
Mia, A Journalist.

Sapheeramage · Urban
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10 Chs


Agent Smith leads Mia and Leo to a large conference room, where a group of people are waiting for them. They are the experts he mentioned, the ones who can help them break the curse.

He introduces them to Mia and Leo, and explains their roles. There is Dr. Jones, a historian who specializes in ancient civilizations. There is Dr. Lee, a linguist who can decipher ancient languages. There is Dr. Patel, a geneticist who can analyze their DNA. There is Dr. Chen, a psychologist who can access their memories. And there is Dr. Wilson, a magician who can perform the ritual.

They all greet Mia and Leo, and express their interest and excitement. They tell them that they have been studying their case for a long time, and that they have a lot of information and theories to share. They tell them that they have a plan, and that they are ready to execute it.

They ask Mia and Leo to sit down, and to listen carefully. They explain that the curse is a complex and powerful magic, that has been affecting them for thousands of years. They explain that the curse is linked to their souls, and that it follows them through their reincarnations. They explain that the curse is triggered by their love, and that it causes them to die tragically.

They also explain that the curse is not invincible, and that it can be broken. They explain that the curse has a source, and that it is the witch who cast it. They explain that the witch is still alive, and that she is hiding somewhere in the world. They explain that the witch is the key, and that they need to find her.

They tell Mia and Leo that they have a way to locate the witch, and that it involves using their magic. They tell them that they have a device, and that it can track the witch's energy. They tell them that they need their cooperation, and that they need to use their power.

They ask Mia and Leo to hold hands, and to focus on their love. They ask them to activate their magic, and to let it flow. They ask them to trust them, and to follow their instructions.

They turn on the device, and watch the screen. They see a map of the world, and a blinking dot. They zoom in, and see a location. They recognize it, and gasp.

They look at Mia and Leo, and tell them the news. They tell them that they have found the witch, and that they know where she is. They tell them that they have to go there, and that they have to confront her. They tell them that they have to break the curse, and that they have to end this.

They tell them that the witch is in Babylon.