
MHA: The Green Hunter

A young man, after having an unhappy ending, is reincarnated by a ROB in the world of My Hero Academia, but before he was reincarnated, he was gifted with the powers of one of the most powerful members of the justice league. He received the powers of the Martian Manhunter. In case you want or can help me with the fanfics my patreon for you. I ALSO HAVE SOME ADVANCED CHAPTERS ON PATREON. ------------------------------------------------------------------ https://www.patreon.com/Niflheim007 https://ko-fi.com/amaterasuomikami

Josef000 · Anime und Comics
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5 Chs

Chapter 04

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[Main POV]

The day I awakened my quirk was the weirdest day of my life. It's been a week since that fateful day, and the pain I felt was monstrous in every way. I remember I was sleeping peacefully until I was abruptly awakened by a monstrous pain that spread throughout my body.

The pain was so intense that I screamed and writhed in agony. I was so scared at that moment, I didn't know what was happening, and I really thought I was going to die again. After it happened, my parents told me that the whole process didn't last more than a few minutes, but to me, it felt like a process that took many, many hours. The pain was so unbearable that after I went through the process of awakening my quirk, I passed out instantly.

After waking up, something that I feared happened, my arms were green. I went to the mirror to see myself and I was even more surprised.

I was completely green, my eyes had also changed color, they were red, and my hair had turned into a dark shade of green. To complete my transformation, my ears had become pointed, almost like an elf's.

"I didn't end up like Martian Manhunter, actually I looked a lot more like Beast Boy than Martian. That relieved me a little, Beast Boy may be green, but at least he's not ugly, and on the bright side, I didn't join the bald team."

And that wasn't the only surprise I had. Apparently, I had awakened my powers. I thought about testing my powers right then, but my mother had insisted that I didn't do it. The whole process of awakening my quirk had been very draining on my body. So she asked me to rest for a while so that I could recover.

And so I spent my last week lying down, being pampered by my parents. It wasn't a bad time, but I was hoping to be able to play with my powers. I could easily use my powers in secret, but my mother was right, I had no idea how my powers worked, so it really is better that I am fully recovered before using my powers.

During this entire week, my mother didn't leave my side. She still seemed very worried, and I tried to comfort her during this time, but didn't have much success.

[Aña Pov]

After that scary day, I didn't leave my baby's side. I never thought I would go through such a situation. After he fell asleep, my husband and I thought about taking him to the doctor, but something surprised us and made us reconsider that.

As Isaac was sleeping, his body underwent a transformation, his skin began turning green, his ears became pointed and his hair turned green, the entire transformation was very quick, lasting only a few seconds.

I remember Chris looked at me and I looked at him, and we decided to call a private doctor instead of taking him to the hospital.

We did that for his safety, people who have a quirk related to mutation are often attacked and discriminated against. I preferred to have a conversation with him about the situation before taking him to a hospital crowded with people who might look at him strangely or say things that shouldn't be said.

I know very well the weight of discrimination and I don't want my son to go through that. After I had a brief conversation with Chris, we called the family doctor, he followed my pregnancy and even helped with the delivery, we trust him.

After examining Isaac for a while, he came to the conclusion that Isaac was fine, just seemed tired after everything he went through.

When he woke up, I had to explain to him about everything that had happened, and tell him that his body had changed, and that now he was different from everyone else, but that this would not make him any worse than anyone else, and that if anyone said otherwise, he should come talk to me and his father, and we could resolve the situation.

I knew that one day I would have to have that conversation with him, because as black people in a racist society, conversations about discrimination would come up at some point, but even knowing that, I still don't feel comfortable. If the day my son awakened his quirk was the scariest day of my life, today was certainly the saddest day of my life. The day I talked to my son about the existence of prejudice.

I didn't just say that, I also told him that there is a high likelihood that he will be a victim of prejudice.

That day was funny because while I was talking to him, he held my hand and tried to comfort me, something really funny. I, as his mother, should be comforting him, not the other way around.

I look to the side as I come out of my thoughts and speak to my husband, who is by my side at the moment. We are walking towards Isaac's room and, as I am a little worried, I remain silent as I think about the last few days.

"Hey Chris, are you sure it's okay for us to do this?" I was hesitant, because today is the day that Isaac will finally test his powers, and I'm worried because I don't know what could happen.

"I agreed with Isaac that he should wait for some time to use his powers because he was not fully recovered. After hearing my question, my husband replied."

"Ana, my dear, everything will be okay. We're here to assist him in case something goes wrong, and we even called Dr. Fukuyama so he can attend to him if he gets hurt in any way," I heard what he said and nodded in confirmation, avoiding speaking because I wanted to avoid any kind of argument with Chris."

[Main POV]

I hear the door to my room opening and get up from the bed. Soon I can see my father and mother entering through the door. Seeing them, I speak as I run towards them to hug them.

"Mom and dad, I missed you so much, I love you very much," I say with my baby voice, after hugging them. After the embrace, my dad is the first to speak to me.

"My big guy, how about we test your quirk?" my father asked me while smiling at me. After hearing him, I get very excited, after a week of waiting, I'll finally be able to test my quirk. Excitedly, I quickly respond to him.

"Yesss, let's test it right away, I've been wanting to do this so much," I say to them, and my parents look at my reaction and smile. Over the years, I really began to see them as my parents, they were cool, kind, and always tried to make me happy.

A noise interrupts my thoughts. It was my mother talking to me.

"There's no pre-written formula that teaches how to activate your quirk, so unfortunately we can't help you with that. Quirks are very personal, everyone really has their own way of using and triggering them. While you try to figure out how yours works, we'll be here by your side. If you want some tips, just ask, my dear."

I felt a little sad that in the end there were no tips on how to use my quirk. Probably this is already part of their training, they were the strongest in their countries, and their training methods must be super difficult.

I may not know how to use my quirk, but I knew how Martian Manhunter used his powers, and I even know the logic behind it.

As I think about it, I start trying to use my quirk.
