

Shouto slowly slumped back into his chair as he finally reached the bottom of the confidential document Nezu had written, leaving him with more questions than questions answered.

The document was written only a few short months ago, dated two days after the USJ attack.

Shoutos' eyes lowered down onto the date at the bottom, its latest update only a day after the sports festival. The further and further Shouto had read down the document the more appalled he had become, reading secret after secret the police force was hiding from the media.

He felt sick at the thought of the panic which would happen if some of the information from the document got out to the public, he could see why it was classified. The media had labeled the

"bloody stain" as an extreme vigilante/villain who decided the fate of the villains they encountered and took their life and death into their own hands, with a powerful tentacle quirk. Yet as Shouto read further and further down the document, it soon became more apparent how thick the lies laid deep.

The thought alone made Shouto want to vomit again.

Izuku Midoriya, The Bloody Stain, had a Ghoul quirk. A quirk that could only digest human flesh.

His classmate who supposedly had a superhuman strength quirk who could somehow heal himself, slaughtered and ate humans.!

His classmate had multiple quirks, just like the Nomu he had fought before All Might had arrived at the USJ...

Was he even human anymore.?

Shoutos' theory of him being All Mights' illegitimate love child was thrown out the window the second his eyes had read those words.

The memories of him tearing away and the hero killers' flesh kept flashing through his mind as he had read further down the document. His mind had been denying what his eyes had seen earlier that night, the thought of it alone made Shouto feel violently ill; evident by the sickly taste of bile building up in this throat, which he quickly held down.

Midoriya wasn't killing those villains through a twisted means of justice. Ghouls couldn't eat human food, no...

He really was eating them...

Shouto grimaced harshly as he pulled his hand up to face, wiping away at his eyes, trying to calm the terror and distress he felt clawing in his stomach.

This wasn't the time to reminisce, he needed to know what the Police force and his school were keeping quiet.

Something in the document had confused him,

Midoriya always had a bowl of food in front of him at lunch. If he didn't need to eat it, why did he bother? Shouto remembered the first day of school when he had first seen the large scar on Midoriya's torso. Maybe that had something to do with it..?

He had mentioned at lunchtime a few days after how he had surgery on it only a few months before the school year had begun, limiting how much he could eat, even though he occasionally did take small bites out of it; especially more recently after the USJ attack-

Shouto paused at that, the US attack. He furrowed his brows, deep in thought, as he quickly scrolled up to the section which first mentioned the attack.

If the school became aware of the Bloody stain being in attendance at UA, even without knowing their identity after the USJ attack, that would explain the sudden increase of teachers hanging around at lunch. It was a small difference, Shouto doubted anyone had noticed, but it was enough for even him to pick up on even if he never commented on it. It suddenly became very apparent to Shouto how hot on Midoriya's tail they truly were.

From the looks of it, It seemed that Midoriya had also picked up on the small change in the teachers, his new pattern of eating more since lining up perfectly with the attack.

It seemed as if Midoriya was very aware of how close they were too.

Shouto read through each document with detail, memorizing all the dates and important information. Some of the documents even came with attached images. Shouto looked at the file leading the image carefully, debating with himself if it was worth exposing himself to whatever lay behind that protective icon. Eventually, he landed on one which caught his attention.

US "B-Stain" Evidence - Ruins Zone.

Ruins zone, huh? So that was where Midoriya had been originally. Shouto thought back to the conversation he had with him on the day of the sports festival. Even back then Midoirya had lied, he supposed he knew why now... Leaving nothing which could trace back to linking him to wherever he had been, Shouto almost smirked, he guessed Midoriya hadn't checked who was in what area before lying to his face unknowingly.

He allowed his cursor to hover off the icon before clicking on the image, giving it a few seconds to load.

However, when it finally loaded, his wave of nausea surged.

Shoutos eyes snapped wide as he took in the bloody crime scene before him, his hands clamping down hard as he felt himself begin to gag. He couldn't hold back his vomit this time...

The traumatic image bringing forth memories blocked from his mind from only a few hours ago.

Blood... There was so much blood..!

His foot caught slightly on his fathers' desk chair as he began sprinting towards the lower floor bathroom.

'Each support pillar of concrete throughout the image was covered in thick dark blood. Outlines of bleeding bodies and splatters were scattered all around the room.'

He looks at the other students' reports trying to get the images off his mind.

