
Chapter 10: Raid 2

"I suppose everyone here knows what this is all about?" A man with glasses asked the occupants in the room.

All of them nodded in affirmation.

"Good, the file in front of you contains the plan. I will give a general outline so that we can finish this as fast as possible."

Saying that, he looked at a man who looked like a centipede, and the centipede man nodded at the glasses man and switched on the projector.

As the first image was shown the glasses man said "This is their base, we will be attacking at 9pm with help of the police. Myself, Miriko, Erasure Head, Gran Torino and Lemillion will be taking on Overhaul. Best Jeanist will lead a team to take care of Chronostasis, Edgeshot will lead a team to take care of Mimic. The eight bullets as they call themselves, will be taken care by a team led by Fat Gum."

Looking at them he said "Midnight will be taking care of the thugs with her quirk, and the police will arrest them then and there, no questions asked. We know their quirk, their team coordination, how they operate and how many of them are to be expected in the compound thanks to the informant. If there are any questions, it's time to ask."

"Nighteye, why are the kids here?" A woman with rabbit ears asked.

"Lemillion is here in order to reach the child as soon as possible, Sun Eater and Negire Chan will be helping their mentors. Anything else, Mirko?"

"Yeah, will that guy come?"

"He did say that he will take action if we don't within four days, and as we are taking action right now he won't take the action. But him being here is a possibility. Why do you ask?"

"Nothing special, just wanted to see the guy who had balls enough to threaten the heroes to rescue a child." Mirko said.

"Well that is understandable, he knew about the child but instead of going in by himself he informed us." A man with blonde hair said.

"That doesn't matter here. What we know now is that there is a child in there being subjected to inhumane experiments and we need to rescue her immediately." Erasure Head said.

That put a stop to murmurings of the occupants and Nighteye started to speak after Erasure Head "Erasure Head is right. We need to do this mission effectively. I didn't know that he had contacted all of you at all, but I'm thankful as that had shorten the time for the raid itself." Looking around he continued "We will commence our mission within an hour and I want everyone to be in their best. This meeting is adjourned for now."

After saying his piece, Nighteye left the meeting room with three people following him behind.

As they reached the office that had his name plate on, the blonde haired teenager asked "Sir Nighteye, do you have any idea who might be the informant?"

"I don't have a clue, Mirio. But I'm certain that he will be watching this raid."


"Simple, he knows what's happening inside better than us, he knows how those in command of Shie Hassaikai will act after knowing about the raid. He will be here if my assumptions on his character is true."

"And what would that be?" Asked a girl with blue skin.

Looking at his sidekicks and his mentee, he said "A person who doesn't like to see evil be unpunished. A person who believes in the system and a person who will take action if the system fails to do so. So, undoubtedly he will be here to observe."

The three occupants of the office started to ponder on the reasoning of their superior.

As the hour hand was nearing nine, Nighteye along with the heroes and the police force started to make their move.

Midnight with Snipe lead a team to charge in first, in order to make the members of Yakuza to be put to sleep by her quirk.

Mirio, Mirko, Best Jeanist, Edgeshot, Fat Gum strode into the compound closely followed by Aizawa, Nighteye, Sun Eater and the other heroes.

Getting inside was easy as they knew which way to go and to whom to watch out for.

When they got into the underground passageway, the structure started to change. Understanding that this is due to one if the head known as Mimic, Nighteye looked at Cementos, and the hero obliged by making a path that is secure for them to move forward which is unaffected by the quirk of Mimic.

But, he couldn't give everyone the chance to move forward as only the team led by Nighteye and Edgeshot could pass through as the rest were flung into different rooms where the Eight Bullets were stationed.

But before Mimic could sigh in relief, he lost his powers and was kicked on his abdomen by the rabbit hero.

The fight continued in different sections and Overhaul with his second in command Cronistasis was on their way toward where the child was. Just before they got near the room where the child is imprisoned, they were met with the heroes. Gran Torino had the child in his arms and Aizawa activated his quirk on Overhaul as soon as he saw him and Mirio with Mirlo lept into action.

Cronistasis was a second late to react as his boss was being beaten black and blue by the rabbit hero and the student hero. Before he could do something about it, he was attacked by Edgeshot along with Best Jeanist.

Both of them didn't stand a chance against the heroes, especially Overhaul as his quirk was suppressed by Aizawa. In the meantime, Gran Torino had left the area with Nighteye to bring the little girl to safety.

Before the clock struck 10, the raid was over with Shie Hassaikai members being defeated by the combined effort of the heroes. The police had started to detain the ones who were put to sleep by Midnight, and she had already gone inside to make sure the defeated enemies were unconscious for sure. After double checking everything and making sure that all the members of Shie Hassaikai were accounted for, Nighteye declared the mission was over. Even though it was over, Nighteye had thought 'Where is he.'

The man who Nighteye was searching for was sleeping in his room, without a care in the world.