
MHA: Who's That Punk?

Midoriya Izuku is a nice person. No, seriously he is! Why does everyone assume he's some hoodlum? If only his quirk was something normal, he wouldn't look like some kind of Yakuza. Follow this story as Midoriya Izuku overcomes everyones misconceptions.

G0ld3nj · Anime und Comics
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6 Chs

Sludge Villian

2 Years Later


"Get him!"

Voices yelled out in exclamation as Kamui Woods fought a giant man. Tree branches shot all around the giant as he tried to corral him. The giant merely raised a hand and swung it through them all. Kamui Woods made a leap to the next building as a fist just crushed the one he was on.

"You truly are the incarnation of evil!" Kamui Woods said dodging another fist as he stretched his wood to whip him to another building. He threw his arm back and yelled out, "Preemptive Binding Lacquered Chain Prison!"

Dozens of branches of wood shot out like whips as they sought to capture his foe.

"Canyon Cannon!"

A figure twice as large as the giant shot by, kicking the villain in the face.

"Huh?" Kamui Woods stood there with his jaw dropped as a large woman stood up to full height.

"Today is the day of my debut, my name is Mt. Lady," she said as she struck a pose, "Pleasure to make your ass-quaintance."

Young Izuku stood in the crowd with his one eye twitching. 'Who did this lady think she was?' He thought as several cameras started going off within the crowd. Izuku just shook his head it was obvious that Kamui Woods had that and she just made a bigger mess with all of the property damage. Then she had the hall to pose so provocatively. Those safe the worst kinds of heroes in his opinion.

As he made his way down the street he entered a small shop.

"Welco-" the cashier greeted before his eyes shot wide in fear. Izuku sighed at this but didn't say anything, it was becoming more and more normal. He grabbed his groceries he needed and made his way to the counter. The cashier was now shaking in fright as he set his things on the counter.

Izuku's deep voice rang out, "Are you going to ring me up?"

"Ahhh!" The cashier grabbed the money in the register and threw it at him. A vein popped ip over Izuku's eye as he shouted, "I just want to buy my groceries!"

"O-o-ok.." the cashier muttered as he picked up the money he'd thrown and began ranging him up still shaken up. Izuku couldn't blame him since this is everyone's reaction to how he looked. Once Aunt Mitsuki had given him his first tattoo, Izuku had realized that he would have to where more open clothes that he could take off in an instant. The reason being is that his quirk needed to be able to pop off of his body. So Aunt Mitsuki being a fashion designer, ordered him a new wardrobe. He no longer had to worry about money since mom had found a new job that paid loads more than her previous job. They hired her on the spot with her experience, and she didn't have a Quirkless child on her record helped as well.

Now he loves his Aunt Mitsuki, don't get him wrong, but did she have to dress him up as a yakuza look-a-like. She bought him special button up shirts that are fastened loosely made of satin. It is made to tear off with a pull. He usually left a couple of the top buttons undone so he could tear it off easier. His pants were expensive black dress pants that his mom insisted on once she saw them. She said he looks snazzy in them, he thought otherwise. Along with all of this, they insisted he wore a black blazer that matched his pants.

The now 14-year old Izuku had filled out these last two years since his workout schedule had him running early in the morning and lifting weights late in the evening before bed. Now Izuku stood a good six foot, he cut an impressive figure.

His tattoos completed the look with a large east dragon that covered his right shoulder stretching over to where it's mouth opened around his heart, beautiful angel wings on his back, a baseball bat with barbed wire wrapped around it that rested underneath the wings, and an elegant anaconda that curled around his arm. He had wanted more for utility but the wings on his back had taken almost a year to complete because of the detail needed to make them operational.

Right now he was wearing a tank top, something he just threw on for his walk down to the store and a pair of sweatpants. His tattoos on full display as the cashier finally finished bagging his groceries.

"T-thank you f-for shopping w-with us, s-sir." He stuttered.

Izuku gave a smile to try and ease his nerves, but all the cashier saw was an intimidating smirk on this gangsters face.

