
Mia, A Journalist.

Sapheeramage · Urban
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10 Chs

War Faction.

Mia's heart races as Leo zooms through the busy streets, taking her to his lavish penthouse. He lets her in on his secrets and his purpose. He confides in her that he is the chief of the Peace Faction, a group of vampires who strive for harmony with the other races and humans. He lays out the situation: the assailants were from the War Faction, a group of vampires who scheme to overthrow the UCSR and spark a war with the other races. He acknowledges that they have been hunting him down or attempting to capture him for a long time, because he is the only one who can thwart their plans.

"Who are they?" Mia asks, her voice trembling. "Why do they want you?"

"They're fanatics, extremists, rebels," Leo says, his eyes darkening. "They want me because I have something they don't. Something they fear."

"What is it?" Mia presses, curious and scared.

Leo hesitates, then leans closer to her. He whispers in her ear, "A soul."

Leo listens intently as Mia opens up about herself and her ability. She divulges that she can see and tweak the threads of fate, and that she has been using it to help others and to pursue her passion for journalism. She says that he is the first person who could ever see or sense her magic, and that it makes her feel special.

"How do you do it?" Leo asks, fascinated. "How do you change the course of destiny?"

"It's hard to explain," Mia says, smiling shyly. "I just see these threads, these connections, between people and events. And I can pull them, twist them, cut them, or weave them together. Sometimes I do it consciously, sometimes it just happens."

"Can you show me?" Leo says, eager to learn more.

Mia nods, and takes his hand. She closes her eyes, and concentrates. She feels the threads around them, the possibilities and probabilities. She finds one that leads to a happy outcome, and tugs on it gently.

They uncover that they have a lot in common, and that they have a rare bond. They wonder if it has something to do with their past lives, and if they are the reincarnations of the ancient lovers who were cursed by the witch. They vow to find out more about their origin, and to break the curse.

"Do you believe in reincarnation?" Mia asks, looking into his eyes.

"I do now," Leo says, holding her gaze. "I feel like I've known you before. Like we've loved each other before."

"Maybe we have," Mia says, feeling a surge of emotion. "Maybe we were meant to be together."

"Maybe," Leo says, and kisses her softly. "But we have to be careful. There's a reason we were cursed. A reason we can't remember."

They also vow to work together to stop the War Faction, and to expose their plot. They agree that they need to contact the UCSR, and to warn them about the impending danger. They also agree that they need to find out who is behind the attack, and what their goals are.

"We can't let them get away with this," Leo says, his voice firm. "They're planning something big. Something that could destroy everything we care about."

"What can we do?" Mia says, feeling helpless. "We're just two people. They have an army."

"We have something they don't," Leo says, squeezing her hand. "We have each other. And we have the truth. We have to expose them, to the UCSR, to the public, to the world. We have to make them pay for what they've done."