
MHA: The Monarch

20-year-old MC named Alex dies and gets reincarnated by THE god as his OC and with 4 other wishes in the MHA world. What chaos will unfold?

09GreekFreak · Anime und Comics
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8 Chs

Invading The Shie Hassaikai

´Now, time to deal with Overhaul.´ I thought seriously.

¨<Akashic Record: Overhaul>.¨

[Akashic Record -

Name: Kai Chisaki/Alias: Overhaul

Appearance: Pale, narrow build, short auburn hair, gold eyes, wears a plague doctor mask, black dress shirt with matching dress pants, dark green bomber jacket with fur collar

Sex: Male

Skills: Leadership, genius intellect

Quirk: Emitter type - Overhaul

Personality: Mysophobic, antisocial, sociopath]

¨I´m coming for you Overhaul.¨ I said angrily before sending out a crow made out of shadows.


[Overhaul´s POV]

´Eri´s quirk is truly phenomenal. With it, I´ll finally be able to get rid of quirks.´ I thought gleefully.

Just as I was about to continue my walk to my office I spotted a strange-looking crow with purple shining eyes and black wisps flowing off it.

'A bird with a quirk perhaps. Tch, this wretched disease has even begun to spread to nature.'

Before I could continue walking again I heard something disturbing come from outside the compound.

"HELP!" I heard someone shout.

After I heard the shout for help I began to run for the entrance to find who dared to break into my base.

'Is it the heroes, a mole, a villain, vigilante?' I thought while running.

Once I made it there I saw something worrying and terrifying.

I concluded that it wasn't the heroes. After all, there were dismembered bodies everywhere. I don't know a single hero that does.....this.

Then I saw something even more terrifying. A kid. Staring dead ahead at me with a smirk on his face while the shadow below him squirms.

No...no child could do what I'm seeing in front of me.

This is a monster.


[Original POV]

Not long after sending it out, the crow sent me an image through our connection showcasing a giant compound with the entrance having a small wooden gate with shingles on top and a wall surrounding the entire thing. Pass the gate laid a garden of sorts with some trees and the entrances to other places in the compound.

'Time for an entrance. But, first.'

Before going there I opened a Gate of Gehenna and took out a black shirt, a black button-up dress shirt, and black pants.

'Gotta look nice when killing a bunch of pieces of shit.'

After putting on the clothes I got I began using the Image in my head that appeared through the connection I have with my shadow crow and appeared through a shadow of a tree right by the entrance, on the inside of the wall.

Once I made it inside an alarm went off and around 22 armed guards burst through the doors surrounding me and aimed their weapons at me. After they came out the Eight Bullets followed.

'Hmm, I wonder.'

'<Akashic Record: Eight Bullets>.'

[Akashic Record -

Name: Shin Nemoto

Quirk: Confession

Description: Shin is a very cynic man, unsure of who he can trust. Prior to joining the Shie Hassaikai, he used to be a con artist that was always aware of truths and lies. His Quirk, Confession, makes him force people to tell him the truth.


Name: Rikiya Katsukame

Quirk: Vitality Stealing

Description: Rikiya is a tall, muscular man. His Quirk, Vitality Stealing, allows him to absorb a person's stamina by touching them. As a result, this increases his size, making him a giant. His Quirk was later enhanced by a drug, in which he does not have to touch someone, but rather simply inhale.


Name: Toya Setsuno

Quirk: Larceny

Description: Setsuno is a skinny, young man, who suffers from mental issues, due to tragic past events. Prior to joining the Shie Hassaikai, he attempted to commit suicide after his lover had cheated on him and left him deep in debt, but a hero managed to save him, leaving him in great depression that his death was denied. His Quirk, Larceny, allows him to steal objects out of someone's hands.


