
Military System god realm revolution

The Maxim machine gun shoots through magical beasts. Intercontinental ballistic missiles fired at Martial Artists. Fighter planes rise above the gods realm. If you can't fight it, throw an atomic bomb for world peace.

sukinovski · Fantasie
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401 Chs

171 Investigation

The information that the government receives from the Dalu Hotel is encrypted. Of course, researchers used it to decipher that even a standard computer could reveal the concealed information.

Zhao Ling Xin then realized the existence of the Assassin's Organization. Most of them were wandering trainees. There are target data of assassins linked to some recent murders in the Empire.

This piece of information, Zhao Lingxin, was not interested in throwing it to the government to manage it. Zhao Lingxin paid attention to some news about the Yanhuang Central Continent. Scientists have given them a large number of antidepressants. Injected to the Martial Artists who were arrested asked for a large amount of information.

Under the effect of sedative. The Martial Artists slowly revealed a secret.