
MHA: Quirkless Hero

In this world, Quirks run rampant and the unfortunate Quirkless people get left behind, tossed aside in exchange for fame and power, meant to claw and scrape for any hope of survival! One boy will fight against the world to prove that everyone can be a hero no matter the way you were born! The Quirkless Hero who grew up fighting for food, a real hero amongst a sea of fakes! He may not be the strongest hero, but he will inspire an entire generation! 18+ Gore, Blood, Violence, etc. You know the drill by now.

AgentMonke · Anime und Comics
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162 Chs

Deteriorating slowly...

The first night was a success on all fronts.

There were a few close calls, some of them were injured and bleeding. But it wasn't too serious. After a little first aid, they were good to go.

The nights passed just like this.

A week and a half flew by

Bullet was punching a guy in the face, smashing him into the concrete, continuously punching until there was only mush left.

He picked the guy up and flew over to a building, leaving a message before landing on the roof, taking off his helmet.

He coughed and rubbed his eyes before putting the helmet back, saying "I need a coffee…" as he sighed and flew away to continue.

With the help from the others, things were much easier but also more dangerous. There were several times where Bullet had to save the others. However, it only happened once for each.

Then they learned as Bullet continued accumulating wounds and injuries.

He was as energetic as ever but his face revealed the truth, he had dark circles around his eyes and he was in a daze more often than not. When asked why, he smiled wryly, telling them that his new arms made it hard to sleep.

This was enough for some who weren't in Class-1A but not even close to enough for Class-1A!

They pressed Denki for the truth and Jiro threatened to break up with him if he didn't tell her. Denki was shocked, the chick of his dreams! Are you kidding?! He folded right away.

Jiro was shocked silly and ran off to tell the rest, Denki held her and pleaded, "Please, Jiro! Don't! I wasn't supposed to tell anyone already! This is, like, super dangerous!" Jiro shouted at him, heartbroken, "Why didn't you tell me?! When I asked about those wounds, you made excuses!"

Denki sighed and explained that he would be dead if it wasn't for Bullet watching over them like a guardian angel. These wounds were nothing compared to what Bullet was going through.

He went on to explain, they all had such accidents, but Bullet was there every time. He was like a machine, Denki didn't know what to do other than improve! But he confessed that he felt bringing in more people will make Bullet's job harder than it has to be.

Denki told Jiro that Bullet barely slept at all. He was out there first and came back last. Denki theorized that at most, Bullet was getting 45 minutes of sleep each day. As soon as the sun set, he was out of UA.

Jiro was shocked and sighed, deciding that she would come with him that night.

One thing led to another and…

Eventually, the entire class was out, they expanded the area of influence from 4 to 6 cities in a radius around UA.

The area was absolutely massive!

Not to mention, they all had new Costumes, provided by Mei when they heard they were going to help Bullet. She was thrilled and worked over time to make 18 new costumes, completely different from their original looks.

These costumes were dark and gritty, keeping the original motif but designed to inspire fear when seen.

Because of this, Mei was receiving an excessive amount of Data from them all!

All of this data went into new costumes and other projects. She was improving by leaps and bounds! She wished she had extra sets of arms, she could work on everything at once!

All in all, everything was going very well. But these nice times were always short lived.

In a world ruled by chaos and anarchy, good times were flashes of light.

Another week passed.

Bullet's helmet had a large gash in it. His armor was tattered and missing pieces. His hooded cloak with the fur around his neck fluttered as he stood on a building with one leg up.

His right arm was modified to be a rifle while the left was damaged and covered in cloth.

He snorted and pointed out with his right arm, firing a laser through a building and vaporizing a villain.

He threw out his cloth and shot over, smashing through the window while shaking his right arm, the rifle turning into a minigun as he waved his arms, firing laser bullets, turning the villains into sieves.

He punched out with his left arm as his right turning into a shotgun.

He grabbed the boss and shoved the shotgun in his mouth, blasting his head apart before charging at the others, slaughtering the entire room of villains.

He grabbed the boss and nailed him outside before shooting away, like a robot.

He was around the area where Izuku was last seen…

He was hoping to find his Mom but, it was starting to become a vague hope… Bullet was tired. Real tired, but he continued. For the simple reason that he was a Hero. He didn't have a big scheme, just wanted to help some people.

As much as he said that the criticism didn't matter, it was starting to get to him.

It's been nearly 2 months since the War.

Not one day goes by where he doesn't see someone shouting for his arrest.

He just sighed to himself and tried to ignore it.

They were relentless.

Some of them even wanted Bullet to die for killing Twice. It was incomprehensible. People were really 'Justice Warriors'. Keigo told him to forget it, these people were everywhere, they weren't going away so it was better to laugh and say that you agree, making it a joke for yourself.

That's what he did, anyway.

Bullet did laugh, he laughed a lot. Every post that told him to die, he replied with 'lol!' and forgot about it. He continued doing what he was doing, but… as the days passed, it really got harder and harder.

His body was getting more and more tired. He wondered when he was going to adapt to this? Maybe his way was wrong? Bullet sighed to himself, he didn't know. He went out to clean up cities and make them safer but he was getting worse. He slept during class and the day to compensate, but he was still tired.

So, Bullet would say that he wasn't worried about the comments. It was just that he was confused as to what he should and shouldn't be doing. Is he really helping people like this? Are his actions making any differences? What would be a better method to achieve this?

He was learning on his own through action, it wasn't like he could ask anyone. When he asked Aizawa, he didn't get an answer… or rather, not the one he wanted. Aizawa told him to take a break, he was only human, he gets tired. After a good rest, he would feel much better!

But Bullet couldn't do this. There were people out there waiting to be saved! How could he take a break?! It was impossible… He was really starting to think about becoming completely machine…

He sighed to himself again, his thoughts were straying far from sane these past few days now… Thinking about jumping off buildings, thinking about becoming a machine…

He suddenly had a thought, would robots suffice?

He would have to talk to Mei about that later.

Right now, Bullet was just confused and needed clarity. The only person he thought of was…
