
MHA: The Green Hunter

A young man, after having an unhappy ending, is reincarnated by a ROB in the world of My Hero Academia, but before he was reincarnated, he was gifted with the powers of one of the most powerful members of the justice league. He received the powers of the Martian Manhunter. In case you want or can help me with the fanfics my patreon for you. I ALSO HAVE SOME ADVANCED CHAPTERS ON PATREON. ------------------------------------------------------------------ https://www.patreon.com/Niflheim007 https://ko-fi.com/amaterasuomikami

Josef000 · Anime und Comics
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5 Chs

Chapter 05

[Main POV]

As I lay on the ground trying to put into practice what I knew about the Martian, my parents were watching me, probably waiting for me to fail so that they could help me out a bit.

After focusing on my body for a while, I realize that I understand what happened to my body after my quirk appeared. Since the moment I woke up after that grueling torture, I've been feeling a sensation in my body. At first, I thought it was all in my head, but now I'm sure it's not.

After meditating and analyzing for some time, I feel that there is something more to this strange sensation that runs through my body, and after focusing on it, something clicks inside my brain, and my whole body feels strange.

I feel like my whole body felt strange, and after focusing on this restlessness, it seems like everything I feel and see has changed. Strangely enough, I can feel every little particle of my body, like I've never felt before.

Realizing that I apparently turned on some kind of switch that made me really feel maybe how the Martian feels, I can feel my heart beating, every pulse of it, I can feel the blood in my veins, I can even feel the oxygen entering my lungs.

The number of sensations being felt at the same time left me confused, it was too much to process, but I felt whole, I felt complete as if I had met a part of myself that I had never seen before.

There, I tried to get used to this new sensation of being able to feel every little part of my body. I stood in the same position for hours on end, I knew that many hours had passed and were passing, but I had to stay that way, otherwise, I probably wouldn't even be able to move.

My sense of hearing was turned off and I sat with my eyes closed, observing the movement of my blood, the functioning of my organs, and even saw my immune system fighting against some viruses.

After what seemed to be around 10 hours of analyzing, moving and thinking about ways to control my senses, I finally opened my eyes. When I opened my eyes, the first thing I saw was a bright light in my eyes, and then I realized that I wasn't sitting anymore. In fact, I was lying on a bed that didn't seem to be mine.

That's when I noticed that I was in an all-white room, it looked like a hospital bed. I looked to the side of the bed and saw my parents, they seemed worried, but when they saw that I had woken up, their faces changed from concern to happiness and relief. I felt bad for them, they seemed very worried, and it made sense. I had been unresponsive for 10 hours because I was trying to adapt to my quirk.

But unfortunately, because I was so focused on the inside of my body, I ended up forgetting about the outside, and so I didn't feel or hear anything they said during all that time. They must have gone through a hard time, and I feel terrible. I was going to say something to them, but I am interrupted. Before I can say anything, my mother runs towards me and hugs me.

"Please stop scaring us like this, mom. Dad and you tried to call and talk to me for hours, then we had to call the family doctor, who later recommended us to go to the hospital urgently," I listen to my mother attentively and realize that I really worried them. I look at her and say.

"I promise I won't scare you like that again, mom. I saw how my quirk worked and got so absorbed in it that I disconnected from reality. I didn't mean to do that to you both." After apologizing to my parents, I lie down for a while before speaking up again.

"I'm sorry, Mom. I saw how my quirk worked, and I got detached from this reality, I didn't mean to do that to you." After apologizing to my parents, I remained lying down for a while until I spoke again. "I kind of know how to use my quirk now, I want to show you how it works." After hearing this, my parents were hesitant. They had already been through a lot today and were afraid of something happening. But despite their reluctance, they agreed to let me use it.

I looked at the cells present in my body and tried to control them. The process was somewhat slow, but gradually they did what I wanted. The matter in my hand moved so that they were closer to each other, and some parts of them even overlapped.

With that, I could feel my hand getting heavier and more resistant. I still need a lot of training because I'm still slow in controlling the matter of my body, but over time, I'm sure I will be able to become very strong.

After reinforcing my hand, I raised my arm and punched the bench next to me while still lying down. It was made of iron and very resistant, but it was easily crushed by my punch.

My mother seeing my punch asks me.

"Is your quirk super strength?" I hear her question and smile, she is completely wrong, my quirk is much more powerful than something so simple. After thinking this, I quickly answer her.

"No, it's not, mom." After answering her, she looked a bit surprised and had a questioning look on her face, seeing this I tell her again.

"Actually, you're not completely wrong, mom, because my body has evolved a lot, I feel like I could run much faster and for much longer, my strength has also improved a lot, I feel much more powerful, but my quirk is almost the same as yours, mom, just a little different, and I think I also have the same abilities as dad." After hearing me say this, she becomes really surprised and a little excited, because it seemed like I would really become someone very strong.

Afterwards, I prepare my explanation about a part of my quirk.

"I can control the matter in my body, which makes my quirk different from yours, mom. I don't know what this thing called matter is, but you say you control it, so I think I'm controlling the same thing. But unlike you, I can't control the matter of things. I can only control the matter in my body," I explained to her.

I try to explain to my mother in the best way possible, I can see my father listening attentively, and my mother as well, they are really interested in my powers.

To show my mother how it works, I demonstrate it in practice. After taking a moment to control my matter, I use it to make my fingers elongate

"My parents were even more surprised, and after a brief moment, I returned my fingers to their correct position. I looked at my mother who was admiring my quirk and said:"

"I don't really know how my dad's powers work, but I hope I can use them too." After saying that, I turn my attention to a pen that was on the nightstand that I had punched earlier. After focusing on it, I concentrate all my strength to make it move.

After a few seconds, something that even surprises me happens: the pen begins to tremble slightly. Seeing this, I try to put more force into it, and then the pen begins to float a few centimeters above the table.

My father, seeing this with his only eye, opens a big smile and starts to speak.

"My boy is going to be a great hero,"

To be continued