In this world, Quirks run rampant and the unfortunate Quirkless people get left behind, tossed aside in exchange for fame and power, meant to claw and scrape for any hope of survival! One boy will fight against the world to prove that everyone can be a hero no matter the way you were born! The Quirkless Hero who grew up fighting for food, a real hero amongst a sea of fakes! He may not be the strongest hero, but he will inspire an entire generation! 18+ Gore, Blood, Violence, etc. You know the drill by now.
Ochako looked over and caught a glimpse of a thought bubble, before spitting out!
Mei was holding Bullet, with a text above her head, 'Marry me, dog!' Bullet held his cheeks, blushing as a text was over his head 'Ah!'
Izuku, Shoto, and Katsuki came to the cafeteria before freezing as they stared at the chaos.
Izuku looked at the broken wall, seeing a guy sprawled out on the ground with blood all over his face.
Shoto looked at Fumikage and Shihai dueling for some 'Master of Darkness' title.
Katsuki watched as Eijiro held a giant stone golem and smashed his elbow in his face while laughing crazily!
Everything was out of control!
Katsuki trembled and clenched his fists before roaring "ENOUGH!" everyone stopped and looked at him as he grinned crazily "WHO THE HELL STARTED WITHOUT ME!?" as he lunged at some random guy, punching him in the face, laughing "I'LL SLAUGHTER YOU ALL! COME ON! AHAHAHAHAHAH!"
Toru cheered, "Go Katsuki Go!" as she wore a cheerleader outfit.
Everyone else was dumbfounded and a big guy stood up, saying "Hey, asshole!" Katsuki turned to him and tilted his head back, grinning as the guy walked over, armor appearing on his body.
Katsuki cackled, "SUBARASHII!" as he charged at the guy, punching explosions at him, they both roared and started punching fast, colliding fists!
Toru cheered, waving pompoms, "Beat him to death! RAAAAAAAH!" Momo covered her mouth, shocked, "Toru… Oh my~!" People came to Shoto, grinning as they all had different fire-type Quirks, saying "Endeavor's kid? Heh…"
Shoto exhaled a warm mist, his body freezing over, "I could use a cooldown…" Momo turned around and cheered, "Freeze 'em, Shoto!" Toru pointed at her, shouting in shock "H-HYPOCRITE!"
Izuku covered his head and ran to Ochako, asking "What the hell is going on?!" Ochako's mouth twitched as she explained "Well… Mei walked in… Then…" she explained what happened and Izuku was shocked!
What the hell!
Someone bumped into Ochako barking "Watch it, loser!" Izuku punched him in the face, saying "You watch it, freak!" Surprisingly his arm was fine and the guy went flying, smashing several lunch tables.
Ochako covered her mouth and shouted "MY HERO?!?" Izuku froze and rubbed his head, "Hehe… Um, well…" Ochako blushed and held her cheeks, "Um.. Yeah, well, I, um…"
The battle only got worse when these three walked in!
A few minutes later, the teachers ran in and Present Mic shouted "ENOUGH!"
Katsuki held the guy and punched him again, turning to Present Mic with a scowl, "Huuuh?" Eijiro held up the stone golem guy and looked over, blinking "What's wrong, Sensei?"
Midnight looked at everyone, who were giving the teachers strange looks. She was stunned and shouted angrily "Why are you looking at us like that?! YOU are the strange ones! You couldn't take a break?!"
Eijiro tossed the Golem guy, saying innocently, "But Sensei… We're all filled with manly energy!" Tetsutetsu stood next to him with his arms crossed, his eyes closed, as he nodded, "Mhm! That's right."
Midnight shivered before shouting "I LOVE YOU LIVELY LITTLE CUTIES! WAAAH!" Present Mic's lips twitched and he said "Alright enough manly energy and clean this place up! And WHO BROKE THAT WALL!?"
Everyone looked at Bullet, who was slurping on noodles, completely oblivious. Even his eyes were closed in delight! Mei's cheeks puffed before she burst out laughing, falling backwards.
Bullet caught her and set her straight again, without even looking.
Present Mic smiled wryly, the rest just shook their heads.
Everyone was shocked, shouting "What!? Impossible!"
Fumikage fell to his knees, looking at his trembling hands, "I've been played by the abyss that lurks within… how could this be?!" Shihai fell backwards, whispering "I was consumed by the void… well played."
Present Mic ignored these funny guys and rubbed his forehead. This little devil!
After the Lunch Brawl was settled, the remaining competitors walked out.
Midnight smiled at them, saying "We'll be having a tournament! You'll be drawing lots to decide the matchups!"
Mina raised her hand, saying "Midnight-Sensei! We're only 12! After 2 rounds, there'll be 3 people left!" Midnight winked at her, "Good catch, Mina-chan! That's correct! From the 3 left after 2 rounds one of them will get a buy! We'll draw lots then too! Now for the first Team, would you please get up here and draw lots~!"