He slammed open the bathroom door and began sputtering and gagging up the acidic taste from the back of his throat into the toilet, emptying his already hurting stomach.

'Chunks of flesh in the corner of the image, catching his attention, evident of the traumatic nature of the attack. It was so much worse than what he had seen.'

Shouto felt tears well up in his eye as he gagged once again into the toilet, spitting out nothing but saliva.

Shouto sobbed aloud once he sat back up from the toilet, tears watering his eyes. How could Midoriya live, knowing what he was doing? Why didn't he just hand himself over to the police? Why didn't he confess to the police that he had seen the bloody stain's identity?

He brought his hands to his head and tucked his knees in towards him as he took a deep shaky breath to calm himself down. They were meant to be heroes in training; if Midoriya wanted to be a hero he should have handed himself over immediately.! He should have told the police of his true identity when he had the chance, but he was too out of it to say a thing..!

Shouto harshly rubbed his eyes, wiping away his tears before replacing his anguish with a look of irritation and anger with himself and his green haired classmate. This was also so wrong, what the hell did Midoriya think he was doing, playing with the police and taking justice into his own hands...

After rinsing his mouth out of vomit, Shouto dully walked back to his fathers' computer and lumped down again. His eyes glossed over the image before he quickly looked away, closing the image.

He spent the next few early hours of the morning researching, trying to find anything which would give him some more information than what the documents were given. Unfortunately, nothing more could be found apart from the odd unnecessary fact that Ghouls could drink coffee.

Shouto read the sites for mild disinterest, already discovering all the information on them recently before. He subconsciously thought back to the sight of Midoriya's terrified face as the sounds of the press's cameras flashing filled his mind, he quickly looked back down towards his hands again, steading his breathing as he tried to calm himself down again from the horrific reminders.

The amount of media that had been present, especially after Midoriya had left, there was no chance the truth would soon be revealed to the public. Even with his fathers and the other heroes around at the time, desperately trying to confine the truth, it would have eventually gotten leaked, there would be a massive outcry...

The people would start to realize the true monster Midoriyawhich was hiding in the shadows of Japan, allowed to run around freely.

The information was out there, and now they were going to be prompted to look for it... There was no doubt that people would start looking for answers, and when they discovered the truth...

Shouto brought his hands up to his head and grabbed at front of his hair, the stress of thinking of it all slowly getting to him.

There was already distrust growing in heroes from the League of villains attack on the USJ, Shouto didn't want to think of the repercussions of the heroes letting a man-eating villain escape to continue this terror; and if there were more people like this, somewhere out there, who didn't target villains..?

No one would feel safe...

As his eyes begin to sting from staring at his screen, a mix of tear-strained eyes and exhaustion slowly creeping upon him, he reluctantly made his way back to the document Nezu had written.

Letting out a silent yawn while carefully dodging all the image icons he scrolled down to the bottom of the page.

Shouto had paused when he came across one of the final underlined sections of the document.


That caught his attention, intrigued to see what the Heroes had come up with, he began slowly reading through what his principal had written down for this section. He wasn't completely taken aback to see that his classmates were being investigated, especially after reading what Midoriya had done at the USJ; and it seemed like they were beginning to narrow down on their suspects...

It hadn't completely surprised him that their homeroom teacher had been put on the case to try and catch Midoriya, considering his sensei's quirk and his sudden appearance earlier that night.

What did surprise him though, was their first official suspect...

'Uraraka..?'Shouto's eyes widened in surprise before furrowing his brows in confusion, 'why the hell did they suspect her..?'he thought as he continued reading through the document.

Midoriya and Uraraka were known throughout 1-A for being incredibly close friends trying to find the information he needed, sifting through all the unnecessary lengthy information the document held about her; pausing momentarily and mentally taking note of the comment at the top of her stating she had also been in the Landslide zone with Midoriya.


It only took a few minutes of reading to find what he needed.

"At the end of the sports festival Chiyo

Shuzenji, otherwise known as Recovery Girl, met Uraraka inside one of the med-bays. The girl was quiet and silently crying before..

".. Once Uraraka had left, Shuzenji was clearing the room when she noticed an empty blood bag inside the rubbish bin..

"All blood bags are numbered and recorded when used, the one in the bin was never recorded for use...

Shouto sat up in his chair slightly as he read the document, confused as to what reason she could have for crying in a room with an unregistered blood bag. Not much linking the two together apart from a small coincidence, but he guesses after the USJ attack the heroes were desperate to find some kind of lead on whoever their ghoul was. It seemed as though their sensei had also been sent out to observe her for suspicious activity in Tokyo this week.

