
MHA: Psychokinesis

OC!Kurogami Yasuo is born with the overpowered quirk of psychokinesis, determined to become the next Symbol of Peace. No system, no reincarnation, no transmigration and absolutely no harem. Schedule: 1 chapter per day.

KnowingAutumn · Anime und Comics
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24 Chs

Breaking Up

-----(Time skip 1 year - Yasuo age 15)------

"...so what I am saying is... Miki-chan, we should break up." Yasuo hesitantly said.

Miki, Yasuo's girlfriend for six months, now ex-girlfriend, looked back silently, her face impassive, before tears started forming in her eyes. "Y-you're joking right, Yasu-kun? You're going to tell me this was just a prank, right?"

Yasuo winced at the sight of the tears. He knew this was going to happen. He was weak to a girl's crying. But this had to be done. Better pull it off like a band-aid rather than drag it out longer than it needed to be.

"Don't cry, Miki-chan. It's just, you know I'm going to U.A. Highschool next month. And you have already been accepted to Seien Girls' Private High School which is two prefectures away. Rather than have a difficult, long distance relationship that is doomed to fail, it is better for us to part now with all the sweet memories we have of each other." Yasuo explained, his hand going to her cheek and brushing away some of the tears that had spilled with his thumb.

"B-but, I... I love you, Yasu-kun!" Miki exclaimed, tightly grabbing on to his hand that had extended to caress her cheek as though afraid that he would disappear before her very eyes.

"I love you too Miki-chan. And though it pains me to say this, it is for both our sakes that we should part now while still filled with all the cherished memories we have of each other. Rather than waiting for a painful long-distance relationship to inevitably fail and break up with only bitter memories, wouldn't it be better to break up now?"

Miki teared up even further and lunged forward into Yasuo's chest. He brushed her hair the way he knew she liked with one hand and fiercely hugged back with the other.

They embraced each other for a few minutes silently, her letting out all her tears and heartbreak, and him quietly receiving her tears and emotions like any man should when breaking up with someone.

After a few more moments, Miki lifted her head from his chest, the mascara and eye liner running down her cheeks, marred from her previous crying. "I-I understand, Yasu-kun."

She glanced back at his white school uniform that was now stained with her makeup, "I-I'm so sorry, Yasu-kun. Your shirt-" Miki went to rummage through her bag for wet tissues but was stopped by Yasuo.

"It's okay Miki, don't worry about it. I don't care about the shirt right now. The only thing I care about is being here for you, here and now."

His charming words only evoked more emotions from the girl and the tears that had previously run dry was now welling back up again, "Do we really have to break up, Yasu-kun?"

Yasuo simply smiled and wiped away her tears again with his thumb, "I will always remember you. Our memories together, especially that one night... they are something I will always cherish."

Miki nodded and looked down, before glancing back up again, "Can we kiss, just one last time?"

He nearly frowned. What Yasuo wanted, or thought they needed, was a clean break. Kissing her now would only spark more of her feelings, and his too, which would not end well.

Seeing his hesitation, Miki tearfully implored again, "Please, Yasu-kun, just a last kiss."

Yasuo knew this wasn't a good idea, but how heartless would he have to be to deny the girl something as simple as a kiss, right after having broken up with her?

He reluctantly nodded, "Okay, but just one."

She beamed and leaned forward, putting her lips on his.

Thankfully, they were in her room at her house, so no one could see the public display of affection.

As Yasuo leaned back to break off from the kiss, Miki's hands slipped around his waist to prevent him from retreating and slipped her tongue in his mouth.

He opened his eyes in shock, but as her tongue brushed against his and explored his mouth, the familiar feeling of their tongues intertwining, her taste and scent brought back memories of their relationship together. Unknowingly, Yasuo began kissing her back, letting his tongue slip through her lips as well.

They made out for a few minutes, Yasuo's teenage body reacting as expected of a boy his age.

