
Mha ~ Shinobi System

Hero? It don't sounds bad.. ha? Should I become one -------------------------- Riku Ogawa, a 2 years old kid, is preparing to start his journey in the world my hero academia.. Will he be able to live a life he want? With the help of the Shinobi system, he is planning to soar in the sky, like a dragon.. He who knows the power of Shinobi.. " Do you know how fast Minato was?" " Do you know how incredible Biju's are?" " Do you know the power and might of the eyes that everyone fear?" -------------------------------------- Hey everyone, I present you my first fanfic... I do lack experience, anyway I hope you will like it... I don't own Mha or any other characters expect some OC's

Genzo_K · Anime und Comics
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2 Chs

Chapter 1 :- Riku Ogawa.. an unwanted transmigration

In a room filled with numerous toys and small kids playing around.

Apart from them, a small blonde hair kid who can be easily noticed, sitting alone in the corner of the room, he was an Oddball, That is what others think.

Anyway, name Riku Ogawa, and age 2 years old hmm... Yeah, that's what the screen says.

[ Status:

Name:- Riku Ogawa

Age:- 2

Quirk:- Unawakened.]

If I remember correctly, Didn't I go to bed after returning from the college reunion, yeah although I drink a lot with my friends, it's weird to have a dream of becoming someone else right?

And why there are so many kids here? Is it a nightmare....if yes, then I am surely freaking out, I literally hate kids, according to me they are the incarnation of the devil themselves.

I still remember those horrific days, when working as a part-timer in the daycare center, I thought it would be me making easy money, but the reality was far crueler than it seems.

Those little devils never let me rest a bit and sometimes it gets so annoying, I just wish, I could beat the crap out of th... Sorry thinking about the cruel past my emotions got the best of me.

Anyway, the pay, was not worth the job so I left it...

So coming back to reality, Why is this weird dream suddenly popped up? Was it because of the hangover... hmm don't kno...

"Hey Riku, Your mom is here".

How long will this dream go on? Did it just start, wait how long did it been since the dream started?

"Riku, Your mom is here"

Wait, I still haven't finished the work boss gave me... Fuck get up already, I suddenly slapped my right cheek, hoping to wake up, but instantly regretted it... Ouch, It hurts, I slowly rub my right cheek.


Again that annoying voice, why don't you go when once called, I glared at the kids playing around, Don't they know their names or what, It's getting annoying now.

But instantly my thoughts changed when I noticed the screen floating in front of me.

[ Status:

Name:- Riku Ogawa

Age:- 2

Quirk:- Unawakened ]

Hmmm... Riku Ogawa... After a minute of pause, I looked at the lady, She was standing in the middle of the room while shouting the same name as mine

Wait is she perhaps referring to me?

I saw the lady waving her hand towards me gesturing me to come over to her... So She was calling me haa.

It's surely getting weirder with every passing second, first, my name was suddenly Riku not Kenichi.. And now I even have a mom in this dream.

It's actually been a while since I dreamed about my mom..Was It last when I was 7 years old when living in an orphanage?

Not sure, it was pretty much every night until I reached seven, I think.... losing parents at the age of 5, isn't easy.

With my life slowly turning into a living hell...Fuck, let's not talk about the past, it's all gone, now I have a pretty well-paid job as the managing director of the company I am working for, a good house, a pretty girlfriend.. what more can I ask for.

Anyway let's go with the dream, I am pretty curious about the mom part... Standing up I quickly followed the pink hair lady outside the room... Don't you think her hair looks odd? I do.

Walking with her, we quickly passed through the door and entered the new room which seems to be a reception or counter, with a man talking to a blonde-haired lady.

Looking at the ordinary man, my gaze quickly moved to blonde hair lady, with pale skin and sky blue eyes, she was wearing office attire with a black coat over a white shirt and black pants reaching her ankles with black heels...

" Ohhh Sweet heart, Sorry Mama was late due to company work",

As if noticing my arrival the lady quickly pull me towards her and hugged me tightly, before apologizing...

Huh??? Whattttttt????

It was a shocking revelation, this woman who doesn't even look to be in her late twenties is actually my mom in this dream...

"Sorry, Mama will buy you ice cream as an apology, Ok",

Again snapping me out of the thought the lady with blonde hair said with an apologetic smile.

And I simply nodded at her, I don't really know how this dream will end, but let's enjoy it till it ends.

With that being everything, we left the building, and just like I doubted it was a daycare center...Fuck why should my dream start from a daycare center?

After leaving the daycare center, We didn't talk much as I walked on the footpath while holding her pinky finger. Actually, I didn't wanted to do this but she urged me saying I would get lost, So I did as she said.

The more I looked at it the more I felt something was wrong, while walking on the roadside the people, the cars, the buildings, everything looks too real to be a dream... Why though?

" What flavor would you like little Riku?"

Snapping me out of my daze, this time was an older voice, looking up I soon realized we were in front of an old ice cream shop, with an old lady handling the counter.

" Chocolate",

I simply replied as I looked around again, the Shop seems like an old traditional Japanese shop, with wood mainly used as the material to build it.

" Then give two chocolate flavor ice, Aunt Uhiko",

The lad... Sorry my mom, said as she smiled at me and ruffled my hair. The smile felt warm for some reason... Seeshhh annoying thoughts again.

After receiving two ice cream, my mom paid the old lady Uhiko, before walking out of the shop.

" Riku Say thank you to Grandma Uhiko"

My mom nagged me as she handed me the ice cream. This dream is really becoming more obscured, but without minding much, I bowed and thanked the old lady.

" Thank you Grandma Uhiko",

" Welcome and come again Riku"

She waved at me and my mom before we left the shop

Fuck.. let's get up quickly, I had a bad feeling, as if I don't wake up now, I won't be able to wake up ever again... I know it's just a useless thought...

After walking for a few minutes, we soon arrived at an area where 4 buildings were located next to each other, with numbers written with paint on the sides, from 1 to 4...

Why does this look familiar?? Have I seen this somewhere?? The building has 5 floors from what I can see from the outside...

We soon entered the building with the no. 4 written and just like I feared I saw it.

Fuck..I saw it...On the 3rd floor, next to the apartment we enter, there was a mother-son duo outside the apartment next door, the boy was around my age with green messy hair and the lady with green hair reaching her waist...

Izuku Midoriya and Inku Midoriya, The protagonist and his mother from the Anime, My hero Academia... What's going on...

Entering our apartment as My mom went to take a shower, I sat on the couch in front of the television, With a blank expression on my face my mind and heart were racing...

What happened? Why am I not waking up??

"Come on, wake up you lazy head",

A soft murmur left my mouth, giving a voice to my inner thought, I clenched my fist and smack on the right side of my face.


Letting out a painful groan, My lifeless body fall on the couch... Why am I not waking up? And why does it hurts?

Staring at the ceiling fan rotating, My mind went blank, I was unable to think what going on...

[ Requirements met ]


[ The Shinobi System will now be installing ]

[ Awakening has started.. ]

[ The Shinobi Hero - Riku Ogawa ]

The screen showed up again, but this time before I can say anything, my vision became darker,

Yoo everyone (。•̀ᴗ-)✧

Save it If you like the idea, more chapters are coming

Genzo_Kcreators' thoughts