He must have sprinted to the other side of the city just to see the remains of Stain laying on the floor, blood covering himself and everything around, lumps of flash splattered down the alleyway..

Shouto shut his eyes with a small wince as his new memories began to form in his mind once again, taking in a long deep breath to calm his nerves.

'Ugh, that was going to be a recurring thing now, wasn't it...'

However, if it wasn't for the short comment at the top of the section that had caught his eye, Shouto would have brushed their false theory off.

The small personal comment from Nezu also played on his mind...

Uraraka and Midoirya were close friends, Uraraka had apparently stated that she had been in the same zone as Midoriya during the USJ attack; the same zone he had been in and not seen either of them.

Coincidence? He thought not...

Nezu was closer to the truth than he probably realized.

Shouto didn't normally make it his priority to go through his fathers' confidential hero files, because why would he? However, ever since the USJ attack, he had been meaning to check up on the files to see if there was any information that Shouto could have learned about those villains.

He closed the confidential file and quickly searched through his fathers' files, letting out a silent yawn in the process. He was sure he had heard his father complaining about it at one point in the past or at least would have been given a copy of it. Even though the file was classified as confidential, less so than Midoriyas' case, it was still kept close to the UA files; being a direct attack on the school.

To Shouto that wasn't much of a problem, just searching up USJ into the filter. For all his father was strict, definitely somewhat abusive, and the secOnd most popular hero in the country; Shotuo couldn't help but think how stupid his father could be.

He was honestly surprised no villains hadn't tried to break into their home and steal their computer, with its lack of secure passwords and his father's presence on the property, it would be an easy steal.

When he finally finds the folder containing the mass of documents and photos, he quickly loads up the student statements. Out of mild interest, he slowly reads through his classmates' statements, skipping over his own, both his senseis and Thirteens; he didn't want to be reminded of the terrors he had faced in the Central Plaza.

Shouts eyes slowly trailed over the long list of his class's police statements, slowly searching through the rest of the documents. Each one thankfully was already filtered, labeled and filtered to groups of students who had reported to being in each section of the facility at some point during the attack.

Entrance: lida Tenya, Sero Hanta...

Central Plaza: Shouta Aizawa, Shouto Todoroki, Tsu Asui..

Ruins Zone: N/A...

Shouto wasn't surprised to see that the area had been left blank, more people had access to the US attack files compared to the 'Bloody stains' ' files. It was more important for the hero populace to know the details of an organized terrorist group which had attacked the most famous hero school in the country and attempted to attack and burn down a city on hours previously; Shouto assumes the people in charge of the Ghoul case had decided it wasn't important for every hero, even the ones in the local area, to know the details of a cannibal running around with an ancient, thought to be extinct, quirk...

Keeping the information quiet had helped to prevent mass panic, but now he had been caught in the act, Shouto wasn't excited to see the outcome of the leak in the next few coming days...

As he continued reading down the list of areas in the USJ, off-handedly memorising small facts about the attack from each area, he finally came across the zone he had first been dropped in.

Landslide zone: Shouto Todoroki, Ochako Uraraka, Izuku Midoriya, Toru Hagikure.

Shouto slowly furrowed his brows, the last name catching him by surprise. Hagakure had been in his zone..? He hadn't seen her, maybe he had missed her somehow.? Taking the attention of the two people of his interest and clicking on the document which showed her police written report.

As he read through her written statement, skipping through all the unnecessary information he didn't need, to see what she had written.

.. dropped through the portal into the landside zone with Midoriya, Uraraka and Todoroki, we were all really scared and confused until we saw some villain charging at us to attack us when Todoroki trapped them all in a huge wave of ice...

Shouto furrowed his brows with confusion. That... didn't add up...

Midoirya had been in the ruins zone, no matter what the lies said in his report, and with their close friendship and Uraraka being a suspect he assumed she had been too, or atleasts knows of the monster Midoriya is... God, was she an acomplianing villain too..?

He hadn't seen Hagakure, yet she had mentioned seeing him use a massive wave of ice to trap the villains in. How could she have known..?

If she had been with Midoriya, how could she have known to write that he had been in the landslide zone, while neither Uraraka and Midoriya documents mentioned him... But if she had been in the landslide zone, why would she mention that Uraraka and Midoriya were there with them, how would she have known Midoriya and Uraraka had possibly been together.?