Miki finally leaned away from him, breaking off the kiss, but the look in her eye and crimson flush on her cheeks indicated that the last thing she wanted right now was to stop.

Her hand snaked up his shirt and up his torso, while his gently caressed her back.

"M-Miki, this is not a good idea..." To his credit, Yasuo still remained lucid after the intense few minutes of making out, but he sensed that if this continued, he might not be able to control himself.

"Yasu-kun, please, just one last time?" She breathed out sultrily, her hand slowly reaching down before grasping his noticeably growing bulge.

"Miki... stop!" At his exclamation, his psychokinetic powers revealed itself and push the girl away from him. "I-I'm leaving. Sorry, Miki."

He telekinetically opened the window to her room and flew out, leaving his saddened ex-girlfriend.

Yasuo landed roughly a mile away from her house, wiping away his sweat and breathing out deeply, "Phew, that was getting really dangerous."

No matter how much he wanted it, Yasuo knew that if he had gone through with the deed and had sex with Miki after he just broke up with her, it would only cause her to misunderstand and think that they got back together or he might just feel too guilty to follow through with the break.

Now, however, he made it clear that they were over. So even though Miki might be heartbroken and feel sad about it, she would at least not regret what they were about to do before he left.

'What the hell happened to Miki?' Yasuo wondered to himself as he walked back home.

When Yasuo first met who would eventually be his girlfriend, she was a quiet, unassuming girl who was the class president and had excellent grades. They were in the same class for the 8th grade, but he never really noticed her. Because she didn't have a quirk, she wasn't very popular even though she was actually pretty cute. There were even a few delinquent girls who picked on her.

She had been getting bullied when Yasuo came across the gyaru gang. Yasuo, who was the ace striker of the soccer club at that time held considerable clout, intentional or otherwise, at the school. So his presence alone and some choice words were all that was needed for the delinquent girls to leave Miki alone. Nothing much happened after that, Miki had thanked him for his help but there was no confessions of love or anything.

A year passed after that incident and Yasuo remained in the same class as Miki for 9th grade, their last year for middle school. The first day of school Miki had changed completely. Though she was always very pretty, her looks had been hidden by a pair of thick glasses and her hair was never done properly by professional salons.

Now, however, she wore contacts that removed the need for her thick glasses, her hair was completely redone and she even started wearing some make up. Her appearance drew the attention from almost every boy in school, and she very quickly became one of the school 'flowers'.

Yasuo had been surprised by her sudden change, and of course could appreciate her newly found confidence and beauty, but didn't otherwise make the first move. Yasuo had become the captain of the soccer team at that point, popularity was not an issue for him.

They only started dating a few months after school started, when she finally confessed to him, explaining that she had fallen for him the day he intervened in the bullying, but was waiting for him to make the first move. Seeing that he had completely no interest, Miki set about changing her appearance to draw his attention, and though she had become one of the prettiest girls in school, he still had no interest. She finally relented and came to confess to him instead.

Yasuo had accepted her confession and the pair started dating. Fast forward six months and today they had just broken up. He rubbed the back of his head, smiling at the nostalgia. It was a sweet and treasured period of time he would always cherish. You never forget your first love or first significant other, after all.

But now wasn't the time to be distracted by girlfriends and long distance relationships. He was headed to U.A. High School, the top Hero Academy in Japan, after all.

After the villain incident last year, being a hero was all that he focused on since then; the only reprieve from his constant training was the time spent at his soccer club and dates with Miki. But now that there was only a month to the practical portion of the general entrance exam, he didn't want to waste any more time.

The general entrance exam consisted of two portions - a written test and a practical test. The written test had already concluded a few days ago, and Yasuo had completed it with relative ease. Being the country's premier school for hero courses, they had strict requirements in not just quirk usage and battle proficiency, but also placed heavy emphasis on academics.

To even apply to U.A, students had to have excellent grades as well as impeccable records. So delinquents and gangsters, even if they had great quirks and top grades, would be rejected from the onset if they had black marks in their school records.