Izuku grabbed his things and made his way home just to here some familiar explosions. He stood rock still as flashbacks to numerous beating flashed through his mind he wandered closer to the sounds almost on autopilot as he sees a crowd of people swarming a green blob. He looked on in confusion and made his way closer as he pushed his way forward.

Fire was raging across the buildings he could feel it from here, sweat poured off his face as he got in close. He saw a dark mass in the sludge struggling to get out, Izuku looked over at the hero's thinking surely they would help. But happened to overhear Pro Hero Death Arms.

"It's no good, none of us have the right Quirks for this!" Death Arms yelled at Backdraft, dodging waves of sludge.

"We will just have to wait for someone with the right Quirk!" Backdraft yelled as he put out more fire.

Izuku scoffed at the stupidity of the heroes, he couldn't believe what he was hearing. He could think of a couple of ways to deal with this situation and he didn't think he had the best quirk for the job either. Sometimes you just have to make your own opportunities.

Just then another explosion and an audible gargle. Izuku glanced at the victim only to freeze and see the last person he thought he would see in that position. Bakugo Katsuki's blond hair drowned back in the slide as he released another explosion, trying anything to get some air.

He stripped off his tank top and angelic wings sprouted out his back. People exclaimed in shock as he took to the air in a flash. He'd had a lot of practice making sure he could control himself, but the feeling of being in the air always made him happy. His barbed bat appeared in his hand as he closed in on the sludge. He drew it back and swung it as hard as he could.

"AAHHH!!" The sludge yelled as his eye exploded in a splash of green and red sludge. He looked with his only good eye to see a tattooed angel floating with a bloody bat. A menacing aura radiated out of the being as it spoke to him.

"Oi, Oi, Oi, who told you to make such a ruckus," Izuku said in a mocking tone. He had plenty of lessons with Aunt Mitsuki about how to use his appearance to play with his enemies. He hated acting this way but she said to own his look so he went with it. Hey, every hero needed a brand.

"Who the hell are you," the sludge yelled at him swinging sludge waves at him. Izuku dodged them easy as he flew around. He was almost caught by one as he made an attempt for the monsters other eye.

"Ehh?" He exclaimed in a bored tone while flying back to get some distance. He picked a finger in his ear to get some sludge out of his ear. "Just a concerned citizen, I suppose?"

They danced around back and forth as Izuku would make multiple swipes at the sludge gaining Bakugo some valuable air. The Sludge Villian tried his best to keep him away but no matter what he did, he couldn't hit him. He finally lost his patience and set the largest sludge wave he had at Izuku. This was exactly what Izuku was waiting for as he gave the monster a smile filled with derision.

"Baaka." He said in a drawn out tone. The sludge villain looked confused for a second before his one eye bulged out in panic as he looked down and saw that Bakugo wasn't anywhere to be seen. He looked over to the side to see a large anaconda curled around the unconscious boy protectively with heroes already treating him. A large bite could be seen on the kids ankle as his eyes flashed in understanding and fury as he realized when he sent out that last wave of sludge, he left too little over the kids body and the snake pounced on the kid and drug him back by his ankle.

He turned back to the winged brat to see that he disappeared. He searched everywhere before seeing him back on the sidelines in the middle of the crowd. The snake curled around Izuku before sinking into his arm. Izuku patted his arm and said, "Good job Hebi."

The sludge villian looked confused as to why Izuku had left, so Izuku decided to explain it to him.

"Oh I'm no hero, so I'll leave you in there capable hands," Izuku said with a chuckled as he pointed to the many heroes surrounding him. "There's even a couple of new faces, maybe one of them has the right quirk for the job, huh Death Arms?"

The hero in question flushed in embarrassment at his words turned against him and decided to apprehend the villain now and worry later.

Izuku shook his head as he slid his shirt on and picked up his groceries, and made his way home. His checked his phone to see three missed calls from his mom and two from Aunt Mitsuki.

He rubbed his forehead and muttered, "I'm in trouble now."

A/N: If you want to draw any fanart, please send it to @g0ld3nj1154 on twitter.

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