Name: Yu Hojo

Quirk: Crystallize

Description: Hojo is a serious, brutal fighter with a troubled past involving someone using him as a means of producing endless crystals to sell only to be beaten within an inch of his life once it was discovered that his crystals were worthless. He is very observant of things, although he mostly keeps his observations to himself. His Quirk, Crystallize, allows him to produce crystals from his body. He can use these crystals as a means of attack or as a means of defending himself.


Name: Soramitsu Tabe

Quirk: Food

Description: Tabe is an insane man with an obsession with eating. Unlike most of his fellow villains who wear masks in the shape of a plague doctor, Tabe wears a burlap mask that covers his entire head, giving him a scarecrow-like appearance. His Quirk, Food, allows him to consume anything with his huge teeth within seconds.


Name: Kendo Rappa

Quirk: Strongarm

Description: Rappa is a very strong, muscular man, filled with the pride and ambition of fighting. He dislikes those who refuse to fight and those that do refuse to use their own strength and power. He is normally paired up with Tengai, which the two are referred to as the "Spear and Shield". Rappa's Quirk, Strongarm, increases his strength and speed, allowing him to land hard blows that are powerful enough to break solid concrete and rocks.


Name: Deidoro Sakaki

Quirk: Sloshed

Description: Deidoro is a complete alcoholic, always shown to be drinking, even in the middle of combat. Because of his drunken nature, he often speaks in an odd, slurred manner. Despite this, however, he is quite energetic. His Quirk, Sloshed, allows him to inhibit one sense's and make them lose their balance as if they were drunk themselves.


Name: Hekiji Tengai

Quirk: Barrier

Description: Tengai is a wise, calm collected man. He appears to be a monk in a way, as he dresses similar to one and generally remains calm. He is normally paired up with Rappa, which the two are referred to as the "Spear and Shield". His Quirk, Barrier, allows him to create yellow durable, strong shields and barriers.]

'So I can do that. However, it seems to be less detailed for each individual. Well, looks and skill-wise. After all, it basically provided their entire backstories.'

" Congratulations It seems I'll be letting some of you live. After all, some of you are only broken or here by circumstance. But, as for the rest of you.....well, I hope you're ready to die. Painfully." I said menacingly and condescendingly.

After I said my little intimidation speech shadow chains popped out of the shadows of Shin Nemoto, Toya Setsuno, and Yu Hojo to keep them in place.

After the chains locked those three in place and the 22 henchmen along with the other Bullets got over their surprise the Bullets began watching me intently while the 22 henchmen began shooting at me. Sadly I won't be letting that happen.

'<Ruler's Authority>.'

To their surprise, all the bullets being shot at me began to stop midair once they got close to me. Once they all stopped shooting I let the bullets fall. While they were all still surprised I activated a skill and an ability.

'<Bloodlust 10%.>.'

'<Commandment of Truth>'.

After using <Bloodlust> a heavy pressure descended on all present and the henchmen became terrified, if their shaking legs said anything, and the Bullets became even warier.

"Tell me, are you afraid." I ask darkly.

Then one of the henchmen spoke up.

"N-no of course not. Why should we be scared of you, YOU'RE JUST SOME KID!" He yelled.

"Haha, you shouldn't lie my friend. Lying always has consequences."

After I said that his body, starting from his legs began to turn to stone.

"What's happening to me! Somebody he-!" He yelled out. Only for him to be cut off midsentence by him being turned completely to stone.

Once he was fully stone, everyone including the Eigh Bullets looked petrified.

A/N: Pun not intended.

'Sigh' "Well let's get to the main event." I said before vanishing and reappearing behind all the henchmen and in front of the Eight bullets.

Once I reappeared all the heads of the henchmen fell clean off and the stone one's head shattered on the ground.

'It seems by injecting mana into my hands they become extremely sharp. Sharp enough to be used as blades even.' I thought impressed while looking at my hand covered in a purple aura.

After that thought, I looked at the Eight bullets. They were shaking in their boots.

"I'll be holding back, I still need to gain some experience in fighting, so...

...Let's dance."