
Chapter 11: Eri

Nighteye along with Aizawa was walking towards where Gran Torino had brought the child. Getting inside the room they saw the child they rescued an hour ago, Nighteye observed the child as soon as he saw her, as for Aizawa he went straight to the furniture and lay down on it to get some shut eye.

The old woman, who was treating the child said "She will be alright in an hour or so."

"Thank you, Recovery Girl." Nighteye said.

She just nodded at him and said "It's my duty to save the injured even if I'm a retired one."

Nighteye acknowledged that, then he slowly walked towards the child. As soon as he reached near her he slowly sat down in the chair and asked "Are you alright?"

At first she looked at Gran Torino, he nodded at her so she said "I'm alright."

"What is your name? My name is Mirai Sasaki." Nighteye asked her.

"Eri." Was the reply.

"Okay Eri, rest well okay. No one is going to hurt you anymore."

"Okay." Eri agreed with tears falling from her eyes.

Nighteye looked at Gran Torino and both of them left the room and went towards the office, closely followed by a tired Aizawa.

Entering the office, Nighteye said to both of them "We will have to take care of her, as Eri's quirk is dangerous for normal folks."

"If what he has informed us is true, then she can't control it."

"I'll take care of that." Aizawa spoke suddenly, which surprised both Nighteye and Gran Torino.

Looking at them, Aizawa continued "In the letter I got, he told me to take care of her in UA, in order to make sure that her quirk won't go out of control and to make sure she learns how to use her quirk to the best of her ability."

"Well, that could be a solution. Nezu will take care of the paperwork so we don't have to worry about that." Gran Torino said.

"But, we have to search for her mother, before we do anything." Nighteye said.

"That's true, even though she left her daughter at her father's, she is still Eri's mother. And as Eri's grandfather is in a coma, she is the only guardian of Eri, we will need her permission." Gran Torino spoke.

"Why? She abandoned a child who had no control over her power. Yes, because of her power her father is no more in this world. But, that doesn't warrant leaving a five year old with a Yakuza gang. She will be coming with me whether we have permission or not, she will stay in UA, a secure place and train to control her quirk." Aizawa told them, giving them no room for any argument.

Nighteye and Gran Torino agreed as it would be beneficial to them too.

Back with Eri, she was looking at a scrunched up slip in her hand and was reading it. It simply said 'You will be safe. Don't cry.'

Eri doesn't know who had sent her this, two days before, Eri got this slip in her sleep. How it reached that dark room bypassing all the security in the building, is a mystery to Eri.

Silently thanking the one who wrote this slip to her she wept. The Recovery Girl, who saw Eri crying, got near her and slowly hugged the child.

Recovery Girl also saw what was written on the slip and made a mental note to speak to Nezu about it. She does have an inkling on who might have written the slip as she has seen the information letter that Aizawa got.

Slowly and gently, the Recovery Girl made sure to make Eri sleep. As Eri fell asleep, Recovery Girl left the room and went towards where Aizawa was.

Near the office, she heard Aizawa saying that he will look after the child.

Opening the door, the Recovery Girl said "She is asleep, and there is a note in her hand which is similar to the one you all got. I think that he went in there to do something. We will have to look into it."

Nighteye shook his head and said "Even if he had infiltrated the compound, it is impossible to not raise an alarm."

"You have to know Sasaki, the information we got is not something someone can know just by observing them. I'm sure he infiltrated there and went away unnoticed. He might have a similar quirk to Mirio, because with that kind of quirk it's easy to reach the deepest part of any secure facility." Gran Torino said.

Nighteye started to think about what Gran Torino had said just now. But he couldn't reach any conclusion as his assumptions have been wrong about this mysterious informant of theirs.

In the meantime, Recovery Girl had told Aizawa that she will look after Eri when he is in the field or teaching the students at UA.

Hearing that the already tired Aizawa got more tired as he realized that he has homeroom tomorrow and on wednesday he will have to lead Class 1A to USJ with All Might, they will be joined by Thirteen at the facility. Running his hand through his hair Aizawa bid good night to them and left to get some shut eye.