
Mha ~ Shinobi System

Hero? It don't sounds bad.. ha? Should I become one -------------------------- Riku Ogawa, a 2 years old kid, is preparing to start his journey in the world my hero academia.. Will he be able to live a life he want? With the help of the Shinobi system, he is planning to soar in the sky, like a dragon.. He who knows the power of Shinobi.. " Do you know how fast Minato was?" " Do you know how incredible Biju's are?" " Do you know the power and might of the eyes that everyone fear?" -------------------------------------- Hey everyone, I present you my first fanfic... I do lack experience, anyway I hope you will like it... I don't own Mha or any other characters expect some OC's

Genzo_K · Anime & Comics
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2 Chs

Chapter 2:- Unwanted Friend

Hmm. It has been a week since I was here...

Slowly getting used to this new life, Currently, I was in my room, lying on my bed, Actually it is our room as my new mom and I sleep here together, But since she has gone to work, it's currently my room...

Anyway, the word mom doesn't matter to me that much, as I don't even remember my real mother's face, So be it, I decided to call her mom.

Fine, I have already accepted, I am now Riku Ogawa, a 2 years old boy, living with his new mother Misuku Ogawa.. And whereas about my dad, I don't know... I did tried asking her acting cute, but every time I ask, she started crying and hugging me tightly...

So I will let that be for now, Currently I am enjoying my freedom, Yeah... The freedom I earned after nagging my mother to not send me to the daycare, I hate that place...

"System interface",

As the word left my mouth, a screen popped up in front of me.

[ System:- Shinobi system

• Status

• Quest

• Shop ]

And this is my cheat, To be more precise a support system for my quirk, It was that very day when I lost consciousness on the couch after realizing it was not a dream, My mom took me to the hospital.. and the doctors said I awakened my quirk ( Chakra manipulation )

Huh... A Shinobi in the world of My hero academia, Firstly I thought I was going to be a mob... But after going through the shop, I changed my thoughts...

From Taijutsu to Ninjutsu techniques, summoning scrolls, Books on Different types of Ninjutsu, everything was there, even I can buy Biju's, Bloodlines, and many more with the help of system points... hell yeah, that's what we called a cheat...

[ Status

Name:- Riku Ogawa


Quirk:- Chakra Manipulation

S.P ( System points):- 10


Chakra Capacity:- 200

Strength:- 1



Endurance:- 1

Durability:- 1

Chakra control: 0 ]

But My SP is quite low as you can see.. and the system shop...

[ System shop...

• Bloodline:- (One-time purchase only)

Senju Bloodline:- 3000 SP

Uchiha Bloodline:- 3000 SP

Hyuga Bloodline:- 3000 SP.

Sarutobi Bloodline:- 2500 SP.

( Scrolls down for more)]

Even with How much I look at it the price on the bloodline doesn't seems to be decreasing at all... Sigh

Anyway, I have already decided what I have to buy, Searching through the book Section of the shop, I quickly bought two books, Chakra's Theory with 5 SP and a Ninjutsu catalog with 5 SP...

Yeah after spending a week here, and trying to feel or use chakra, I failed utterly, I thought I know many things from the Anime but, I wasn't able to do anything, and After searching I found this book, Chakra Theory, I hope it helps because I am taking a gamble buying this one.

While the Ninjutsu Catalogue, To be honest, there were more than 10,000 Ninjutsu in the Ninjutsu Section, starting from 200 SP to 20,000 SP, And I don't remember many, and scrolling through the 10,000 Ninjutsu was just too must so, I decided to check the Ninjutsu in the book before buying them.

[ Purchase Successful, 10 SP deducted, 0 remaining]

As the text appeared two books materialized in front of me, not too thin not too fat, Good.

First Chakra Theo...

Ding Dong.

The doorbell resounded, stopping me in my tracks.

Who is it now? I looked at the clock it was 2 pm, Mom will be returning at 5 pm, Did she order something?

Jumping down from the bed, I exited the bedroom and walked to the front door,

Quickly placing the stull near the door lock, I climb up and look through the looking hole there was no one, but a white stick lingering in the air.

I know who it is... Fuck Go away, I don't have time to play with brats... This world will be soon in danger and I have to be strong enough to survive... Go Away you quirkless brat.

Yeah, it's the neighborhood brat, Izuku Midoriya.. My mom and his mom were School friends, I knew that much...

And My mom suggest Inko Midoriya to send Midoriya to play with me as I was nagging her not to send me to daycare.

Ding Dong...Ding Dong...Ding Dong..

This fucking annoying kids, Calm down calm down.


I must send him back before he breaks the doorbell, Opening the door lock I pushed open the door.

"Hiii Riku"

Midoriya greeted me as soon as I opened the door.


I jumped down of the stull and looked at him.


"I came to play",

Midoriya said as he showed the bag he was holding, it was probably the Almight action figures and his almight costume.

"Come In",

I said as I let Midoriya in, I seriously would have kicked him out, if not for mom saying me to play with him. She especially said not to fight.

And here goes my time..


After 2 hours, I send Midoriya home saying I was tired..

Sighhhh* Why do I have to play?

Let's forget it, I still have an hour before mom comes back.

Sitting on the bed, I started reading the Chakra Theory book,

Hmmm.. it was like this haa... Reading through the pages, I did gain some knowledge.


Keeping the book besides me, I sat in a lotus position and I started concentrating on the chakra points mentioned in the book.

Yeah got it, Although I felt it faintly, Now I am sure I am on the right path...

Ding Dong..

Again snapping me out, the doorbell resounded,

I quickly looked at the time, 5:04 pm. Mom!

Quickly jumping down from the bed, I did the same as earlier and opened the door... It's quite painful to be short...

"Oohhh, Dear.. How are you",

And as I opened the door, I received a hug as Mom carried me up from the stull and close the door.


Without saying much, I just locked my hands around her neck and rested my head on her shoulder...

Was It because of the chakra training, I feel weak, for some reason... I just want to sleep now, with no annoying brat disturbing.

I without knowing, fall asleep in her hug.


In the apartment next to the Ogawa family, Midoriya wearing his Almight costume was jumping around the house...

"Dear.. Come on dinner is ready",


Midoriya's mother shouted from the kitchen, as Midoriya responded and quickly run to the kitchen...

Sitting at the dinner table, he was still holding Almight's action figure as he asked

"Mom, Can I go play with Riku Tomorrow again",

"Yes You can"

Inko nodded as she placed the food on the table, She was quite happy, as Midoriya found himself a friend.

"Do you like playing with Riku?",

Inko asked as she sat down next to Midoriya.

"Yes, Mom he is super nice, He let me drink juice and also let me play with his game console",

Midoriya nodded excitingly, He wanted to play more but Riku told him to come tomorrow as he was tired.

"Then why don't you take some sweets with you tomorrow"

Inko suggested looking at the smiling Midoriya,

'Sweets , Will Riku like it?'

Midoriya thought for a second before replying...

"Okay, Mom".

Finishing his dinner, Midoriya went to bed, excited to wake up tomorrow and play with his new friend living next door...

Second chapter...It will be slow pace..So I am warning you earlier...

Anyway thank you(。•̀ᴗ-)✧

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