still. uh. I have writers cease :} and cant come up with any way to continue this story. So. I am officially, 100% dropping this book... BUT! I am planning a complete rewrite using all the things I have learned over the like, year or two since I started my incredibly wacky writing journey. Please note that for now I will only be working on RoyalRoad.com (RR) and while I might port the rewrite here if I finish it, its gonna be a while before its done. Heres the link if anyone is interested (gonna be a little week or two before I start getting stuff out semi regularly) https://www.royalroad.com/fiction/53917/minecraft-an-odyssey-remastered

Lyric_Drake · Videospiele
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First Person

When I came to, I realized I was no longer in that horrible 'workshop'. I took a good look around to figure out where I was, and didn't recognize anything around me (A/N: pretend its real life looks and not 100% cubes, because I'm trash at describing locations and am going with a generic, look outside your window to get the idea kinda enviroment). I then groggily sat up and wandered to the nearest tree, which turned out to look like Oak, even if something seemed... off. What was off, I have no idea.

Looking around further I saw what was mostly Oak and Birch trees, some of the most common ones in certain biomes of the world. I then tripped - very dramatically - while trying to walk away from the tree - probably from a root I didn't notice - and while flailing my arms around I accidentally hit the ground in front of me. immediately -and much to my surprise -, the dirt and grass seemed to... crack? I then hit it again, and it once again seemed to start cracking. At this point I - very confused of course - started hitting it repeatedly when suddenly, it almost.... imploded? and became a tiny cube of dirt? I felt only what you would feel from rubbing your hand on the dirt this entire time, and so decided to experiment on these limits. Inside my head, I was of course wondering what the crap this was and how brain damaged I really was, but I decided to just flow with it.

I then went over to the tree that - I think - was the first one I got close to, and started punching the wood. It hurt a little, but it was bearable.

Eventually, after what felt like half an hour or longer, a piece of wood broke and the tree then fell... straight down? Like with the dirt, the wood came out almost in a cube, leaving a section of tree gone like someone had decided to disintegrated a perfect cube out of a tree. What was interesting about this, is that the tree didn't actually collapse onto its side like it would normally, but rather just... sat there. I then punched it, and to my surprise it started falling away from me.

I then - still confused - started punching away at the base of the tree, getting another 'block' of wood. I looked at the sky, and much to my surprise, the sun was already a good two-thirds of the way across! And while I wasn't sure where it had been when I woke up, it almost seemed to be visibly crawling across the sky.

Then, as I prepared to die to the cold in a few hours, I started getting a really weird... itchy sensation? I don't really know how to explain it... but I just got the feeling that I should figure out what I can do with these wood blocks. I then started mucking around - as one usually would do when bored and with weird physics - and I decided to figure out which takes longer to break, a piece of wood or dirt. Very obviously, the dirt took less time. The tingling sensation just got worse and stronger the closer to the horizon the sun got - which I had verified was going much faster than it should - and suddenly, almost as if I wasn't the one learning it, I got hit with a bang on how to do... something? What I know is I suddenly just... figured out how to access... something...

When I finally did what this weird, sudden knowledge told me to do, A strange, grey white screen with a 9x4 grid of... cube slots? and a 2x2 grid above and to the right, and another grid above and to the left that had what looked like a shirt, some pants, some knee caps - like what bikers wear - some gloves, some boots, and a helmet, all in the general location of where you would put them on yourself. To my curiosity, the wood I was holding in my hand was in the lower left most corner of the lower grid, and had the number 2 in its lower right corner, while the dirt - which had seemed to disappear at some point, was also to the slot to the immediate right of the dirt.

Very confusing.

I then got the urge to put the wood in the 2x2 grid, and when I did a single slot appeared with an arrow to it from the 2x2 area showing what seemed to be... wood planks in a cube? I then willed them to move - which is how I had moved the wood (A/N: I legit forgot to describe how he moved the blocks LOL) - and suddenly the logs or whatever went from having the number 2 on them to having no number - like the dirt - and I then got these wood planks with the number 4 on them. I repeated this, and got some more wood to fuel my curiosity. I then realized - if I can place the dirt and logs, why not the planks? - and to my delight, I could!

I then realized, if this was a coma dream, eh I could muck around till I wake up/die. If this was real - somehow - I could use this to build a shelter to survive in until rescue. I then used the last bit of day left to get more wood and build what was basically a hollow cube of wood. Creative, I know.

I was just chilling in the pitch black hole of a house, looking around with my 23 planks left wondering what I could do, when suddenly (A/N: I hear a knock on the door ;D ) I hear some weird... groaning sounds? I then carefully knock a block of wood away to see what was making that noise, and I see a... person? But for some reason there was the smell of decay floating in, and I could see that their skin was not naturally colored. I then went 'crap a zombie' when it reached the hole. I expected it to just crawl in or maybe bash the remaining wood away, but it just... sat there, groaning and trying to reach me. I then tried to place the wood, and to my surprise I could, despite the zombies arms being in the way. I then sat around, waiting for 'day' to come, and to verify the time I knocked a hole away - in the ceiling -. It was then I saw that day was almost there.

I waited a few minutes, and to my surprise, a sunrise that should have lasted a good half hour or more lasted a couple minutes! I then heard a horrible noise that still haunts me - even if it doesn't actually scare me anymore - the sound of pained grunts, groans, and burning flesh - which I can say still turns my nose up -, which I tell you, is not something you want to wake up to. I then hear the noises stop, and I peek out, and the zombie is gone! I then replace the roof hole and break a doorway into the hut, and find a piece of... flesh... after circling around the house once. Apparently that is whats left of the zombie...

I then got the weird urge to check the 'inventory' as I was calling it again, and - on my own to my joy, probably - I went 'what happens if I put the planks in the 2x2 grid...' so I tried it, first 1 plank in a random corner, and I got some sort of button looking thing on the output? I ignored it and added an extra plank above the wood, and got sticks? I shrugged, grabbed them, and then I tried putting wood in all the grid squares. To my surprise, I got a... box. A table I discovered after placing it, and it make the 2x2 grid... 3x3. Yippee? I shrugged, and started mucking around more.

Sorry again about the lack of updates and/or the lack of creativity.

After all,

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Lyric_Drakecreators' thoughts