
MHA: The Monarch

20-year-old MC named Alex dies and gets reincarnated by THE god as his OC and with 4 other wishes in the MHA world. What chaos will unfold?

09GreekFreak · Anime und Comics
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8 Chs

Overhaul Arrives

"Now. Where. Is. Eri." I said while letting out some of my bloodlust, while my eyes, unknowingly, were radiating a dangerous purple light.

¨And don´t lie.¨ I continued.

¨Lest you want to end up like your petrified friend over there.¨ I say while pointing behind me.

Nemoto begins to speak up.

¨W-we don´t really know where the girl is. Overhaul doesn´t let anyone but Rappa around her when inside the compound.¨ He finished off while still shaking.


'Well I guess I'll just have t-'


I stopped and looked at Nemoto, who had just screamed help, like he was an idiot.

"Are you dumb? No one's gonna come and save you I thought that was obvious." I said

After I finished speaking I felt a presence behind me and once I turned around I felt a smirk come onto my face. I had just found the man I was looking for.

'Overhaul.' I thought with anger and glee.

Once I focused onto him he seemed to be quivering in...fear?

"What's wrong you look like you've seen a ghost." I remarked with a mocking tone.

"Who the hell are you!" He yelled once he stopped quivering.

'I guess he decided to go with anger rather than fear.' I thought.

"You can call me...Monarch." I replied.

'Monarch was the first thing that came to my mind. I'd completely forgotten to come up with an alias!' I thought with a sweat-drop.

"Well Monarch for the sin of attacking the Shie Hassaikai you won't be leaving this place alive." He said through gritted teeth.

"What makes you say that?" I asked with curiosity.

"You've gone and caused major damage to my base. What makes you think I'd let you go." He replied in anger.

I began to chuckle.

"What's so funny!" He yelled.

I waved him off while continuing to chuckle.

"Sorry, sorry it's just...what makes you think you can stop me." I finished off with a glare.

That seemed to cause him to freeze for a split second before he seemed to come to a decision.

"Very well then." He said as he began to take off his glove.


I tapped my foot once on the ground causing hundreds of spike to come up at him from beneath him.

Just when he was about to be hit he swung his hand making the spikes explode.

"I guess you won't go down without a fight." I asked rhetorically.

"Not a chance." He replied with a sinister smirk.

'Good.' I thought with a smirk.

'Overhaul, after this is over you'll wish you were never born!'