
MHA : Sorcerer's Heroic Journey

In the midst of a cosmic convergence, the Sorcerer Supreme, Doctor Stephen Strange, finds himself torn from the Marvel universe and reborn in a world where superpowers, known as Quirks, define society. Unfamiliar with this new reality, Dr. Strange discovers that his mystical arts have taken on a unique form, a quirks of this world. As the Sorcerer Supreme endeavors to understand the nature of Quirks and their place in hero society, he forms unexpected alliances and faces formidable adversaries. The convergence of two worlds sparks a cosmic adventure, where the boundaries between magic and Quirks blur, revealing a destiny that transcends both realms. PS: The cover is not mine. All credit for the cover goes to their rightful owners.

Raiden_Ei · Anime und Comics
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13 Chs

Chapter 12 : Shadows Over USJ

"Huh, Is that Tanaka-san's portal?" A voice coming from the portal was heard as everyone in the room saw Class 1-A in the USJ while Class 1-A saw some of the teacher in the meeting.

'Good thing I'm in the opposite direction...' One of the teachers thought as he looked at the portal that came out of the orange sparks.

"Yup," Kazuki answered as he prepared to enter the portal. However, before he could, everyone in the meeting heard something that they never expected.


After hearing this, the white-haired boy immediately went into action, jumping inside the portal. The teachers that were with him also followed, however, as the closest teacher, Vlad King, was about to jump in, the portal vanished.

"What the-"

"God damn it... This is not the time for jokes..." 


As Kazuki came out of the portal, he saw his classmates, all of their faces full of surprise while looking at the event that was unfolding behind him. 

Turning around, Kazuki saw something beyond his expectations. Not only did the portal he came through collapse but there was also a large group of villains in the center of the U.S.J. and a lot more was coming out from a mysterious, yet familiar mist.

"Everyone stay back. Thirteen, evacuate and protect the kids until the others arrive. They should have already know what's happening." Their usually relaxed adviser, Shota Aizawa instructed as he prepared to meet the villains head-on.

"You can't deal with all of them, sensei. Even if you disable all of their quirks, there are too many. The battle-" Midoriya spoke up, trying to reason with his teacher and prevent him. However, as he spoke, he was interrupted by one of his classmates.

"Let him be... A hero has more than 1 trick, right sensei?" Kazuki Tanaka spoke up before snapping his fingers. 

 With a snap of his fingers, his school uniform shimmered and morphed. The fabric rippled and shifted, transforming before their eyes.

The colours changed, the bland gray of his uniform giving way to a vibrant mix of black and gold. Arcane symbols materialized on the fabric, glowing softly with an otherworldly light. His attire took on a sleeker, more streamlined look, designed for agility and mobility in combat.

A long, flowing coat materialized around him, its edges trailing behind him like the cloak of a mysterious sorcerer. It billowed dramatically in the air, adding an aura of mystique to his presence.

In mere moments, Kazuki Tanaka had shed his student uniform and emerged in his hero suit, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead. With newfound confidence coursing through his veins, he turned to his comrades, his eyes burning with determination.

With a firm resolve, Kazuki focused his energy, channelling the essence of his Quirk into his now outstretched hand. The air around him crackled with arcane energy as he began casting a spell

Sparks began to appear and it soon turned into a circle. However, as it continued to form, a surge of mist appeared through the air, disrupting Kazuki's spellcasting. The portal wavered and faltered, its edges flickering uncertainly as if struggling against an unseen force.

Kazuki gritted his teeth, pouring more of his energy into the spell, desperate to stabilize the portal before it collapsed entirely. Beads of sweat formed on his brow as he fought against the interference, his concentration unwavering despite the strain.

But it was futile. With a final, agonizing sputter, the portal collapsed in on itself, vanishing in a burst of light. 

"The mist guy is interfering, I can't seem to create a portal to escape..." he muttered, his voice heavy with disappointment. 

As the portal collapsed, a collective gasp escaped from the lips of Class 1-A. They stood frozen for a moment, the reality of their situation sinking in like an anchor pulling them down.

Bakugo's expression darkened, his frustration boiling over into anger. "Damn it! We can't just stand here and wait to be picked off like sitting ducks," he growled, his hands crackling with explosive energy.

Mineta whimpered, his bravado crumbling in the face of danger. "I... I don't want to die here," he admitted, his voice barely above a whisper. His hands shook as he glanced around, searching for any sign of hope.

As the reality of their situation set in, Class 1-A stood shaken, afraid for their lives and for what they may face.

