
MHA: Kibutsuji

It was a simple cliche process being reincarnated and being given a system in a world with special abilities called 'Quirks' being present. But after waiting a year of being quirkless and being bullied he finally awakened his quirk along with his system. 'FINALLY!!' [System On.] Name: Hairo Kibutsuji Quirk: Biokinesis(Muzan Version) Rank: E Skills: None It was a simple system but it got Hairo excited for what's to come. _______ Short chapters probably 2k words No harem Scuffed schedule

TheFanBoy · Anime und Comics
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YO it's the author, alright imma clear this up

He isn't a hero or a villain he just does what he wants but he won't publicly destroy his image since in this world the only person who truly cared for him was his grandfather and he doesn't want to disappoint him. So it's safe to say if anything were to happen to Sorahiko he would definitely not hold back anymore.

But that will be explained later on let me cook lads, I'll be posting chapters randomly since I'm writing this with my Devil May Cry fic so I hope you could all deal with my laziness-

Think of it like Akikans MHA story but more serious and less women since unlike the mighty harem king I can't write romance even if my life was in stake. 


"Go somewhere else if you want to make friends, this is the hero course."

As Aizawa began introducing himself to the students Hairo on the other hand was thinking about his new teacher

'Shota Aizawa one of the most powerful quirk users which is thanks to his ability to' Erase' someone's quirk as long as he looked at them, can't say I'm curious if he could erase mine'

Hairo knew that his 'Quirk' wasn't truly a quirk as it after years of using it despite the system listing it as quirk he knew that it wasn't a coincidence for him to not only be born in with the name Kibutsuji but also the ability of Muzan along with his appearance and a few of his personality traits, he wouldn't be surprised if he were told that his quirk was a mutation but that wasn't the main point of focus as he was more excited about the 'Quirk Apprehension Test'. 

"Go put your PE clothes on head outside I expect you all to be there in 10 minutes."

And with Aizawa's words the boys and girls made separate lines towards their respective changing rooms, and once arriving they all began changing their clothes. 


Kirishima along with the others were amazed by Hairo's physique, sure all of them had ripped bodies due to their training even Koda had a few muscles. But Hairo who uses 100% of of his bodies intake had no wasted fat in any part of his body and even Shoji who was only a bit taller than Hairo was quite surprised by his physique. 

"You should all get focused on changing."

Hairo didn't want to be called lazy by Aizawa his pride couldn't handle it so after quickly changing he proceeded to exit the changing room, while the others followed his pursuit and quickly got changed. 

And thus unlike in Canon 1-A wasn't late giving a good impression on Aizawa. 

"Alright since your all here we'll begun the test, it's the basic PE regiment except for the fact you will now be able to use your quriks."

Aizawa then threw a baseball towards Hairo who caught it and after taking a look at the ball could see that the middle of it was rigged with a tracker and squeezing it confirmed the baseball could definitely handle almost anything blunt force related. 

"Since you placed first in the Public Practical Exam, get in the circle and throw it as hard as you can and yes use your quirk."

Hairo only nodded before getting in position, he felt the stares of everyone in class especially from threw specific girls and a single twink. He decided to test out his limit and proceeded to cut his own wrist with his fingers which had morphed into sharp claws, blood flowed from his wrist to the ball and the sight of this made his fellow classmates a bit sick in the stomach while Aizawa was only curios as the scene reminded him of the party tricks Vlad would do back in their UA day's. 

He didn't stop there as holes began forming around his palm which hissed with air and he proceeded to increase his muscles and joints flexibility inside his right arm before getting into a pitching position, before finally throwing the ball. But as he felt it leave his hand he released the air from the Jet holes in a burst along with causing the blood surrounding the ball to explode. 


A dust cloud formed around before finally clearing up revealing that half of his upper PE uniform was destroyed and burnt, while his arm was dislocated. 

"Hmm, should have increased my muscles flexibility a bit more" 

In the next second his arm was set back in place with a quick snap causing his classmates to wince at the sound of it reattaching while Aizawa only looked at the machine in his hand which counted his score. 

"785.2m, Not bad. Now all of you prepare for the next test" 

"This is going to be fun!" 

And after Aizawa's speach and threat of failing whoever got last the test started. First up was the 50 meter dash. 

"2.05 Seconds!" 

Hairo thanks to the use of Jet was able to clear it quite easily Iida who went up against him was quite shocked as Hairo easily cleared it faster than him who had a speed related quirk, the next one was the grip strength. 

"600 Kg!?!, That's amazing Torino-San!" 

Izuku was amazed by his 'Friends' strength he knew Hairo was strong but he didn't realized he was this strong, but Hairo didn't mind him and proceeded to take the next test which was the standing long jump which once again he easily crossed with pure strength instead of using jet. 

For repeated side steps he didn't want to use Jet and instead did it with pure physical strength and stamina and after 10 minutes he was told to stop by Aizawa as he didn't show any signs of being tired, he along with the other students proceeded to do more of the test. 

"How the hell are you more flexible than a girl!?" 

Mina complained as she saw Hairo get a higher score than Tsuyu who was the most flexible girl in class, Hairo of course wasn't naturally flexible before but after a few modifications he could basically do gymnastics if he wanted too. 

