
Mia, A Journalist.

Sapheeramage · Urban
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10 Chs

A Chance.

Mia and Leo wake up in a hospital, surrounded by doctors and nurses. They are confused and scared, not knowing what happened or where they are. They see each other, and feel a surge of relief. They are alive, and they are together.

They learn that they were rescued from the rubble of the penthouse by a team of UCSR agents, who had been tracking their location. They learn that they are in a secret facility, under the protection of the UCSR. They learn that they are the only survivors of the attack, and that Victor and the War Faction are still at large.

They also learn that they are not ordinary humans, or ordinary vampires. They learn that they are the chosen ones, the prophesied ones, the ones who can break the curse. They learn that they have a destiny, and that they have a mission.

They are greeted by a man who introduces himself as Agent Smith, the leader of the UCSR. He tells them that he has been following their story, and that he knows everything about them. He tells them that he is their ally, and that he wants to help them.

He tells them that the curse is not only a personal tragedy, but also a global threat. He tells them that the curse is the source of the conflict between the races, and that the War Faction wants to use it to start a war. He tells them that the curse is the key to the fate of the world, and that they are the only ones who can unlock it.

He tells them that he has a plan, and that he needs their cooperation. He tells them that he has a team of experts, and that he has a lot of resources. He tells them that he has a way to find the witch, and that he has a way to reverse the curse.

He tells them that he can give them what they want, what they need, what they deserve. He tells them that he can give them a chance to be together, to be happy, to be free.

He asks them to trust him, to follow him, to join him.

He asks them to save the world.