"No one's gonna die! Remember, the other teachers are already aware of our situation. We will just have to wait so just follow me!" Thirteen's voice was heard, her experience as a pro hero appearing as she catched everyone's attention, most of them following the space hero, running as fast as they could to the exit while some reluctantly followed because of a single glare from their homeroom teacher.

With the class running, Aizawa gave them one last glance before noticing a certain white-haired boy making his way to him. "Go with them. You may be strong but these are the real deal... I don't want to bring your corpse to Nezu..." He said.

"Oh please, you should know me better than that..." Kazuki replied before making intricate patterns with his hands, causing an orange glow to form in his and his teacher's body. The glowing orange soon materialized as it covered the whole body of the student and teacher, leaving Aizawa to sigh. 

"Fine, but don't be too cocky. Now, won't this buff hinder you? I'm pretty sure this works by us using your energy, then there's also the fact that you just fought earlier and you seemed pretty drained." Aizawa said, letting his white-haired student join him in the battle before expressing his concern about the orange light that covered their bodies.

"I'm good... And you don't have to worry about my energy... I have a backup." The boy answered back as his teacher's eyebrow raiseed before the two of them glanced at the large number of villains that were getting near. 

With the villains in their view, the student and teacher sprung into action. Aizawa took a step forward, his capture weapon at the ready as he locked eyes with their adversaries. His gaze was steely, his resolve unyielding as he prepared to confront the threat head-on. Meanwhile, Kazuki stood beside him, his hands glowing with arcane energy as he braced himself for the coming battle. 

Without a word, Aizawa charged forward, his movements swift and decisive as he engaged the villains in combat. His capture weapon lashed out like a viper, ensnaring their opponents with ruthless efficiency.

Kazuki followed closely behind, his Quirk springing to life as he provided support from the sidelines. Constructs like chains flickered into existence around him, redirecting incoming attacks, capturing some villains and creating openings for his teacher to exploit.

The two of them moved in perfect harmony, their actions complementing each other as they fought to keep the villains at bay. Aizawa's skillful strikes were bolstered by Kazuki's magical prowess, creating a formidable duo that struck fear into the hearts of their enemies.

"This would have been easier if we could just kill-" Kazuki tried to speak to his sensei, however, he was immediately interrupted.

"No, we can't kill any of them. They are still humans." His teacher said receiving a chuckle from his students as they fought villains coming from every direction.

As Aizawa and Kazuki focused their efforts on battling the remaining villains, the rest of Class 1-A and Thirteen seized the opportunity to make their escape. Urgency fueled their movements as they hurried towards the exit.

"God damn it... Why does that wizard freak get to fight while we run?!" The ever so arrogant Katsuki Bakugao said as they ran.

"Now's not the time for that. We need to move quickly," Thirteen urged as she ignored her student's voice. Her voice was firm but tinged with concern. "Stick together and stay close."

The students nodded in agreement as they shut their mouths, their determination shining through despite the fear that gripped their hearts. They pushed forward, their eyes fixed on the exit.

But just as they were about to reach the threshold of safety, a swirling vortex of darkness materialized before them, blocking their path. A villain covered in mist and fog emerged from the shadows, his presence a harbinger of danger as he glared at the escaping students with cold, calculating eyes.

"Going somewhere?" he sneered, his voice dripping with malice. "I'm afraid I can't let you leave."

Panic rippled through most of the group as they realized they were now most likely gonna fight a villain , their hopes of escape dashed in an instant. Thirteen stepped forward, their hands raised in a defensive posture as they prepared to shield the students from harm.

"Originally, our goal was to kill the Symbol of Peace... However, it seems he isn't here... Is that change because of my encounter with that white-haired boy?" The living mist spoke, sending chills running down some of the student's spine.

"We need to stay calm," Thirteen said, their voice steady despite the tension that hung in the air. "I'll take care of this."

But Kurogiri had other plans. With a flick of his wrist, he summoned a dense fog that enveloped the chamber, obscuring their vision and disorienting their senses. The students stumbled back, their movements sluggish as they struggled to find their bearings in the swirling darkness.

"Your classmate that's currently fighting alongside Eraserhead is strong... But it seems like among all of you, he's the only diamond." The villain said, trying to provoke the class, and he successfully did so as explosions came from inside the dense fog, blowing all the fog away.

"HUH?! YOU'RE TELLING ME THAT THAT WIZARD FREAK IS BETTER THAN ME?!" An angry shout coming from Bakugao was heard after he blew all the fog away with winds from the explosions. 

"Oh, it seems I was mistaken..." A voice coming from the mist was heard before it was bombarded by attacks. 