It wasn't adding up, nothing was adding up....

Why was Uraraka covering for Midoriya. Why was she hiding the truth. When did she learn about what Midoriya truly was?

Too many unanswered questions. There are too many unknown factors...

Shouto wanted to know why.

As there work studies came to an end, Izuku found himself in the same situations he had found himself in only a little over a month ago. Waiting for the doors to be kicked in, expecting the heroes to come to arrest him. But, almost concerningly, again it didn't happen.

Todoroki had seen him, there was no doubt about it.

Yet again, another classmate had kept quiet and the thought of that made him feel awfully queasy.

The nervous feeling he felt, putting him on edge for the entire week, slowly waiting for the days to trail past to the inevitable conversation that was going to happen.

In some ways Midoriya hoped he would be cornered on the way to school, but he knew deep down the police and heroes would not waste a second trying to catch him after the storm which had been spreading like wildfire through the media.

He had never meant to draw this much attention to himself. Never meant to have the entire country talking about him and this dreaded quirk. Every news outlet online was saying the same thing, no matter where he turned...





The Japanese Tokyo News station too...

last night an attack was instigated by the league of villains with the accompanying help of the hero killer. Their attack lasted almost an hour, creating many fires as the league's nomus, reportedly similar to the ones seen during the US attack, caused havoc.

During this attack the Bloody stain, seen many miles away from its usual area of japan, was spotted killing and seemingly eating away at the hero killer before quickly leaving. Reports have also said of Nomus trying to catch the Bloody stain only to meet its demise as well.

We're unsure of the connection between the Bloody Stain and the league of villains at this moment of time, please keep sending in your thoughts to out telephone num..

He wasn't just turning attention to himself, but every ghoul user in the country. Bringing to light something they all wanted to keep quiet about for so long.


And it wasn't just the news outlets that were talking about it, his class group chat was too.

[Class 1-A7

Kirashima (7:30am) - GUYS! Have you seen the news this morning!

Mina (7:30am) - no, i just woke up. What's happening?

Kirashima (7:31am) - The Bloody stains got a


Kirminari (7:32am) - Ghoul Quirk? What's that?

Mina (7:33am) - Omg i just looked up its being covered by almost every news outlet! There are even images that the police were trying to stop leaking circling with lida and Todoroki in.

Kirashima (7:33) -I know I saw a bit of it on the tv this morning! Im super worried about them and i've een trying to message both of them but neither of them have been replying

Kirminari (7:34) - gUYS What's a ghoul quirk!

Tsu (7:34) - it's an old type of quirk that people assumed to have been extinct. The reason the news is eating it up so much is that they can apparently only eat human flesh.

Kirminari (7:35) WHAT!

Several people are typing...

Izuku didn't bother sending a message once they had started talking about the morning after the attack. It was all too draining, trying to hold up appearances with Gran Torino, while expecting their training to be interfered with by the japanese police force at any moment.

But even as the days went past with no interruption, it didn't begin to ease the tired, anxious feeling weighing him down as he walked back into school.

Homeroom had gone past as normal, with sensei welcoming them back to UA after their work experience while reminding some of them of the events that had happened over the last week.

It was only during their lunch break that Todoroki had finally decided to corner him. He had been walking along the corridor with Uraraka standing beside him when Todoroki had suddenly approached and dragged in into an empty classroom all too fast before placing an ice palm around Izukus neck, slowly freezing his reinforced skin.

The sudden actions had caused Uraraka to yell out at him with distress.

"Uhh? Hey- Todorok! What are you doing!" She exclaimed aloud as she had run after them into the classroom, "Stop! You're hurting him-"

Izuku had seen out of the corner of his eye his friend flinch back harshly as she was cut off from

Todorokis cold angry glare

His dark furious eyes were quickly directed themselves straight back onto him as he hardened the grip he had around his throat, causing him to reach up and try to pull them away on instinct.

"Where the hell were you during the USJ attack!" he spat out angrily, eyes sharpening angrily as he stared Izuku down; fear starting to form in the green-haired boy's body.

"I-i Told you..." Izuku gritted out as he tried to pull on his classmates' strong grip without breaking anyone's bones, "I was in the Landslide zone-"

"Shut up! Stop lying to me!" He growled back furiously, keeping his voice low to not attract any attention while tightening his grip on Izukus neck,

"I was dropped into a landslide zone during that attack, drop the bullshit with me!"