"Stop doing sit-ups!" 

Kaminari tried making Hairo stop doing sit-ups but as soon as he got ahold of him he was just flung back and forth as Hairo was in the zone. 

His classmates were just amazed by his feats and could only praise him but instead he ignored them and sat on the bench knowing the next test was the final one and already knowing what was going to happen he decided to close his eyes and take a short nap. 

But after awhile he felt himself being in danger and immediately snapped his eyes open and formed two Appendages from his back that caught whoever tried attacking him, and to his surprise was an angry Katsuki.

"Let me go you rat bastard!" 

Katsuki struggled but couldn't get out from Hairo's appendages, on the other hand Aizawa seeing this activated his quirk trying to Erase Hairo's quirk but to his surprise he wasn't able to. Hairo who saw Aizawa activating his quirk could only smirk as he at least found something out about his 'Quirk' 

'So it's either my quirk is a mutation or in reality not really a quirk'

Hairo with this new information he released Bakugo from his grasp and seeing how the test was over didn't wait for the results and began to leave to change his clothes.

[In the classroom a bit later] 


Izuku barged in the classroom along with the others and dashed towards Hairo who place his hand on the energetic boy's head making it so he couldn't get any closer, Izuku then proceeded to ask Hairo a bunch of questions relating to his quirk. But unluckily for him he had interrupted a nice day-dream Hairo was having and so all he got was his head being slammed on the desk knocking him out this of course didn't really injure the boy. 

"Man that was amazing on what you did back in the field!, oh yeah!. The names Kirishima!"

Seeing how his hand was being out in a hand shake deciding not to be rude he took it and shook Kirishima's hand but as soon as he let he started to go back to reading his books, and seeing thsi act caused his classmates to get the hint and left him alone. 

The day continued like any normal school first day, they introduced themselves to their designated subjects teachers, Present Mic tried getting them hype for English but since it was around 1 PM everyone was tired. And so their first day ended quite normally and as his classmates left to go homr Hairo was left alone in the classroom to clean up their mess, Which was of course not the only reason. 

He continued to wait in the classroom despite classes being over until one of the janitors told him he had to leave since it was around 6 PM, and they were still surprised on why he was still there of course his excuse was that he became to engrossed with his book but that was a blatant lie. 

"Let's go for another round!" 

Right now he was in one of the Alleyways of Mustafu with his Doma(Yes doma not douma) Appearance, and right now he was across two drunkards specifically two 'Bro's' having the time of their life, but he could not only smell the alcohol but as well as the drugs and other filthy scenes on their body and so with a quick motion he appeared infront of both of them before jamming his finger through their head. 

"Now let's see if this works."

He slowly integrated his cells in their brains before he slowly tried changing their bodies, sadly the first one of the drunkards started spasming before they fell to the floor blood coming out from every hole in their body. But on the other hand the 2nd drunkard started to morph until they finally looked like an exact clone of Hairo with the appearance of Doma. 



Both of them said in unison causing the original Hairo to laugh while his new 'Clone' only smirked, he had been trying this new ability of his for months now and it was the first it actually worked. What he did was basically take control of the body while changing it's appearance but now he was connected to it like a Hivemind, sure he didn't know how to make demon's but theorized by overflowing someone else's body he could take control of it and be linked to it quite easily. 

The only problem was it didn't increase the strength and vitality of the body, no it would take around a few days before he could slowly increase it to the point it would be as strong as him. But now he could do his 'Hero' classes while his other body would do the dirty work, but now he has to practice learning how to control a separate brain outside his body with possibly having two conversations at once. 

"You already know what to do, go feast."

And with that Hairo left the alley as he controlled his other body to go and eat the remains of the other drunkard, but as he left he could only smirk at his accomplishments. Now he didn't have to be worried about being made a villain, but with a little manipulation he could play hero while simultaneously doing what he wanted with his second body. 

'Now I'm starting to feel more and more like Aizen' 

[---My Hero Academia---] 

As said before Hairo doesn't have the body of a demon, so his regeneration may seem easy and instantaneous but It takes alot of stamina and resources which is why he is trying to find a way to make an extra stomach without harming himself. 

[---My Hero Academia---] 

"So Torino-San!, are you excited for Hero Training!?" 

It was the next day and Hairo was being asked questions by who he named the three idiots, those being Iida, Uraraka, and Izuku. 

But what they didn't know was that Hairo was currently seeing the view of his 'Doma' counterpart who has been making quite a name for himself as he had going on a murder spree of the local Yakuza, he was even able to take control of a small building as a trade from one of the Yakuza Groups in the hopes he wouldn't harm them. 

Of course being a man of his word he didn't but they would of course strangely die due to 'Accidental fires', and right now he was just furnishing his new hideout. But Hairo was brought out of his thoughts as he heard the sound of a rapidly approaching buff man. 

"I AM!"

Hairo just sighed at his uncles antics as the door was suddenly opened, revealing the figure of his uncle who wasn't in his full buff form and pairing that with his old suit basically made him look like was back in his twenties. 


And with that the students of UA including Iida were fan boying towards All Might. 

'Remember Hairo killing him is a crime.'