Mei jumped on the stage and drew a lot, smiling "HAHAH!" She drew a 7!
Bullet walked up and pulled up a ball, showing a big 1! Bullet was shocked and said "Wah! Me number 1?! But not even start!" Midnight smacked him, laughing "YOU'RE SO STUPID, I LOVE YOU! Get out of here!" as she shooed him away.
The rest drew lots
Izuku looked at the ball and looked up at the screen.
Mina said "Hey! This is not balanced!" she pointed at the screen, "Bullet vs Momo?! Bakugo against Ochako?! Shoto and Izuku are the only ones in the same bracket!"
Someone from the crowd, shouting "It's all Class-1A! Stop complaining! Sheesh!" Mina shook her fist at the guy and Midnight looked awkward.
Izuku looked dazed while Shoto and Bakugo's eyes twitched.
Momo clenched her fists and said "I need to change!" as she ran off.
It wasn't long until the arena was ready!
Bullet scratched his head and Mei smacked him, "Goodluck! Win!" Bullet nodded and smiled, "OK!" Mei waved her fist before leaving as Bullet walked to the stage and sat down on one side.
He held his knees, mask in one hand as he crossed his legs, breathing out.
Present Mic narrated, "Bullet seems to be settling his nerves?! What is he thinking?! We may never know! We're only waiting for Momo Yaoyorozu to come out now!"
There was a brief period of silence and Momo walked out.
Midnight spit out her drink and covered her face.
Momo walked to the stage wearing compression shorts and tight bandages around her chest, wrapping around her shoulders and under her arms, leaving the middle of her chest exposed, but her breasts were covered.
She was wearing the least amount of clothing possible!
She let out a breath and looked across at Bullet, who had his eyes closed.
Momo didn't care, staring at him.
The stadium was silent and Momo said "I will beat you!" Bullet stood up and pulled the mask over his head, spreading his arms as the Mask came out! He looked at Momo and said "You try. No matter. Too Weak!"
Momo glared at him and grinned a bit crazily, "Hehe… Don't die, asshole." Midnight was shocked and she didn't even say start! Bullet charged at Momo, jumping in the air and throwing a punch at her head!
Momo waved her arm and a massive shield came out! Bullet punched a dent in the shield and Momo rolled to the side, pulling on her sides! She pulled out katana and charged at him, slashing out in an 'X' shape!
Everyone was stunned, was this a deathmatch!?
Knuckleduster was excited, shouting "KILL HIM!" Tamao covered her face in shame as Knuckleduster cheered loudly, completely pumped!
Bullet leaned back under the slash before shooting back and punching Momo in the stomach! She flew back and slid on the stage, spitting out bile! Bullet cracked his neck and said "Not enough!" as he walked towards her.
Momo smirked and snapped her fingers, a detonator in her hand, She pressed the button and the ground next to Bullet behind the shield exploded!
Bullet was sent flying across the stage and rolled to a 4 point stance, sliding back! Momo pulled on her arm and a string of grenades came out! She whipped the grenades out and a series of explosions went off!
Midnight was dazed, forgetting to stop the fight!
What the hell was going on here?!
Bullet charged out of the smoke and Momo crossed her arms, pulling them apart as rifles came out of her forearms. Bullet felt his hair stand up and he rolled to the ground as Momo started shooting at him!
He ran on the side, grabbing the shield and charging at her as the bullets bounced off!
She tossed the rifles away, lunging at him and arching her back, a cannon coming out and firing a shell!
Bullet threw the shield at the shell before lunging forward, Momo pulled daggers out of her shoulders and attacked him as Bullet rolled on the ground, spinning on his hands and kicking her in the jaw, sending her rolling to the side.
Momo threw out the knives at him and Bullet got a dagger in the arm but dodged the second one.
He took the dagger out and tossed it aside, grinning under the mask, "Mask like. Old lady nurse hard job. Mask mangle you!" as he charged at her, Momo spat out a tooth and held a three point stance, she pulled a pistol from her chest and charged at him, taking a knife out of her hip.
She fired three shots and Bullet tilted back, the bullets grazing his arms as he grinned madly, "No aim to kill! Weak!" before jumping up and spinning in the air, slamming his heel down as Momo threw the dagger at his head, grabbing a sword and slashing at his leg!
Bullet didn't even dodge, grinning "Kill! Can you!?" Momo trembled and the dagger grazed Bullet's cheek as she dropped the sword. Bullet slammed his foot down next to Momo, who seemingly gave up.
She looked at him and he nodded, "You good. But no want to kill. Me villain, you dead. Understand?" Momo grit her teeth and said "Heroes don't kill!" Bullet shook his head, sighing "You think! Not truth!" as he shot up his right leg, smashing her chin, sending her up before slamming down on the back of her head, crushing her into the ground.
Momo went up and down, bouncing on the ground, completely unconscious.
Everyone was silent.