He let out a quiet whimper as the pain around his next began to grow, quickly catching the attention of the distressed Uraraka next to them.

"Todoroki, stop!" Uraraka called out anxiously, becoming more distressed by the second, "You're strangling him! He can't breath!" Grabbing away at the arm which held her best friend down before trying to pull it away.

Her attempts were futile as Shouto continued to press down on Midoriya's neck, before looking over to the girl who was trying weakly to pull on his muscle tensed arm.

"Do you know what he really is? Do you!" He spat out to her lowly, his words causing her to freeze like a deer in a headlight. Shouto narrowed his eyes with a withering stare at her reaction before looking back at his main target.

Izuku's fingers scratched away at the freezing hand on his neck, slowly beginning to gasp for breath.

"I know you were in the ruins area, weren't you!" he hissed out venomously, "I saw you last week too, eating away at stain. I know what you are..."

As his classmates' words slowly registered in

Izukus mind he froze in fear as his eyes snapped open wide in their direction, waiting for their next words.

"The bloody stain who everyones been talking about over the last year...

You're a Ghoul, aren't you..?"

As his soul crushing words rang out though the silent room quiet with bated breaths, Izuku felt the mind destroying blow hit him that he had been preparing for the last few days. His jaw trembled with fear, face turning pale, as his eyes transfixed with horror; making it difficult to speak.

"How-w.." He managed to rasp out before his voice gave up on him from the distress building up from his voicebox; knowing full well how Todoroki had known.

It seemed as if Shouto knew Midoriya knew how too…

"I saw you, I recognized you and you know it, don't try and lie your way out of this now or i'll freeze you furtherly... My father complains enough about you hanging around in Musutafu and gets enough reports and documents on you sent to him for me to dig up enough information on you" He began with anger before pausing.

"The bloody stain only turned up a few minutes after i sent out my text to all my contacts, they arrived even before my father did... Besides, you're not denying it now, are you..?"

Shoutos grip on his throat loosened enough for Midoriya to quickly suck in a sharp deep breath before the duel quirk user realised his small slip up, hold back down on his throat.

Izuku grabbed ahold of the edge of Shoutos hand and use some of his excess strength given to him from his ghoul quirk, avoiding the use of one for all which would create noise and alert the people around them, and pulled Shoutos' tight palm off his neck; the action causing Shoutos eyes to widen in shock and almost a drop of fear.

"Are you gonna hand me over to the police.?" he rasped out through his dry throat, the angry red bruising forming on the top of his skin quickly healing away, "I won't stop you if you do, i hate what i have to do to live; i don't blame you for hating me too."

"Deku no..-" Uraraka called out, upset from the self-degrading words coming from his mouth, before being cut off once again.

"No Uraraka, don't dig yourself into this any further... Please." Izuku pleaded, tears beginning to pool in his eyes, looking over to her over his shoulder with a distressed and exhausted look.

Shouto remained silent, eyes still narrowed, as he watched the small interaction between the two best friends before finally speaking up quietly again.

"…..I've kept it quiet for too long already, if i told the police now and told them i had confronted you about it; it wouldn't be just you two getting in trouble for endangering people..."

He paused before looking over to Uraraka again, loosening his palm on Izuku giving him enough room to breathe but not escape as he continued on.

"…..But i want an explanation of how this all happened and why you are lying to the heroes too.." He finished, glaring at Uraraka as he put emphasis on his final sentence.

Slowly, Shouto moved his arm away from Izuku's throat, who quickly reached up to grab it as it rapidly finished healing while he caught his breath.

"That's fine..." Izuku wheezed out. "I can explain it later, but not hear, mum will be at work till late today. I can explain it there."

Shouto narrowed his eyes with unspoken hesitance, which Izuku quickly caught on to.

"Uraraka can come too, i know this isn't the best but please...

Hesitantly Shouto agreed, "Fine, you better wait for me at the gate...

." And with that he slowly

walked off, eyeing the guilty pair as he left them alone in the corridor.

Just before he was about to turn the corner, Shouto paused before turning back around to face


"It seems as if we both have sides to our quirk we both hate using..." He said stiffy before walking off without a word.

'He was right though, he really did hate his ghoul


As the school day ended, the trio walked silently back to Midoriya's house, not sparing a glance to one another. As soon as they reached his house they all walked into his room before getting straight to the topic at hand.