Explosions, ice, balls, random things and unbreakable resolve clashed with the mist. villain. However, contrary to everyone's expectations, all of their attacks were useless as the mist absorbed everything.

"It didn't work?!"


"When are the pros getting here?!"

Many words were heard coming from the class as they freaked out from what happened. Thirteen couldn't blame them for this as even she was surprised.

'Is it because of the mist?' The space hero thought as she popped open a hole in her finger from her suit. She was just about to attack before suddenly, a red-haired student, Ejiro Kirishima got in front of her.

'Sh*t' The hero thought before stopping her attack as the red-haired boy collided with the mist before vanishing.

"Well, I'll be scattering you in this facility. Meet my comrades and die!" The villain covered by mist said before the mist grew and covered everyone.

Soon, as the mist formed a dome around the students, it then vanished, revealing only some of the students and thirteen still in their original place.

As the mist dissipated, Thirteen took the opportunity and attacked against the mist villain, her Quirk, Black Hole, proved to be a formidable weapon against it. With precise control, Thirteen started sucking the mist out of the villain.

However, the villain saw an opportunity amidst the chaos. With a malevolent glint in his eyes, he unleashed a wave of mist that collided with Thirteen's Black Hole, causing catastrophic damage as Thirteen's dangerous quirk backfired on her.

With a horrified gasp coming from the students that wasn't warped, Thirteen collapsed to the ground, her body wracked with pain as the uncontrollable Black Hole hit her. 

The remaining class 1-A students watched in horror as their mentor fell, helpless to do anything to stop the devastation unfolding before their eyes. Fear and uncertainty gripped their hearts as they realized the true danger they faced.

"Thi-THIRTEEN!" The loud should of Ochako Uraraka was heard as she looked at her idol who was now lying on the ground.

"You kids are next..." The villain covered in mist said as he sent mist in the kid's direction.

'Shit' Tenya Iida, one of the students that wasn't teleported thought as he tried to dodge while trying to save his classmates.

As the mist was about to reach them, Iida was now panicking as he tried to speed up. However, the mist soon touched his classmates. Yet, it suddenly retracted as a strong gust of wind pushed it back.

"Winds of Watoomb" A voice resounded in that area as Kazuki Tanaka appeared, saving his remaining classmates and teacher.

"Where's the others?" He immediately asked upon arriving.

"That mist villain separated us...I believe it transported them to other areas." Iida answered, looking at their saviour.

"So, we meet again young hero... As I said earlier, the Dance of Shadows has just begun..." The villain in the mist said.

"We meet again indeed... Can I at least get the name of the villain that I'm about to imprison?" Kazuki answered back before giving the villain a cocky grin.

"Hmmm... A name... Sure, I'll humour you, hero... You can call me Kurogiri... And you are?" The villain, now known as Kurogiri introduced himself, asking for his enemy's name in return.

"You can address me as Sorcerer Supreme... I also heard something about killing All Might earlier... Is that your group's goal?" Kazuki fired another question, now it was more obvious that he was buying time.

"Yes, that's indeed our goal... Now, let's end this chit-chat..." Kurogiri answered as he sent mist to the heroes in training.

"What do we do?!" Rikido Sato, another student that wasn't teleported asked, looking at his white-haired classmate for instructions.

"Just stay calm... No one dying as long as I'm alive and kicking..." Kazuki answered back to his classmate before sending another gust of wind to block the mist that dangers them.

"I'll be serious now Kurogiri... Originally, I just wanted to play around, however, it seems I won't be able to do that now..." Kazuki said, warning his enemy before snapping his fingers.

A sound was produced, however, nothing seemed to happen. This is what most thought, however, Kazuki, the one who snapped his fingers and Kurogiri, his enemy knows what changed.

"What did you do Tanaka-san?" Uraraka inquired.

"He summoned an Amulet?" Kurogiri muttered with confusion clearly heard from his voice.

Despite the questions, Kazuki didn't speak. He, instead did intricate patterns with both of his hands. Because of this, Kurogiri put up his guard as he also saw that the amulet's concentric rings began to rotate, emitting a soft, ethereal glow that gradually intensified. With a series of precise clicks, the Eye's mechanisms aligned, revealing a brilliant, emerald gem at its center. The gem's radiant light bathed the area in a serene green hue, and a gentle hum of power filled the air.

"It's not just any amulet... It's the Eye of Agamotto. My greatest weapon..."

(AN: His "Eye of Agamotto" is explained on upcoming chapters... And there is a good explanation for why it is here.) Also drop comments and reviews so I can make it better