

It all passes over them, close but too far, never really touching. They're unfettered by everything save for elusive ideals. Justice, fairness. As a Hero, they could perhaps touch them.

jliziki · Anime und Comics
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6 Chs


Two years, I got off light. Just a month left. Mori was placed in a juvenile detention facility colloquially known as 'Tartarus'. It was a monolithic prison complex of the highest security level, containing multiple terraced floors each featuring rows of thirty barred cells, specifically, there were six floors stacked upon each other. Unit C, Cell Number: 30. These structures were referred to as units, the facility had six, labelled according to alphabetical order. 'A' through to 'F'. The earlier the letter designation occurs in the alphabet, the more dangerous the individuals housed there would be considered. Whirr. Mori stood up, moving towards the door as it slid open. "Prisoner Mori, recreation time." Nodding at the guard as he exited his sparsely furnished cell which consisted of a bed, toilet, sink.

Unit C was full of activity, inmates met up in their cells, watched TV, played cards at the communal areas in the centre of each level. Mori, moved through the corridors, heading to the concrete courtyard which connected all units. "You going to unit C? I'll trade you my tag for the hour." He'd approached an inmate with a red tag on their jumpsuit standing by the chain link fence surrounding the perimeter. "You're heading into unit A? You must be suicidal, that's not my problem though. I'll take you up on that deal." It was a quick affair, red and green tags traded hands. "See you in an hour if I'm still alive." Mori did a two-fingered salute, adding a wink too before passing by the checkpoint infront of each unit. "Insert your tag into the scanner." Guards were stood there, by a monitor and machine with a rectangular slot. Click. Inserted. Just before an image of the tag's owner showed up on the monitor. "I'll kill you!" Commotion occurred on the courtyard, moving their attention away from Mori. Beep. It was approved, he yanked the tag out, walking on before they turned round. Covering the back of the person you've traded tags with is only expected. Entering the unit, he walked up to the sixth level, going along the wall, reaching a deeply recessed door. Mori went in.

In the cramped space of a janitor's closet. "Lady Nagant." Mori stood with folded arms, head tilted to one side. "I've always wondered why they call you 'Lady', we're all teenagers here." Nagant flicked her hair interspersed with fuchsia tones, as she did, a rifle barrel protruded from her elbow. "I could kill you right now, show me the proper respect." Looking down at him with a subtle smirk. "Right, right… I heard you're the best sniper around these parts." That smirk was downturned. "These parts? I'm the best everywhere. I'd show you, but I'd blow your mind all over that floor." Mori leant against the wall, speaking through the side of his mouth. "Yeah, you sound like you definitely belong here. I'm here too, so I don't exactly have the high ground eh?" Whizz. Blurriness passed by his face, a bullet slid off his skin then embedded itself in the metal door infront of him. "Phew, I thought you'd aim for the head, Nagant. Anyways, I'll get to the point now. I want you to join me." Nagant whose eyes widened retracted the rifle barrel back into her arm. "No wonder you're so confident, I was expecting you to dodge though… And join you? What do you intend to propose to me?" Straightening up, at attention in anticipation of Mori's words. "I want to turn the world upside down. When we get out, I want you with me so we can eliminate all obstacles to my vision. My vision? To rid this country of the incompetents who run it, and their Hero puppets." Nagant's mouth hung open, brows lowered due to Mori's tense face riddled with creases. "I wasn't expecting that from you, Mori-boy, you really do belong in here." Now her legs crossed. "It's almost as if fate brought us together. Because I'd love to see this whole Hero charade go up in flames." Laughter came from Mori. "I see controlled flames, you see a hellscape. I think we differ only in regard to the extent of the chaos we wish to cause for stability." Nagant leant in. "How do you plan on getting close?" Mori also leant in. "We'll become Heroes, not at just any school, U.A High School. From there we'll be able to gain access." Nagant's eyes somewhat sparkled. "From within? Now you're talking. Just one issue, I won't be out for some time." They could feel each other's warmth. "Are you suggesting I wait for you Nagant?" Rosy blush occupied her cheeks. "I thought you'd never say it, I'd be flattered if you did. But no, lie low until I get out. I should be out a month or so after you." Mori backed off and stroked his cheek, there was a slight mark. I'm still an amateur. "Alright, I'll keep my head down. And just to let you know, I can't continue taking the risk to see you, I don't want the guards catching onto us." Nagant snickered. "Looks like I gave you a hickey, you might want to wash that off. Also, even if you say don't want to see me, you're compelled to." Mori shook his head. "I don't think I want any more of your kisses, Nagant." Nagant lightly shoved him. "We can always meet in the courtyard." Again, a shaken head. "I prefer our privacy in here." Then he left, opening the door, slipping out and walking by the other prisoners passing through the unit. As he strolled. Bump. "Oi, little shit. Watch where you're going." Mori said nothing, looking down. "Do you think I'm easy or something? Walking into me like that and trying to stare me down!" They grabbed his collar, raising their other hand into a fist. 'Localised Friction' Mori's body spun into a fine mist. Screech. Delivering an immense kick upon stopping, rather, halting his foot just beside the stunned party's cheek. "I'd rather not add extra time onto my sentence, let's just let this lie." Afterimages were lost, trying to find their way back to his buzzing leg which he'd already lowered some time ago. I've gotten better at controlling it I guess, I'll need to be stronger than this. Mori clicked his tongue, leaving the unit.

Nagant's squinted eyes watched on from the above level. Doesn't want to get caught but loves testing himself. Removing her elbow from the railing. He's an idiot at times. She entered her cell, taking a seat on her bunk with dropped shoulders. 'Heroes', just a superhuman military in plain sight yet people eat up the bullshit on the news. And the damn schools, just the production line, grooming us. Those soft features hardened into stone which broke apart as she began to laugh with her mouth wide open. Bzzt. Electrical arcs appeared from her neck, she writhed. Note, some unruly inhabitants of the facility were fitted with shock collars set to go off at the slightest detection of adrenaline in the blood, an indicator of aggression. Flash. In her stupor she found herself two years back, against that measurement board stood infront of a camera whilst holding an inscribed black placard. Pictured, a straight-faced youth in a turtlenecked purple dress, bloodstained of course.

Kaina Tsutsumi, 14, Quirk: Rifle, Type: Transformation.' In small print. Notes: Subject loyal to an unknown party… Seems to be thoroughly indoctrinated.