They sat there for what felt like hours, surrounded by the walks filled with All Might merchandise, as he explained the same things he had said to Uraraka only over a month ago.

As each detail of the story fell from his mouth, he didn't feel so anxious or afraid as he had the time before, this time with Uraraka at his side instead of being left exposed on his own.

That didn't mean no tears were shed from multiple parties though...

He slowly retold his story to the pair of them, doing through each small detail of events that had happened over the last year. They deserved as much for what he had put them through. Uraraka, whY was listening to it for a second time, was more than willing to assist when the explanations got too much for him again; making the retelling much easier than before.

Shouto stayed silent for the most part, not asking as many questions as Uraraka had the first time, knowing more of the facts from the documents his father had kept unsecure on his computer. For that, Midoriya was thankful.

Uraraka also answered all the questions Shouto had for her too, mostly asking her when she had first found out about his quirk and why she hadn't told the police. She had explained to him that she had the same reaction as him when she had first discovered it, becoming enraged and aggressive to him; even though she admitted that Midoriya had most likely saved her life at the USJ attacks.

She did however make it quite clear that if he still went to the police that she would stand by Izuku's side.

That little conversation had almost been enough to make Midoriya smile.

It wasn't long after that, that Shouto admitted to reading through the entire police documents on the Bloody Stain classified file, catching both of his classmates by surprise. He explained how Class 1-A, and more specifically Urarakas name, were on the suspect list; causing them both to stiffen simultaneously. Shouto also explained how Aizawa had even been watching over her work-study the last week to see if they could catch her making any suspicious movements.

That last comment had set them both on edge.

They knew the police had been on his tail, but neither of them had realised how close to the truth they both truly were.

They had both thanked Shout for his insights, who had brushed it off saying it was only fair for how to open Midoriya had been giving him information. There was just one more thing he needed to ask.

"I was reading through the USJ files after the attack to see what, you" Shouto began, looking over to Uraraka, "had put down as your location during the USJ statements when I found something.

Hagakure also said she was in the landslide zone, but she put all three names down..." He slowed to a stop when he saw Izuku tense and narrowed his eyes at her name.

"Does she also know you are the bloody stain, Midoriya..?"

Izuku nodded tightly before looking away towards the floor.

"She does, but I didn't tell her. Don't trust her, she's trouble..

Shouto looked like he was going to interrupt when

Izuwe silenced him with a dark serious glare.

"I would tell you if I could, don't go looking for answers; you will only get yourself seriously hurt.

Telling you why will get you into a lot more trouble than just what has happened with me..."

With that in mind, Shout did not ask anymore on the subiect.

After the questions were answered and there was nothing left for them to ask, Izuku got up from his seat on the sofa before getting on his knees and bowing apologetically to them both.

"I'm so sorry for getting you both involved, I truly am.." He had whispered out quietly, voice hoarse after crying so much.

Uraraka had gotten out of her seat and pulled him up for a smooth comforting hug, pulling his head onto her shoulder.

"Oh it's ok Deku-kun, it's not your fault..."

Izuku just remained silent as he hid his face in her neck, sniffling quietly. Shout watched the close interaction between them, and the lack of fear in Urarakas' eyes carefully. Awkwardly, after a while, he looked away from the display of affection; only occasionally looking over to see if they had stopped.

Aftèr a couple of minutes Izuku looked up from his hug and saw Shout looking down at them awkwardly.

"Uhh.. Sorry, Todoroki..."

The Todoroki just nodded awkwardly, opening his mouth to ask something before changing his mind and closing it.

"Is there something you want to ask.? Todoroki." Izuku asked plainly.

Shouto just sat awkwardly before quietly speaking up.

"Could i see your..." He gestured to his back.

Izuku, catching onto what his awkward classmate was trying to ask, spoke up.

"My kagune..?"

"Kagune, yea."

With a sigh he nodded with agreement, offhandedly noticing Urarakas intrigue, before lifting his top up slightly to not rip it.

With a sudden movement, causing Todoroki and Uraraka to flinch back away at its appearance, a single short tentacle sprang to life from his mid-lower back, causing both his classmates to slowly move closer to have a look at it.

"Woah, it's so cool..!" Ochako declared with almost excitement, Shouto slowly nodding in agreement.

It felt weird, having his classmates looking over his curse of a quirk, it made him feel incredibly awkward and ashamed; exposing himself like that but me kept his thoughts to himself.

He didn't have a right to complain to them after everything he had put the pair of them through...