
MHA: New Generations

A story of a young bot with a deadly power in the world of MHA. Due to this he is shunned by society and becomes somewhat antisocial but learns to break out of that as he advances with his classmates in the prestigious U.A high hero corse.

LegendaryKing13 · Anime und Comics
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17 Chs

Chapter 5: The Decision

Jinko was staring down the robot waiting for an attack before it suddenly threw the binding device towards Jinko.

Jinko dodged before charging in and punching.

The robot dodged the punch before using a punch of his own which hit Jinko in the face.

It hurt like hell but he didn't give into the pain and kept fighting.

Jinko landed a few hits and the robot landed a few too.

The robot went to sweep his legs but Jinko quickly jumped back.

The robot went in and punched Jinko but he was blocked.

Even while blocking the hits had a lot of impact.

Jinko coated his hand with the toxic gas and used it to strengthen them.

Jinko grabbed one of the punches and flung the bot to the ground before trying to punch it.

The bot rolled, making Jinko miss his attack.

Both the robot and Jinko had equal amounts of skill but Jinko was being injured more compared to the bot.

The robot grabbed Jinko's hand with the binding device but Jinko would use it to his advantage.

He'd pull in the robot before kicking it right in the face.

He continued to use the binding device to benefit him.

Continuously, he punched and kicked damaging the robot a lot before it unbinded itself.

As it unbinded itself Jinko saw a blue cube like device in its chest and suspected that was its core.

Now he started to focus all his  attacks there.

The robot went for a punch but Jinko dodged before upper-cutting it and kicking it right in its chest.

Due to the impact of the kick the core was destroyed causing the robot to power down.

A second later an alarm was played signaling the end of the test.

Jinko smiled a bit, kinda happy he defeated his idol even if it was just a robot replica.

Bloodied and exhausted, Jinko passed out and hit the floor.

A few hours later he woke in a hospital bed completely sore and with bandages on most of his body.

"Where am I?"

Jinko turned his head and saw someone with long brown hair sitting in a chair in front of a computer.

He extended his arm towards them before falling off the bed, alerting the person.

The sound of the fall alerted the person making them turn around revealing themself to be a woman with dark skin and a red and white nurse outfit.

She rushed over to him and helped him back up onto the bed.

"You've finally woken up"

"Ugh, who are you?"

"I'm the nurse here at U.A and you have been unconscious for 2 hours."

"Two hours?"

"That robot really did a number on you, so it took me a while to get you back into an ok condition, you may feel sore for a bit but just a little rest should help with that."

"You're free to go."

Jinko slowly got out of bed and walked away.

A week had passed since the entrance exams and Jinko was patiently waiting for the results. 

He was confident he got at least 50 points but he wasn't sure he got enough to pass.

Iwasaki opened the door of the room Jinko was in and held up an envelope with U.A's seal on it.

Iwasaki gave Jinko the envelope, eager to see his results.

He took a deep breath in and took the envelope from Iwasaki.

With one pull the envelope opened and a circular device fell out of it.

As it landed a hologram of Eraserhead appeared.

"Hello there Mr Kasayami"

Both kids yelled out "Eraserhead!!" after seeing the hologram pop up.

"I didn't know the principal would give out reports this year or ever, it's so unlike him"

"I am here to give out your report on the exams and I have to say our staff was impressed."

"You passed the written exam and scored 67 battle points and 20 rescue points in the practical."

Iwasaki's eyes lit up with excitement.

She hugged Jinko from behind and was freaking out.

"You came second overall and finally I'd like to welcome you to U.A, orientation starts on Monday"

As soon as the hologram disappeared Iwasaki screamed out alerting her parents.

Her parents ran up the stairs and burst into the room.

"What happened"

"Jinko got into U.A!!!"

Her mother screamed out in excitement and went to hug Jinko from behind.

While they were all freaking out Jinko stood there thinking about what he was going to eat.

A/N: This chapter is shorter than others because I wanna leave the introduction to his class for a separate chapter