To qualify to participate in the practical portion of the entrance exam, applicants had to score an aggregate result of more than 80% on all the subjects tested. And that was just to earn the right to take the practical exam.

Although Yasuo had above average grades, he was never the type to push for academic excellence. However, his girlfriend, Miki, was different. Because she didn't have a quirk, the only thing she could rely on was her booksmarts to get accepted into prestigious high schools. She received straight As all throughout middle school and was a bona fide bookworm, contrary to her current flashy appearance.

She had to be, considering she received an early acceptance to Seien Girl's Private High on a full scholarship, one of the most prestigious non-hero academy schools in Japan.

Miki was the one who had tutored Yasuo when he was studying for the entrance exams. With her help, Yasuo could confidently say that he could answer most of the questions in the exams, estimating an average 90% average for the written portion of the entrance exams.

Now, all he was left with was the practical portion which was coming in a month. That was something he had the utmost confidence in even despite his buried ego and erased overconfidence. It was a confidence drawn from his past year of relentless training and pushing himself.

If previously he was content with just passively training his psychic sense and barrier abilities, now he was constantly pushing the limits of his quirk. To the point where he would always collapse with his nose bleeding at the end of his training sessions.

Yasuo had identified his weaknesses after the villain incident a year ago. Although his quirk was incredibly powerful, he had one obvious weakness. His physical body was weak. Though he was an athletic boy that regularly trained his body when he went for soccer club trainings, his body's constitution was still one of an average, quirk-less human.

An athletic, quirk-less human, sure, but still painfully fragile when compared to even the most basic physical enhancement quirk users.

If a villain could somehow catch him off guard and attack Yasuo with his guard down, he would have next to no way to resist physically.

That was the crux of Yasuo's solution. The one way to keep himself from ever being caught off guard was never letting his guard down in the first place. Which was why he now always had a thin layer of psychic energy coated on his body. This coating functioned as a final defensive measure, an armor that would keep Yasuo safe if an enemy somehow made it past his barriers.

He named it his psychic armor. Not only did serve as a protection, Yasuo could also manipulate the energy and to artificially enhance his physical capabilities. His punches when wrapped in the psychic armor could be thrown with the full force of his Psychokinesis energy, which at this stage was a terrifying might to behold.

[Yasuo's toolkit: Psychokinesis (levitation, matter manipulation, phantom hands, astral construct creation), psychic barrier, psychic sense, psychic armor, psychic physical enhancement.]

This chapter was mainly just to show that Yasuo won't be a typical dense, virgin protagonist. He has dated before and even had sex before, so he won't be awkward with the girls he meet in U.A with reasonable justification.

Too many people hate Yasuo's actions in this chapter. Though I think it's ridiculous I have to sit here and address the actions of a fictional character but after a few 3 star reviews (really, 3 stars???) condemning this chapter, I have to do it.

They are middle school teenagers who fell in love very quickly. What do they have in common except they were in the same class? Y'all really think their relationship would have lasted in any way shape or form when they were going to two different schools provinces away?

I would say Yasuo made the more mature decision in breaking off earlier rather than dragging it out and making the inevitable breakup all the more painful.

Was he a jerk for 'using' Miki just to help with his written exams? I don't think so. It wasn't like he already planned to break up with her after getting into U.A. at that point, so why would he be an asshole for that?

Ultimately, Yasuo is a 15 year old kid, one with a powerful quirk, desire to do good and ambition to be the next Symbol of peace sure, but still a dumb kid. Let's be honest, any of us at that age (boys and girls) are just hormone filled meatbags who aren't really that mature.

After this explanation, if you still think Yasuo is a jerk or an asshole, go right ahead. I don't really mind it. Besides, I think it's more interesting to have a flawed MC than a mary-sue, bastion of all that is good and moral, perfect MC that goes through zero character development but is somehow still a paragon of virtue for no reason.

KnowingAutumncreators' thoughts