
Chapter Five

With All Might, Aizawa as well as other popular heroes backing Naomasa, he launched a full investigation into the Firearms Agency which lasted three long terrible weeks. When the day finally came to raid the agency, Shooter vanished.

The media exploded with evidence of Firearm's being a front for criminal activity. It became widely known Shooter only accepted the best, and when the best turned him down, they were extorted into working for him, earning a shiny black collar which kept them in line.

The hunt for Shooter is ongoing.

"I can't believe we are all in the same class!" Toru cheered, standing in the field on the side of U.A.

"Yeah!" Kaminari jumped, "Crazy odds right!?"

"I am happy to see our old class back together." Shoto nodded in agreement.

"How was your guy's summer?!" Sero wondered, sad to have not spent more time with his friends.

"Are we not gonna talk about it?" Jiro crossed her arms.

"Talk about what?" Tokoyami queries.

The new Class C1-A stood together waiting for their teacher.

"(y/n) is alive." Jiro shrugged as if it was obvious, "She has been this entire time."

"Yeah..." Kaminari rubbed his arm, "...I wanted to say something but wasn't sure..." Kaminari glanced at Katsuki.

"Since when do you think before you open your mouth?" Momo hummed.

"I have grown as a person!" Kaminari jumped, "After all we are college students now!"

"Mhm." Jiro rolled her eyes.

"I can't believe-" Toru shook her head, "-(y/n) is Five, like...that's...I can't even find words to explain what I feel!"

"I saw on the news-" Sato spoke up, "-that most of Shooter's employees were forced to work for him...do you think...she was...?"

"Why else would she fake her death?" Ida countered.

"She didn't fake her death!" Mina snapped, "You all act as if she isn't the victim in this!"

"We don't know if she is." Momo commented.

"Your joking, right?" Mina laughed sourly, "Because you better be."

"I am just saying-" Momo defended herself, "-there is a lot we didn't know about (y/n) and-"

"And nothing!" Toru jumped, "She saved my life against that Nomu!"

"Well yeah-" Momo rolled her eyes, but before she could continue to dig her own grave students ran past them.

"I wonder what that's about." Ojiro muttered.

"Who cares." Katsuki groaned feeling hot, his sweat glistened against his skin.

"What are you all doing just standing there!?" Class C1-A turned; Aoyama was among those running. "Come on!"


"The Seven Bullets are here!" A nearby student filled them in.

"Wh... WHAT!?"

The popular U.A. students quickly got to the front of the running crowd; they rounded the corner of the building gazing to the front of the school they saw a large black van parked by the curb.

Katsuki's breath hitched seeing you walking along side Three. Seven lying on a stretcher being wheeled into the building, you were surrounded by a few U.A. teachers.

"(y/n)." Mina breathed, excitement filling her as she prepared to sprint into your arms but before anyone could move, Aizawa and Midnight dropped to the front.

"No." Aizawa vaguely said.


"No." Aizawa repeated to the crowd.

"No one is to go near the Seven Bullets." Midnight started, crossing her arms. "If you do, you'll be expelled from this school."

"Why such harsh punishment?" Students whispered among themselves.

Katsuki gazed past Aizawa, you wore your bullet uniform. You wore your famous mask; it was still shattered and unrepaired. Your hand clutched the side of the stretcher, guiding you since your sight was black.

"The nearby hospital is uncomfortable about having the Seven Bullets admitted since Shooter is still loose. So, they are being sent here since they could still be a target."

"None of you are to go near them in case someone tries to get to them while they are in our care." Midnight added, "Plus, they need to be checked out before anyone can question them, that includes myself, Aizawa and even All Might." Katsuki watches with wide eyes oblivious to what the teachers were saying. You are led into the school by Mr. Principle.


All Might peeked around the corner before sneaking through the hall into the infirmary. The guards were huge fans allowing him to pass. All Might silently shut the door, looking around the room in a flash of confusion seeing it empty.

"They are not in here."

All Might jumps, quickly spinning looking down at Recovery Girl.


"I know you're looking for (y/n), but she and her comrades are not here."

"Why not?"

"I knew everyone would be trying to get into this room, and with the possible threat, we thought it would be smart to transform a spare room into a makeshift infirmary for those kids."

"(y/n) is-"

"Stable." Recovery Girl answered,

"Can I just-"

"You can't see her yet."


"She is being treated by my daughter as we speak."


"No." Recovery Girl shook her head, "I know you're excited to see her, but she needs to be fixed up first. Before you and everyone else bombard her with questions."

On the floor below All Might, you stood inside a bathroom staring into the mirror.

"Don't you ever remove this mask unless you're in your room at your scheduled time." Shooter instructed.

"Why-" You went to question. Shoot whipped around, back handing you so hard your head went flying taking you to the floor.

"Don't you ever question me-!" Shoot spits, "-Your nothing! Just a broken piece of a machine for me to use how I see fit!" Shooter reached down taking you by the front of your shirt. "I took the last scrap of humanity Shadow Jack left in you and I won't hesitate to skin you alive! Now get up and get to work."

You turned from the mirror as the memory soaked to the back of your mind. Your eyes glanced over to the package which was delivered to your room without security knowing. You opened it, seeing a folded piece of paper and your spare mask resting inside the box.

You swallowed the lump in your throat as your fingers grazed over the slash mark on the side, reluctantly you slid the mask on feeling the perfect fit frame your bruising face.

Taking a deep breath filling your lungs so tight it hurt, you walked out of the bathroom. Only to see Seven and Three each out of their room and barely standing, holding a note similar to yours.

You glanced at the paper.
